Nothing happened.

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After dinner the group went back to the 6th Years common area and sat on some sofas.

"So how you feeling about the school so far? Good first day?" Emily asked Leah.

"Yes. But I definitely wouldn't have been as good without you guys." Leah smiled at her new friends.

They smiled back and continued to talk. Eventually it got to 10 o'clock and one of the Professors came bustling in to the common area.

"Come on now it's time for bed. Everyone up to you're dorms!" She shouted.

They all got up begrudgingly and slumped up the stairs. "Night boys" the girls called as they went their separate ways.

"May I ask what is actually going on with you and Chris and you and Wes?" Leah asked as they got into their pyjamas.

"Oh it's nothing. But it's something.... it's like... we're not together but we also don't really see anyone else... we're together but it's not official. But also we're not together. We sometimes are. Sometimes aren't." Amber tried to explain.

"Yep. Same with me and Chris." Emily laughed.

"Right sure." Leah laughed too. "And what about Tommy? What's his deal?"

"Ooo interested in Tommy now too are we?" Amber joked.

"No, no! I just... Well there's you and Wes, you and Chris, Olly Who fucks anything and everything... so what about Tommy?" Leah explained.

"Well there was this girl he was obsessed with in 1st year but then she left... or maybe she went missing, I can't remember." Amber explained.

"Yeah, but yes never had any proper relationships. He fucks at parties and when he wants, girls quiet like him, but he's not as bad as Olly. He remembers who he's fucked and stays friends with them instead of forgetting who they are." Emily laughed.

"Huh... a girl went missing in 1st year?" Leah asked.

"Yeah... or that was a rumour at least. I think she actually just moved schools." Amber explained.

"Hmm What was it? Lucy? Yeah that's it. She was really nice; blonde hair, brown eyes. Kind of like you." Emily added.

Amber gasped dramatically "Lucy is that you!?" She joked, making the girls laugh.

They suddenly heard a commotion from outside their room. It was now almost midnight and there was no reason for anyone to be out so late. "What was that?" Emily questioned.

Amber opens the door and peaked out. "What's going on?" She asked a teacher who was at the other end of the corridor, waking students up.

"Oh good you're awake. Everyone needs to make their way to the assembly hall now!" The professor said, mocking on the other doors.

"What? Why, what's going on?" Emily asked. All three girls began putting on jackets and slippers to cover their pyjamas.

"The headmaster will explain, just make your way calmly and safely to the hall." The professor looked incredibly stressed and a little anxious.

The three girls shrugged and made their way to the hall along with the other 6th year students.

Once they got to the hall they took at seat at their table, next to the boys who were already seated.

"What's going on?" Amber asked them. They all looked just as confused and shrugged.

"I'm sure you're all very confused as to why we have woken you at such early hours." The headmaster spoke. "I'm afraid I have some tragic new for you all and we need to make sure every one of you is safe. I'm sorry to say that one of our 6th year students, Nathan Gollows, was found dead just less than an hour ago."

The hall broke out in gasps and whispers. "Dead! How?" Amber shouted.

"Well they wouldn't have called us all in here at this time if he'd of died peacefully in his sleep!" Wes hissed at he looking rather stressed.

Leah was shocked. How could this have happened. She'd been at this school not 3 days and already people were dying unexpectedly.

"The police have roped off the area where his body was found. No one is allowed to leave the building under any circumstances. You're parents will all informed by the morning." The headmaster explained.

"Where was his body!" Someone shouted from the crowd of students.

"His body was found on the back fields." He explained. "Now. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th Years, you will all be escorted back to your dorms. 6th Years will stay here for a moment."

Once everyone was out the hall, The headmaster cane closer to the 6th year table. "Now, the police will want to speak with all of you since you have been in classes with him today and spent your time with."

"What happened Professor? How did he die?"

He paused for a moment "He was stabbed, in the stomach. His throat was cut and his face was beaten and badly bruised. I'm sorry to be so blunt with you all but I feel it's best you know now. I am trusting you not to spread this information around the school. This is a police investigation. Please be as cooperative as possible if the police wish to talk to you over the next few days."

As they all walked back to the common area, everyone was in shock.

He was murdered.

"Hey guys wait a sec" Wes said before the girls went up to their dorm.

The common room was now empty, they were the last ones there.

"What is it!?" Amber hissed.

"Well nothing, it's just... well what the fuck!"

"This is fucked up." Chris chimed in.

"Well thank god its not just me who's freaking out!" Emily said.

Chris put his arm around Emily reassuringly.

"Who was it that was murdered?" Leah asked.

They all stared at her in confusion "it was Nathan... you know the guy who assaulted you earlier today!" Amber whisper shouted at her.

"What!... oh my god!"

"Maybe it's best not to tell the police about that?" Tommy added.

"What!?" Amber exclaimed.

"Are you stupid! We're not going to lie to the police!" Emily whisper shouted at him.

"I'm just saying she was assaulted by him, Chris stabbed him with a pen and Wes threatened him or something. Then later that day he's murdered, it doesn't look good." Tommy made a good point.

"Oh fuck no! He's right I'm gonna get blamed for this shit cause I stabbed him with a pen!" Chris started to stress.

"Mate it's gonna be fine!" Olly added trying to calm his friend. "It wasn't you, right?"

"No of cause not!" Chris shouted.

"Sshh!" The girls all yelled at him.

"Right, so you've got nothing to worry about."

"So what... are we telling the police that he sexually assaulted Leah and Chris stabbed him with a pen or not!?" Amber questioned the group.

"Yes!" Emily, Olly and Wes said.

"No!" Tommy, Chris and Leah said, at the same time.

"Okay well we're going to have to agree because if we all tell the police a different Staley were definitely going to look guilty!" Amber hissed at them.

"Well there's three votes for 'yes' and three votes for 'no', so Amber it's up to you.." Wes said.

"Er... I don't... No. We don't tell them." Amber said finally.

"Thank you!" Chris said.

"So we're all agreed? Leah sat next to him in class and nothing happened. End of story." Tommy said.


They all parted ways and went to bed. None of them slept that night.

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