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The cabin was silent.

Everyone was asleep.

Then suddenly someone awoke.

It was 5 in the morning, he got up out of his bed to check what the noise was.

It was Tanks. Professor Tanks was walking up the stairs to the attic.

His heart dropped.

He followed her up the stairs "Professor? What are you doing?" He whispered.

"I heard a noise up here. Think it was rats, I'm just going to put some traps down." Tanks smiled.

"Wait Professor!" He whisper shouted at her as she walked to the corner of the room where the noise was coming from.

"Professor don't look under there!"

She didn't listen. She pulled the blanket up off the floor and immediately dropped her lamp.

The blanket fell to the floor and she cried out.

He quickly covered her mouth to stop her from screaming.

"You weren't supposed to see that." He said in low growl. "No one was supposed to see that."

Tanks tried to pull out of his grasp but he was too strong. "I liked you, Professor. But now you've seen this. I have no choice... you've left me with no choice."

She was shaking and crying. She closed her eyes, not wanting to look at what was in the corner of the room.

"Look at him!" He demanded. Tanks opens her eyes in fear of what he might do if she didn't.

"He tried to hurt her! And I couldn't have that. So I killed him." He sighed angrily. "She's mine. And no one else can have her."

Tanks let out a sob as she looked at the body.

He lay there. Rotting. His body covered in blood. Rats climbing all over him. Eating away at his flesh.

Professor Chirps. He was never missing. He was dead.

"I'm so sorry about this Professor." He said, picking up the knife that he had used to kill Chirps.

"Please-" Tanks begged.

"Shut up!" He said aggressively. "Just shut up will you?"

Tanks nodded slowly.

"Good" He stabbed her. Again and again. Over and over. Covering her mouth to keep her quiet.

When she stopped moving, he lay her body next to Chirps' and covered then both back up with a blanket.

He sighed, looking down at what he'd done. He felt no remorse.

He walked down the steps, bloody knife still in hand. He went into the bathroom but quickly retreated when he saw one of his friends asleep in the bath.

"Fuck!" He whispered to himself.

Knowing that none of the other students would be awake(since it was still only 5:15 in the morning) he went down into the kitchen to wash up.

He crept down the stairs and through the living room. He could see Professor Tanks bedroom door wide open, but the other two rooms were still closed. He sighed with relief and carried on into the kitchen.

He switched the rusty tap on and waited for the water to get warm.

Before he could begin washing the blood away the kitchen door creeped open.

He turned around to see Professor Lotts stood in the doorway staring at the bloody knife in his hand. She was in shock.

He ran over to her and covered her mouth.

"Fuck!... fucking shit!" He breathed and gripped tightly onto the struggling woman.

"You should have stayed in bed!" He ran the bloody knife across her face and to her throat.

"Do you know who's blood this is?" He cooed threateningly.

She shook her head. Terrified.

"Tanks." He smiled.

Professor Lotts sobbed silently into his hand.

"She saw something she shouldn't have. So I had to kill her. And now... I find myself in the same position." Before Lotts could even shake her head he slit he throat. Her blood spilling all over him.


He dragged her body back through the house and into one of the bedrooms.


Wrong bedroom.

Professor Needham was sound asleep in his bed.

He thought for a moment. If he killed him. Know one would know. Not for several hours anyway. And there'd be no teachers left. No one to punish him.

He looked at the Professor laying soundly on his bed.

If he was going to do this, now would be the time.

No fuss.

He would just be dead.

He left that room covered in blood, breathing heavily.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

He wasn't supposed to kill them all.

But they would have got in the way of their relationship.

He couldn't have that.

They were going to be together forever.

No one was going to get in their way.

It was 6 in the morning.

It was 6 in the morning on a Monday and he had already killed three people.

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