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"Hey! Tommy!" Leah shouted after him.

It had been a few days since the party and Leah still hadn't properly spoken to either Tommy or Olly. She was on her way to Professor Tanks lesson which meant she would get the chance to be alone with Tommy.

"Oh.. hey, Leah." He said sitting in his seat.

She sat besides him and got out her books and pens.

"I wanted to ask you about what you said on Friday?" She said finally.

"What about it?" He said bluntly.

"Well I just... why shouldn't I trust Olly?"

Tommy was silent for a moment, thinking over what to say " you just shouldn't" was what he settled on.

Leah was unsatisfied with his answer and pushed a little further. "But why didn't you want me to ... to sleep with him. And why didn't you want me to drink the drink he gave me!?" She whisper shouted, not wanting the entire class to hear.

He looked a little stunned that she was so blunt with her questions. "He... just, please... trust me." He said with a serious tone.

"But why should I trust you and not him?"

"You just should!" He said aggressively.

"I've only known you both for a little over a week. I'm going to get to know you all and decide for myself who I can and can't trust thank you very much." She snapped at him.

They were silent for a moment.

"Fine. Just remember what I said, keep it in mind." Tommy said quietly.

The rest of the lesson was spent in silence, they got on with their work and didn't speak of that conversation again.


A few more days past and Leah wanted to speak with Olly. Alone.

As if the universe heard her wish, Olly appeared out of nowhere. "Hey, where's everyone else?" He asked.

Leah was sitting in the common area, reading and waiting for her friends to join her. "I'm not sure" she put her book down and smiled at him.

"Mind if I join?" He sat next to her.

"Sure. I did want to talk to you actually." Leah turned to face him in the sofa.

"What about?"


Olly smirked to himself "Oh yeah... disappointed we didn't get to-"

"Oh shut up!" She interrupted him. "I just wanted to ask if... if this is just like..."

"Just a shag?" He assumed what she was going to say.

"Yes. Which is fine if it is. I'd just rather know before hand..."

"Oh, so you still want to?" He raised his eyebrows at her.

"I... answer the question!" She tried to hide her smile.

"You're different aren't you Leah." She looked at him confused. "I like you Leah."

"What do you mean?"

"I've never wanted to sleep with one of my friends before, because... because I don't usually talk to the people I sleep with after I've slept with them. But... you. You are different."

"What do you think you'd be capable of sleeping with me and still be friends with me after?" Leah scoffed.

"Haha, well, yeah. Pretty much." He joked.

"Well I am very flattered." She laughed. "But I like you... I wouldn't want to ruin a friendship by-" she was cut off by Olly suddenly kissing her.

"Wha-What?" She said once he'd pulled away.

"Let's just see what happens, yeah?" He smiled.

Just then, the rest of their friends walked through the door and joined them on the sofas.

"What are you two doing?" Amber raised her eyebrows at them.

"Nothing." They said in unison.

The others laughed, all apart from Tommy who clenched his fists. Leah noticed Amber and Emily both giving her slightly worried looks before turning back to the conversation the boys had started about rugby.

Why was everyone so worried about Olly? He seemed perfectly lovely to Leah.

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