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The 7 friends were all sat at a table in Professor Tanks' lesson, waiting to be able to leave.

"Finally, there's only 5 minutes left." Wes whispered to his friends who all looked half asleep.

"Right class, before you go I need to speak with you about an upcoming opportunity." Tanks said getting the attention of the whole class. "There will be a school trip taking place in a few weeks and you all have the opportunity to sign up for it."

"A school trip?" Emily said excitedly.

"Ooo let's all sign up!" Amber suggested.

"Yeah that's a great idea. It'll be like a little holiday." Wes kissed Amber on the forehead.

"On this trip you would be going to stay at Craywood cabin for an entire week. Myself, Professor Lotts and Professor Needham will all be accompanying you on this trip." Tanks explained.

"Craywood?" Tommy said under his breath.

"How many students are allowed on the trip?" Chris shouted.

"Thank you Christopher. 10 students will be chosen to be on this trip, so sign up quickly before the spots are filled. Now off you go, enjoy the rest of your day." Tanks dismissed the class.

"Let's go sign up now." Leah suggested as they walked out the class.

"Now?" Tommy questioned.

"Yeah I'm with you mate, doesn't sound like anything special." Olly patted Tommy on the back and laughed.

"Doesn't sound special? A weeks away with us doesn't sound special?" Wes battered his eyelashes at him and faked offence, making the girls laugh.

"Come on we're going!" Leah said, grabbing Olly's hand.

"Fine." He smiled and kissed her.

Everyone turned to Tommy who still looked slightly reluctant. He looked at each of his friends, his eyes stayed longer on Leah before flickering to Olly for a moment, then back to Leah. She smiled at him in a pleading way. "Fine." He said eventually.

"Way!" Chris cheered, taking Emily's hand and pulling her in the direction of the sign up sheet.

They all wrote they're names down on the sheet and walked off too they're next lessons.


"Hey what's up?" Leah asked Olly who was sitting by himself on one of the sofas.

"Nothing, why?" He sounded shifty.

"You seem stressed?"

"Oh, it's nothing... why do you think we're going to Craywood for a school trip." He said changing the subject. "I mean it makes no sense"

"Why not?" Leah asked.

"Well for starters it's only a few miles away from school, so what's the point. And secondly, it's in the middle of nowhere."

"So is the school. We are literally surrounded by nothing." Leah joked.

"I know, but it's weird. I don't think we should go to be honest." He sounded a little annoyed.

"Well we've already signed up now. And besides, I think it will be fun."

"Yeah sure." He said sarcastically.

Just then Tommy walked through the doors and joined the two, sitting in the opposite sofa."What's going on?"

"Nothing. Olly's just being mardy." Leah sighed.

"How am I?" Olly sounded even more annoyed.

"You literally are! Why can you not just be able to have fun." Leah shouted back.

"Oh fuck off!" He got up and walked away, back to his dorm.

Leah didn't bother going after him, instead she turned to look at Tommy who was smiling to himself.


"Nothing." He smiled "you alright?"

"Yeah, Fine.... Thanks." She smiled weakly at him. This was the first argument she had had with Olly and she was not going to be tho one to apologise first.

"Oo What's io with you?" Amber said, sitting down next to Leah.

"Nothing, Just Olly being a wanker." Leah smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Fuck him" Chris laughed and so did Tommy.

"Not helpful." Emily said sitting next to him.

The six of them talked and joked for a while until eventually Olly came back down the stairs.


She stood up and walked over to where he was stood "Yes?"

Olly sighed and reluctantly said "sorry.... I was just in a bad mood."

"Well thank you. And next time don't take it out on me when all I'm trying to do is have fun." She said playfully.

He rolled his eyes but kissed her sweetly anyway.

"Right then. Now that's sorted, shall we join our friends?" Leah asked pulling him to sit on the sofa.

"What you talking about?" Olly asked.

"Craywood trip." Wes answered. Olly clenched his jaw but didn't say anything. Leah couldn't work out why he was so mad about it.


"Professor!?" Amber shouted at Tanks as they headed into class.

"Yes dear?"

"When do we find out who's going on the Craywood trip?"

"Oo you're so impatient." Tanks teased. "We'll all the splits have now been filled. I'm not officially supposed to tell you yet but..." she looked at her students pleading eyes and sighed. "Fine... you seven will be going on the trip."

"Yes!" Amber squealed excitedly.

"And who else is going?" Tommy asked.

Tanks named some students that Leah had never heard of along with Holly, the head girl who had shown her to her dorm when she first arrived.

"Oh fuck." Chris said once they headed back to their seats.

"What?" Emily asked him.

"Head girls going."

"So? She seemed nice." Leah said.

"Yeah course she's nice! But we're not going to be able to doing anything... fun, if she's always around." He explained.

"Fun?" Leah asked.

Chris sniffed a line of air across the table and laughed.

"Oh right." Leah said, laughing too.

"It's gonna be great!"

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