An explanation.

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"Just let me explain." Tommy beamed at her, psychotically.

Leah nodded slowly, tears still falling down her cheeks.

"It all started when I was 11." Tommy began explaining.
"That's when I met Lucy... Lucy was beautiful, just like you... But she didn't like me. She didn't want to be with me... I scared her, apparently. Then she was going to leave. She was going to leave and I wouldn't of had the chance to make her love me.... So I had to stop her.... I didn't mean to do it. I didn't mean to kill her. But it happened so fast. She was already moving schools so no one suspected a thing. I got away with it." Tommy was frantic.

Leah stared at him, that was the last thing she was expecting him to say.

He'd been killing people since he was 11.

Tommy spoke again "But then I stopped. I didn't hurt anyone for years. I was good... And then you came along and you were perfect. You were like the better version of Lucy... and I wanted you.... but you wanted Oliver." He chuckled cruelly.
"He wasn't good for you and you couldn't see it. So I had to make you see him for who he really is. Make you see that you should be with me...."

Leah looked at him in confusion, how could he have made her see who he really was?

Tommy saw the look on her face and smiled "you see, I started giving him pills. The moment I realised that you two were becoming more serious, I gave him pills. Pills that would help bring out his...aggressive side... so when he hurt you I could be there to pick up the pieces. But you wouldn't leave him. Not even after everything I've done for you with Nathan and Chirps!" He began to yell.

Leah was stunned. Unable to fully comprehend what he had just said. He drugged Olly. That's why he acted like that. It wasn't really him.

"The second I heard that Nathan had tried something with you. That he had made you feel uncomfortable!" His jaw was clenched in anger. "At first I was just going to hurt him. Threaten him, maybe.... But I got carried away and ended up killing him right there on the field. It was too late to move the body so I left it there and snuck back into my dorm. No one knew a thing. I'd gotten away with it. Again." He was smiling now. Proud of himself.

It was all starting to make sense. Every strange thing that had happened. It was all him.

"Then you said something about feeling uncomfortable. Feeling like someone was following you. So when you went out that night. I followed you. Made sure no one would bother you... Then Chirps came at you. I saw him start hurting you so I attacked him. You fell unconscious so you didn't see that it was me. I dragged his unconscious body out the school and killed him. I stole a teachers car and drove it all the way to here. Left his body in the attic. Thought no one would find out."

Leah felt incredibly uncomfortable as she relived that night. She remembered thinking it was Olly who'd attacked him.

"But then Tanks told us about the trip. We would be coming here. Coming to where his body was... I couldn't have that, so I planted the idea in Oliver's head that the trip was going to be a bad idea. He took the bait. But it didn't convince any of you. So, I took the room nearest the attic so I would hear if anyone went up there." He explained every detail as best he could.
"And then I heard Tanks. Tanks went up there and I tried to stop her but she saw the body. She saw the body so I had to kill her. I had no choice. That's when it all started to go wrong."

Leah was too scared to move. She couldn't even struggle against the ties as she listened to him explain how he killed all her teachers and her friends.

He explained how he ended up killing them Professor Lotts, Professor Needham, Holly and both of her friends.

He burnt them. Burnt them alive along with the van.

"I saw my student badge on the floor, in the blood. I tried to hide it but then you all saw me... but luckily no one knew it was mine. No one seemed to suspicious of me." He smiled, pleased with himself and with their stupidity. "Then you and girls all decided it was Oliver. You got the boys to agree too. It was even more perfect then I could've imagined."

Leah began crying again. She thought of Olly who was locked in a room upstairs.

"I was going to leave it. Let the rest of them live... But I saw the way Chris was touching you. He shouldn't be the one comforting you. I should!... so, I killed him." He explained how he ended up killing all their friends.

Leah sobbed.

"No! It's okay! It's okay. I would never hurt you. Ever." He paused for a moment "I'm going to take off the tape now"

She nodded and breathed heavily as the tape was removed from her mouth.

"You believe me don't you? When I say I'd never hurt you. You believe me?"

Leah nodded, in fear of what might happen if she didn't.

"Say it!" He shouted.

"Yes." She whispered trying to hold back tears.

"Aren't you going to thank me? For killing these people that were ruining your life."

Leah looked up at him. He was serious. He really thought he had helped.

"...Thank you..."

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