Chapter 7

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~Jc's POV

Did he just say.. he misses Andrea?

I look at him like 'Oh hell no..'

But, I promised I wouldn't get mad.. So, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, and remained calm. "So... you miss Andrea Rose?" I ask, my voice breaking. I am so not okay with this. I always called Andrea, Andrea Rose because she always called me Justin Cloud. 

"Yes.. I'm sorry, Jc! But, I can't help it! She moved on so quick like it didn't even faze her! She just went to Kenny!" He says, crying so loudly. I wrap my arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Babe, I'm so sorry.." I soothe. How could she do that to him? I feel so bad for my baby boy. I let him cry, running my fingers through his hair. He's lying between my legs, his head on my chest, his arm's around my waist. I whisper sweet nothings to him. See, I can't sing as well as Kiki can, but I can dance and I can still help him calm down and make him feel better. 

I kiss his forehead. Soon, he falls asleep. I guess it's nap time! Meanwhile, I scroll through Twitter on my phone, following a couple of fans and DMing a few. 

I text everyone, telling them to come upstairs. They all message me back, saying they'll come up. 

They come up quickly, chattering away. "Guys, shh.." I whisper when they come in. Kian stirs lightly, but stays asleep. "I don't want to wake him up." I say to them, still running my fingers through his hair. They all nod, sitting on the bed gently. JJ, as expected, has his beloved camera with him. He lifts it up to his eye, taking a picture of us.

Kian asleep, me looking down at him with love and care, like usual. I do really love him a lot. He's my world. I couldn't ask for a better life. I couldn't ask for better friends, a better family, better fans, or a better boyfriend. I love my life so much and wouldn't want to change anything good about it. I know that I'm being pretty cheesy, but it's true. My life is perfect right now, and I don't want  to change anything. 

"Jigglypuff." Ricky randomly starts singing. "Jig-ahh-leeey-puff." 

Soon he has everyone, except for Kian of course, singing off-key. But it's alright. If Kian was awake right now, he'd be the only one not off-key, probably. JJ suddenly screams, waking Kian up. "Fucking bitch.." Kian groans, directing it at Joseph. "Kian!!" JJ yells. "Jig-ahh-leeey-puff!" Kian sings, and as I predicted, not off-key.  "Jig-ahh-leeey-puff!!!!" Kian and Ricky scream. Connor joins in, then JJ does. I join in, too. Hazel and WishBone are barking like crazy. It's like they are also joining in. Kian lets out the loudest scream, I have ever heard. "JIG-AHH-LEEEY-PUUUUFF!"

Everyone stops, staring at him. Even the dogs. 

"Sorry.." He apologizes. "I get into it.." He smiles sheepishly. They all just nod and look at him like I did. 'Kian, that was so loud!' I had been thinking. Because, seriously, it was. Kian can scream. Like, loud. 

I should know...

But that, was like really loud! I was surprised. 

For the rest of the night, we played video games and watched movies. Perfect way to end a great day!




Wow, you guys are lucky! And you still get a chapter on Tuesday? You guys should be sooo grateful. I was feeling so generous this week. Hahah. 

You can obviously see that I'm a girl, yes. But I am also pretty obsessed with Pokemon, and the 3 that I'm obsessed with most are Charmander, Ampharos and  Jigglypuff. I had to add something in there about Pokemon. I've been listening to the Jigglypuff song a lot lately and sort of reliving those amazing times from back then. 

And also, I'm almost at 2K reads! And that's awesome! I even had a fan tell me that this was her favorite #Jian story! That rocks! Maybe even sometime in the future KianAndJc will end up reading it! I can only hope! 

But, the next chapter, will be long and super cute! So, just wait, you guys! Great stuff is on the way!

See you next week, on Tuesday! 

xoxo, Your writer,


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