Chapter 8

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~Jc's POV

Today is a very important day for me and Kian! 

It's our 5 month anniversary! I have something very, very special planned for me and my baby. Now, Kian obviously has no idea. It's a surprise. I know he sometimes hates surprises, but this will be a surprise he likes. 

I have the entire day planned out to be absolutely perfect, with no interruptions from exes, family members, fans or anything. Just a day of love for me and him.

"Kian.." I shake him gently. "Hmm?" He groans. "Baby, get up.. it's our anniversary." I whisper, kissing his shoulder. He stirs lightly, sitting up. "Happy 5 months, Jay.." He smiles sleepily, kissing my cheek. "Happy 5 months.." I repeat, also smiling. "Well let's get up and start out anniversary day." He says, stretching. I nod, standing up. 

Making our anniversary breakfast was blast. And let me tell you, making waffles while your boyfriend looks like an absolute God while sitting on the counter, singing popular love songs to you. "You'll always be a part of me.. I am part of you indefinitely. Boy, don't you know you can't escape me?" He kisses my cheek softly. "Ooh, 'cause you'll always be my baby.." He continues. "Alright, Mariah. Breakfast is finished." I smile at him. For breakfast, it's pretty basic, I guess. Waffles, eggs, cut up strawberries on the side, and apple juice for Kian, orange juice for me. Basic, but good.

As we eat, I place soft kisses on his neck. I want to make him feel good and wanted. That's what my baby deserves, and that's what he'll get from me. He smiles at me, blushing occasionally. 

After breakfast, I tell him to get ready. He runs off to his room to get ready and I do too. 

I get dressed in khaki pants and a black button down shirt, throwing on my black VANS. I brush my teeth and fix my next of a hair so that it looks at least a little decent. When I walk into Kian's room to see if he's ready, I see him doing his hair in the bathroom. He's dressed in black skinny jeans and a blue button down shirt. "So, we're both wearing button downs?" I laugh, walking towards him. He looks at me, "I guess so." He smiles, then continues to do his hair. I walk behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. He turns around, wrapping his arms around my neck. We stand there, hugging each other tightly. "I love you.." He whispers. "I love you too." I say back. We stay like that for a few minutes before I finally say, "We should get going."  He looks at me. "Okay." He nods. I grab a bandana. "I need to blindfold you, you can't see where we're going." I tell him, covering his eyes with the bandana, tying it in the back. "Jc, I'm not okay with this. I'm trusting you right now, though.." He bites his lip. "Oh chill, babe. I'm not gonna do anything bad to you on our anniversary." I tease him. 

I lead him downstairs, and into the passenger seat of the car. I text Ricky, "Are the items at the location?" And he texts back, "Yes. Have fun lovebirds xx" I laugh and shake my head. I start driving to the designated area.  This day, is going to be great. 

~Kian's POV

I'm currently blindfolded and in the car with Jc. Where in the world is he taking me? One can only guess. I know Jc would never hurt me on purpose, but he's crazy! You never know what he'll do! 

After a while, the car comes to a stop. "Are we here?" I ask. "Yes, we are." Jc replies. He gets out, and comes around to my side. He helps me out. He leads me somewhere, then takes off the bandana blindfold.

I gasp. "Jc... oh my gosh." I place my hand over my heart. We were so close to the Hollywood sign and on the ground was a picnic basket with balloons and hearts, presents basically everywhere. I look up, the sun setting. I start tearing up. I look over at Jc. "Babe.." I smile, jumping into his arms. He holds me up, as I wrap my legs around his waist. I hide my face in the crook of his neck, blushing. I kiss his collarbone over and over again. "I love you, I love you, I love you.." I keep repeating. "I love you too, Ki.." He continues saying to me.

After a while, he puts me down. We sit down. I open my presents, thanking him for each one. We start eating. "Taco Bell?" I ask, smiling. He nods. "I know you love this stuff, baby." He smiles. 

While we eat, we talk about random things. Like, my upcoming movie, his family, my family, our fans, ideas for KianAndJc, and other things.

"You know I love you, right?" Jc says. "Of course I do.." Kian smiles. His head is in my lap and I'm playing with his hair. "Do you love me enough to marry me?" He asks. I stay quiet for a little. "Well we've been friends for a long time and we've been dating for a while, so if you want to hit me with the question, go for it." Kian laughs. "I was kidding, but wait, seriously?" Jc asks, surprised. "We're a little too young and it's a bit early for that, don't you think?" I say to him. "Yeah.." He responds.

I sit up, putting everything away. The stars are starting to come out. "Let's go home and cuddle, then do something else." I wink, standing up. Jc bites his lip, getting up. We walk back to the car. I get in and so does he. We listen to Blink 182 on the way home.

We get home and we both change into something more comfortable. We cuddle in Jc's room. I kiss his jaw lightly, cuddling into him.



I have a question. Should the next chapter be smut? I'm not good at writing it, but I'll give it a shot if it's what you all want!

This was a little late, yes, I know. But it was on the correct day! 

Anyhow, I'll see you all next Tuesday! 

xoxo, Your writer,


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