Will You...? - Clint's Chapter

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You and Clint usually spent most of your time together, but the past week, you two barely said passing hellos. Between moving bases and setting up various equipment, you felt so far from him. It didn't ease the worry and loneliness in your heart, though. Back and forth you went, setting up computers or cleaning rooms. Whenever it got dark, you found a place to sleep and repeated the previous day. This wasn't how you wanted to spend your time, but it was almost over. You only had to set up one last room of computers, and then you were finished! You fell asleep on that hope.

The process was quick and easy, but you double-checked and got out of the room before they could ask for another favor. Finally, getting the chance to step outside into the cool, crisp autumn air brought an involuntary smile to your face.

"You look beautiful." Clint's voice startled you out of your peace.

"Clint! I feel like I haven't seen you in years." You admitted, throwing your arms around him.

"I know, but I'm finally finished. I think the whole project is done for right now. It may need some work here and there, but Stark said he was going to hire people for that. Short notice meant we had to do most of the work without help." You didn't want to let him go, so you didn't.

"I want to get out of here for a while. This place feels too much like jail right now." You whispered, and he nodded.

"I have the perfect place in mind. Let's get out of here." It didn't take long for you to figure out where he planned on taking you. It had been such a long time since either of you had visited the beach. Even though it was cold out, and nearing winter you were still quite excited.

"Spontaneous beach trips are pretty much unbeatable." You laughed, but he had a point.

"You're not wrong. Come on, the sun's going to go down soon, and I want to watch it with you." You pulled him along as he grumbled mostly incoherent words of protest.

"I can't believe we made it on time! Look, isn't it beautiful..." You planted your butt on the sand. It was still warm from the sun shining on it all afternoon.

"It's nothing compared to what I see right now. You look like an angel in this sunset." He whispered, and you smiled.

"Thank you, Clint. I'm so glad we had the chance to do this today. I know you're probably as tired as I am, but this means so much to me. I've missed spending time with you over the last couple of weeks. I've been lonely without you around..." You said, and he agreed.

"Up you get, I want to walk closer to the water. We aren't going in, but I wanted to talk to you. It's important stuff, you know." He insisted as he helped you to your feet.

You walked and talked about how your time apart was, what you did, and how badly you missed one another. You talked about the conversations you had and funny things that happened while you were busy. Eventually, you two came to a small inlet that led out further into the water and stood on it, just watching as the water and sky became darker. Clint broke the silence after a while of reminiscing.

"Life tallies every one of the streets we travel. Some are smooth, and some are harsh. Total I would rather overlook. Be that as it may, there is one street I won't lament...the street where we met and got to be companions. I love you, and I know things can be rough, but there is no other person I would rather spend my life with." He says as he gets onto one knee, your hand in his.

"That is awfully poetic, Clint. Did you read that somewhere?" You gave him a small laugh, and he laughed with you.

"Oh, quiet would you. I'm trying to make this romantic and do this right." He said, and you nodded, giving him the floor, so to speak.

"What I'm trying to say in so many words is, will you marry me?" You were completely choked up but managed to nod quickly as the ring he pulled from his pants pocket was placed on your finger.

"Phew...that was terrifying." He whispered after you brought him up and into a few happy and teary-eyed kisses.

"Scary? Why?" You held his hand as the two of you finally started walking back towards the car.

"I was nervous you would say no. That I would make a fool of myself, a whole list of reasons, but now I'm happy." You smiled, watching him smile.

"Let's get to the closest hotel and get some rest for tonight. Tomorrow we can do whatever you want."

"Sound like a perfect plan to me."

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