Your First Dance Together

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Steve Rogers

You were sitting with Steve in your apartment, listening to the radio and an old song came on that made Steve smile and start humming along. You noticed and smiled standing up and offering him a hand "wanna dance?" his face looked flushed but he grabbed your hand and you both stood up. He placed his hand on your hips and your arms went around his neck, swaying to the music as if dancing came naturally to the both of you. The music was lovely sending you both into a trance-like state of happiness, leaning onto his chest he held onto you resting his head on top of your own. You both kept dancing until the music stopped, making you sad but content at sharing this special moment with Steve and he with you.
Tony Stark

Tony wasn't the dancing type but he would do anything to make you happy so when he sat on the couch in his home, the radio blaring to drowned his thoughts he heard a song that made him think of you and instantly wanted to share a dance with you. You were out for the time being though so when you came back you had a surprised look on your face when Tony grabbed you up and smiled holding onto your waist "I heard this song and thought of you" you smiled leaning into him as you two began to sway to the music. There was nothing to say as you two became lost in the moment and gently swayed to the beat, you listened to Tony hum along through his chest. You smiled looking up at him, a pink dusting across your cheeks but a smile on your lips all the same.
Bruce Banner

Getting him to dance was a fairly hard thing to do, you had begged and pleaded on multiple occasions but the answer was always "no, I-I can't dance" or "sorry, I'm busy with work tonight." So when he asked you to dance to a song that was currently playing on the radio you nodded excitedly. Taking his hand with yours, he was nervous and you tried your best to soothe his anxiety with your calm words "Thank you, Bruce, it means so much to me" he smiled and placed his hands gingerly on your hips and yours snaked around his neck. You lead him around gently showing him with your body how to move with the music and by the time the song ended he was doing wonderfully. His face was slightly red when you looked up at him, "that wasn't so bad" you chuckled and rested your head on his chest holding him in a tight hug.
Thor Odinson

You two had been at a party Tony was having, Thor thought you would enjoy the activity and in truth, it was alright at best. You were never a fan of Midgarian activities but came because Thor asked you to do so. You were dressed casually, in a simple dress that covered you fairly well with your hair up in a neat bun. You smiled and laughed, carrying on conversations with anyone who would give you time to talk. You were rather happy despite not wanting to come at first, looking around you noticed a few people slow dancing together and it sparked your interest as you walked up to Clint who was drinking a foul-smelling liquid. With a voice as gentle as a whisper you asked him, close to his ear "what are those people doing?" he eyed you as though you were insane "dancing, why?" you nodded taking in the information "my eyes have never seen movements so slow and melodic" he laughed at you before patting your head causing you to scrunch up your nose. Before more words were exchanged Thor walked up to you, apparently having asked Bruce the same thing you asked Clint. You smiled as he greeted you "maiden, care to share this dance?" you nodded taking his hand, you two copied the people around you getting used to the foreign steps but having a pleasant time none-the-less. You smiled looking up into his baby blue eyes "thank you for sharing this dance with me" he grinned holding you close to him.
Loki Laufeyson

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