First Big Fight

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Steve Rogers

     Having an argument with Steve was absolutely frustrating you more than the problem itself because he simply refused to argue. He would not yell, wouldn't speak above his normal talking volume and it was frustrating. You paced and paced, trying not to pull out your own hair with frustration as you muttered things under your breath. Muttering words that didn't even make sense at this point until said man came into the room, "something wrong?" your eye twitched, was something wrong? DUH! you growled inaudibly as you poked his strong chest with your finger "as a matter of fact it is, why don't you stand up for yourself? Why don't you say what's on your mind instead of just accepting what the other person has to say every darn time!" you were shaking but he didn't raise his voice "because arguing doesn't solve the problem" you took a breath and realized he was right, even though you argued about everything he had a point. You stepped back from him, glanced into his eyes before leaving without saying anything more to the super soldier that watched you leave.

Tony Stark

     Arguing was something you two did often but it was never as serious as this one had become, you had also never been so angry at Tony in your whole relationship with him. You crossed your arms and waited for his pathetic excuse but one never came, he knew he did you wrong and there was nothing he could say that was going to make it better. You felt the lump in your throat as you said "until you get your priorities straight, Tony, we'r e done. I can't have these women so easily take you from me and that be that, so you can choose and come find me." you left as he was talking but you were out of range and couldn't hear his words, they probably would have ended up being some half-assed apology that he didn't mean. You found yourself crying into the steering wheel of your car outside of town, you never wanted to leave Tony like that but he needed a wake up call and you were going to give him one.

Bruce Banner

        Anger was something Bruce knew all too well and so he didn't like to be, he didn't want to hurt you and he sure as hell didn't want to destroy the Helicarrier again. You were standing with him, in the lab while Tony was away and you knew, even before you came in that day that something was going to happen. You could feel it and it left you paranoid and on edge all day, Tony noticed and decided to give you both some space even though he never mentioned why. You desperately tried to bottle the feeling away so you could focus on your work but it wasn't happening so you finally had enough and spoke up to Bruce, "what's the matter? Have I done something wrong?" you were trying to sound calm but all that came through was the panic in your voice "you. . .me we shouldn't be together, I can't stand the thought of hurting you by accident. . .or worse so you should go, leave and have a normal life with a normal man. I'm just not the man you should be around, I'm too unpredictable" you were stunned into silence before whispering as you walked out in tears "I want a life with you but I can see when I'm not wanted around, so, goodbye Bruce" you gave him one last sad smile before leaving the building.

Thor Odinson

       Thor was not easily angered and so when he was most of the Asgardian world knew about it from the storms that raged in the skies. You weren't even sure how it had come to this point or even now what you two were in such a heated discussion over but here you were. You hand your hands placed on your hips and your lips pressed tightly together trying to remain calm but failing miserably at it. You weren't even sure what Thor was talking about as he yelled "what gives you the right to do that?! Leave the safety of Asgard on your own! you know the dangers here and yet you ignored my warnings!" now you knew, he was treating you like a child instead of an adult. This was the last straw for you and you exploded, "Thor hush!! I am an adult and I can take care of myself!! You will not continue to treat me as a child, I am leaving and if you want to apologize you better know where to find me because I will not be telling the likes of you!!" you poked his chest before aparating back into Asgard, a gift the Alfather bestowed upon you before passing was the ability to move between universes by aparating. You found yourself in the last garden in Asgard across the bridge, hidden in a maze of shrubs and flowers you collapsed and sobbed into your hands.

Loki Laufeyson

        Loki always seemed to be angry at everyone but never had he raised his voice much at you, some days he was frustrated and would yell at you because of that but you never paid much mind but today was different. You were passing the time by talking to Thor, he was never around often and thought is would be nice to talk to him while he was. You joked and laughed, having a pleasant time until Loki walked in and you immediately knew where this was going. You saw his eyes narrow into angry slits and his voice lowered "you do spend an awful lot of time with my brother, are you sure he is not the one you desire?!" you rolled your eyes "stop acting so childish, Loki!" you spat and stepped up to his "me? Childish? look at yourself, you are nothing but a pathetic guard who cannot even compare to a god! You are worthless!" you stood stunned, staring at the man that only a couple of nights ago held you while you cried about your mothers death now wanted you gone. You did just that, "fine, have it your way then" you said calmly pushing past him and leaving the castle immediately tears streaming silently down your cheeks.

Clint Barton

       The two of you were busy and there was little time to talk about anything so whenever you told him to move he did and vice versa. Now normally you were quick to respond but today just wasn't your day, you were slow but it was only because your leg and shoulder ached. It felt like hot irons being stuck into your skin and you tried tirelessly last night to work out the pain but nothing worked and that brings us to what was happening now. You were listening, in pain and silent, to Clint barrage you with insults while he patched up a gash on your arm. "Why are you being so careless? You need to focus! Stop thinking on the past and move on or you're going to end up like your brother!" he lectured you through gritted teeth "you'll be dead, now pay more attention!" stunned, hurt, and extremely pissed off you only nodded unable to really put into words how upset you were right now with the man you followed. You listened to every order, pushing yourself to extremes even you knew you couldn't do without consequence so he would not yell again. As soon as the mission was over and you were cleared to leave you did, with only a few words to whisper to Clint before you passed out from the pain "I know how you feel now, you can leave me alone if I've been that much of a burden for you."

James "Bucky" Barnes

You were in a panic, you still hadn't heard anything from Bucky and you were worried that he had been caught. You paced and felt a ping of uneasiness in your heart when the door flew open and you realized then, this was it. You noticed Bucky standing, tightly bound next to Steve and Iron Man "don't touch me!" you growled pulling pistol and pointing it at yourself "stand down!" Steve called for the men that were pointing high powered rifles at you "calm down, you don't want to do this" Steve always was the rational type but the man next to him was not "man this chicks a bag full of crazy! Can't we-" "shut up!!" you shouted "if I pull this trigger all of my secrets go with me and I know how much that would cost for all of you" your eyes never left Bucky's face, you were disgusted that he gave you away. You thought he was better than that, thought he was there to protect you at all costs but it seemed as though you were wrong. The way you looked at him, the disappointment in your eyes made him angrier because he was unable to speak with you. Eventually you bargained and got a cell next to Bucky's but that didn't make anything okay; it didn't make the pain less or the anger disappear. You were furiously punching the wall, bloody knuckles and the pain did not make you stop but Bucky's voice did. "Would you stop that" he grumbled clearly as pissed off as you were "stop? You gave me away, you brought them to me!!!" you gave the wall one last punch before collapsing in tears with only one more thing to whisper to him, "I thought you said you loved me. . .that you would never do this to me as a thanks for keeping you hidden. . ."

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