You're feeling insecure

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Steve Rogers

          Not everyone is confident in their own skin, there is always something we want to change and that is no different for you. You were incredibly insecure about your body, you felt very out of shape compared to the other females on the team. It always made you work harder, most of the time this did the trick and you would feel better and think nothing more of it. Today happened to be one of those lower days, one where no matter what you did you still felt bad and all of the sulking in the world wouldn't make you feel better. You watched Natasha train and you admired her but also felt a bit jealous because she was very pretty, but behind you stood Steve watching you. He thought you were beautiful in every way and had noticed you were looking sad today and decided to do something for you. You were now just staring off into space, not really focused on anything in particular until you felt hands wrap around your waist and a head lean gently on your shoulders. You couldn't help but smile, he always made you feel better no matter what was going on "hey" you whispered, your sadness evident in your small greeting and he frowned "smile, you're beautiful" you could only nod. He turned you so he could look at you properly "what's the matter?" he asked softly, you were embarrassed and ashamed "I don't look nearly as pretty as the other women here, you should be with one of them not me. . ." you grumbled stepping back from him. He held out his hand and when you took it he swiftly pulled you into a bear hug, "there is no one I want more than you, you are beautiful in every way to me. What made you think any differently?" you felt the tears sting your eyes and could only hold onto him. In between sniffles and hiccups you managed to whisper "thank you" he didn't respond he only kissed your head holding you until you felt better.

Tony Stark

     You always felt inadequate when Tony threw one of his bigger parties, you could always spot the women you felt were so much prettier than yourself. You tried not to let it get to you, tried to throw away the doubts and focus on the positives but some times you couldn't, some times it was too hard to ignore. The feelings made you upset and rightly so, who wouldn't be, right? You were in a back room trying to stay as far away from the commotion as you could manage but still be around. You felt more like a chaperon, trying to keep these people from getting out of control and it was tiresome. You built up the courage and stepped back out into the activities, that was a mistake because looking around you noticed Tony was talking and laughing with a group of girls. It made your heart hurt more as his eyes connected with your own, you turned back into the room you hadn't even fully left yet. He excused himself, placing his drink on the bar and headed towards you. He knocked on the door softly before walking in, you were sitting on the edge of the bed that was in the room. You were dressed for the occasion, a black dress and hair put up neatly, you looked very beautiful to him "what's the matter?" he asked getting straight to the point. you couldn't look him in the eyes but he knelt in front of you "talk to me? I'm not very good with these types of situations you know" you let out a small laugh, he was right of course he was awful at making people feel better. You glanced into his eyes and tears stung your own "they must be real charmers. . .those girls" you motioned towards the party going on  outside of the room. He laughed and that made you mad "what's so damn funny?!" you snapped and he hushed "you think they compare to you? You think I give a damn whether or not they're charming?" A look of shame crossed your face before you nodded "yes, I do" he kissed your forehead as he stood up from his kneeling position "well don't, I'm not going to throw away what I have here for any of them" you smiled and hugged him before heading out into the party without a doubt this time.

Bruce Banner

       Let's face it, you looked a mess most of the time because most of the time you were working in a lab. You couldn't be all dressed up and pretty working with chemicals or doing experiments, you wouldn't get anything done. You wore your lab coat and had your hair up, you managed a light dusting of make-up but that's about as fancy as it got to getting ready in the mornings. You hated the way your hair made you look all unkempt and stuck out all the time, you hated the way the coat made you look fat, and you hated feeling like a walking mess. So it would get to you every now and then, you would feel insecure about everything and that made you irritable and upset. You were sitting alone, eating some lunch and staring into the plate as you did so, unaware of anything or anyone around you. Natasha noticed you sitting alone and was well aware of the disgusted look on your face, she knew how you felt but not how to help you so she went to the only person who could. She rushed to the lab, hoping to be in and out long before you, she was looking for Bruce and found him nose deep in books. She didn't knock, "Bruce?" he grunted a response "Bruce, she's upset and you need to fix it" she demanded and he put the book down looking at the red-head. "What?" Nat rolled her eyes "tell her she isn't a mess and she is pretty to you, she's been feeling so down lately. Gotta go! Don't forget!" she rushed out leaving the poor man confused but he wasn't when he noticed the depressed look on your face. He was not the best with words or making anyone feel better but he thought that if he tried, maybe it would help you. You rubbed your face, sitting back down to work on some papers that needed re-writing. You had lost yourself in your work again, it took your mind off of the other things that bothered you. You didn't noticed Bruce standing next to you until he cleared his throat, "c-can I speak to you, alone?" you nodded and followed him, Tony giving you a sly grin which you rolled your eyes to. Leaving him to grumble to himself you followed Bruce, not sure even where you were going but not really caring either way. He stopped abruptly in the basement where you had helped him when he felt his lowest, you barely managed to stop before knocking you both over. "You're beautiful, you know that? I-I mean, you really shouldn't worry so much about how you look to anyone else because I think you're wonderful." He gave you a small smile, you looked down feeling the tears dropping from your cheeks, looking up for only a second but it was enough for him to notice the tears. He pulled you into a gentle, needed hug, whispering over and over again "I love you" until you felt better.

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