Operation B.A.B.Y. - Sam's Chapter

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You didn't spend much time at the Stark Tower, occasionally going in to visit Sam or hang out with the others. It was usually on days where you were bored and didn't have to work on another project and you enjoyed the time out. Enjoyed being key here. You were sitting with Bruce, enjoying some tea while he had coffee talking about some of the new experiments he and Tony had been working on. Nothing abnormal, most of the time this is what you two did. You ignored Tony, talked with Bruce before heading out and meeting with Sam and Steve down at the gym.

"He's being quiet, far too quiet for the man I know..." You thought as Bruce carried on talking.

"So, we finally realized that-!!!" It was sudden and painful, the blast felt like being pushed to the ground violently. Your head was spinning and your eyes unable to focus on anything. Your back was throbbing from the blast and your front mirrored it from the fall forwards and your ears were ringing.

"I didn't mean, well I did but I didn't know that it would hurt her! I just thought it would be a fun little joke to play on her and Sam!" That was Tony's voice, yes...

"Help me, Tony. Stop making excuses, she needs some help!" Bruce, at least his head was on straight.

Finally coming to your senses you began to try and move to realize quite quickly that you couldn't, at least not up just thrashing around. Your hand coming into your view made the movement stop, it was tiny. Like, baby tiny...and it was then that you began to cry. Between the pain of what happened and then the realization, you wouldn't be coming to this tower any time soon after this was all over.

"Shhh, hey, look," Bruce let you hold onto his pen once he lifted you from the floor. His arms were warm and comforting and the pen grabbed your attention. You fiddled with the pen as he looked for any marks, you were going to have one hell of a bruise in the morning and probably be stiff but it didn't appear to be anything serious.

"Let me get her down to Sam, at least for now and then tomorrow what they do..." Bruce began to head for the door.

"You deserve it." He finished and headed down toward the elevator with you still fiddling with the pen in his arms, who knew keeping a baby's attention could be that easy?

Mad? Oh, yes you were most certainly mad and you would be sure to give Tony an ear full once you were able to do so. When would this wear off? You had been so interested in the pen that you weren't even paying attention to what was going on around you. It wasn't until you noticed some familiar faces that you began to get restless in Bruce's arms. Throwing the pen, which didn't go far was enough to get their attention.

"What happened to her!?" Sam recognized you without hesitation and began to panic.

"Tony, it had to be Tony," Steve said with a knowing look down at your small round face.

"It was, for now, she's fine, and whatever this was that he did to her...should wear off by morning. She's probably going to be sore and bruised tomorrow with how hard she fell though, just make sure she takes it easy." Bruce explained and you began to cry and reach for Sam who gladly took you into his arms.

"Don't worry, we will absolutely make sure Tony knows not to mess with us again. Thanks, Bruce." With a nod, Bruce left the area leaving you alone with Sam and Steve.

"I know she's your girlfriend but she does make a very cute baby," Steve said as you grabbed his finger with your small hand, happily playing with it.

"I'm not sure whether to thank you or tell you to back off?" Sam laughed which made you giggle, their presence made this much easier on you now. Did you like it? Absolutely not, but it couldn't hurt to get some personal attention now and again.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't ever be that type of man I was just noticing is all." They shared a laugh and talked a few moments longer before you began to cry again.

"She may be hungry, I'm going to leave and grab some things on the way home for her. We'll see you again once she's able to show Tony who's boss."

You were now sitting up in Sam's arm, one holding a bottle and the other keeping you up-right. Whatever this man purchased for your baby-ness made adult you gag. Why did it have to smell so bad?! Half of you wanted to vomit and the other half of you were now full and happy, so, win? Getting you cleaned up was now in order, you have some dirt on you from the fall earlier and probably could use a warm bath.

"You know, I've never done this before. Taking care of a baby, it's all new to me." He admitted and you cooed trying to let him know you understood him. He laughed.

"Oh, I see, you understand me don't you now?" He mused and you gave him a toothless grin.

"Well, let's get you clean and I'll get you to sleep. We've been at this all day now and I'm sure you must be exhausted." With you, in one arm he warmed up some water in the large bathroom sink. The water was nice on your body, soothing your muscles and making you sleepy. It wasn't until the cold air hit you again that you realized it was over, you were enjoying it to the fullest.

"All wrapped up in a nice fluffy towel and ready for bed." He seemed pleased with how he wrapped you but you were barely wrapped at all.

"You can rest here, right on my chest until morning so I can keep an eye on you." You had your head resting on his chest and the thumping of his heart and gentle humming he was doing put you to sleep almost instantly.

When morning came you were in so much pain, the bruise on your back and front throbbed about as much as your head and your joints were so stiff. You felt Sam shift below you but you couldn't do much more than whimper softly.

"You alright?" His voice was low and cracked some as he spoke.

"No, I hurt everywhere and I can literally feel the bruises on my back and stomach throbbing." You sighed.

"My joints are stiff too, I swear to the heaven's I will murder that man next time we see him." You growled lowly and Sam laughed.

"Alright, but for now, how about we rest some more? It's only..." He glanced at the clock on the bedside table.

"Six, we can rest for today and worry about all of the revenge later." You gave a soft nod.

You would get your revenge and it would be the very last time Tony EVER tried anything on or near you again. You made sure of that.

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