Public Display of Affection

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Steve Rogers

        You and Steve reserved P.D.A. for the rare occasions that you wanted a kiss or to hold his hand but mostly all of that was done in private. You were hanging around the tower waiting for your soldier and the others to get back from the most recent mission, which you had assigned to them. It was boring with them gone, no one to tease and no one to talk with wasn't fun. You heard their voices long before you saw them all walking in. "Hey, guys!" You waved at them and they headed your way. "Steve, I missed you!" You hugged him tight giving him a kiss which made him blush a brilliant shade of crimson. Tony and Clint whistled "Get some Cap!" "Things are getting hot in here." You blushed. "Shut up you two, you act like teenagers." You grumbled which made them laugh more. "We can talk in my room, come on," Steve said before you tried to beat up his friends. "Hope I didn't embarrass you too much, Steve. I was just happy to see you." You said softly and he smiled. "You're fine, Princess. I didn't mind it and besides like you said they were acting very immature." He pulled you into a tight hug where he proceeded to tell you stories from the mission.
Tony Stark

      In terms of P.D.A. Tony didn't care who saw what but you were the conservative type he needed around. You didn't much like being openly affectionate but that's not to say you weren't. You just didn't go around flaunting everything as he did. If you wanted a hug, you'd get one and if you wanted a kiss you would kiss him you just didn't see the reason behind him need to show it to everyone in your lives. "Tony why do you do that?!" You scolded him softly after having grabbed your behind in front of some very important people. "Relax, I was just messing around with you." He said nonchalantly. "No, that is not alright. These people are very important and I don't want them seeing you act like that!" Your voice raised some as you spoke. "You can't do that sort of thing in front of every person who comes in." You crossed your arms over your chest and huffed. "I'm sorry, you want to know the reason I do that stuff?" you motioned for him to continue. "I don't want to lose you, I want you to know I'm still here and that I care about you. I just feel like if I don't touch you that you're not going to be there when I turn around." He admitted and you rolled your eyes. "Tony, shut up. I'm not going anywhere but I still don't want you grabbing my butt when people are around." He pouted but agreed.
Bruce Banner

            You knew he didn't like to be affectionate but you quite liked it to be honest. You loved to hold hands and give small kisses to your partner in public or private, it didn't much matter to you but you respected Bruce's decision. You were having a cup of coffee with him in the kitchen of the tower, something you two did every morning before going to do various things in both the lab and around in the other parts of the tower. "So, what'd you wanna do first?" You smiled after having stretched and stood with him. "I'm not sure, maybe get some more information about the project Tony's been working on?" You nodded giving him a peck on the cheek, something he said was alright in sparing amounts. "Awe! How cute!" Clint beamed and you blushed to feel slightly embarrassed but Bruce didn't seem too bothered. "Did I make someone blush?" He teased you and you gave him a gentle shove. "Quit teasing me, jerk." He laughed and you grumbled taking Bruce's arm and leaving. "It's not like you did anything wrong, it's alright you know," Bruce said with a smile and you continued to grumble about Clint to the point where Bruce just let you talk on and on.
Thor Odinson

         Neither of you understood why it was so strange for people when you two would kiss or hold hands, or hug. You didn't understand it but you also didn't care to try because you weren't doing anything wrong. You always greeted Thor with a kiss and held his hand whenever possible. "It's just a weird thing to see when you walk in!" Tony exclaimed and you sighed softly. "But I am doing nothing wrong, so I still do not understand why it is so strange for you Tony." You said sitting at the table with Thor talking with Steve in the back on the couch. "It's something called P.D.A., public display of affection, and we on earth think it's something uncomfortable to see." He said and you shook your head. "Thor and I will continue as we are now, whether you are uncomfortable with it or not so you will have to find another way to get on with your day." You said crossing your arms and he threw him up in frustration. "If I may interject, I think it's quite nice to see you two display polite affection." Vision said as he walked in dressed neatly with Wanda close behind. "It is nice." She smiled and you grinned triumphantly but Tony had long stopped listening.
Loki Laufeyson

            Loki didn't care about who saw his affections towards you but you did not like people to see. It made you feel uncomfortable, not unhappy but it was all new to you so it was still strange to have him be so affectionate when you were used to the absence of such. You were walking alone towards the aforementioned man when out of the blue he covered your eyes and placed a kiss on your lips. You shouted in surprise a few curses before feeling the embarrassment of noticing people passing by. "You know I do not like that!" You scolded him half-hearted. "That is why I do it, I do like seeing your face when it happens. You have such lovely expressive features that I cannot help myself. I do apologize though, I don't wish to make you feel uncomfortable." He said and you narrowed your eyes and smacked his arm playfully. "Smooth, Loki. Now, let us walk together and I will ignore all of your transgressions." You said walking in step with him to which he nodded in silence but a grin on his face.
Clint Barton

         Neither of you bothered to worry about the thoughts of others but you both tried to keep the public kissing to a minimum. You'd hug or hold hands without any objection from one another and did it often enough that Tony kept his mouth shut for once. You had been gone for a good two weeks out on a trip with some girlfriends for a break from the whole work thing so you missed Clint terribly. You missed your day to day life but you loved to get away from it all once in a while. "Clint!" You shouted and jumped into your archer's arms enthusiastically placing a long kiss on his lips. "Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything I just heard you were finally back and thought I'd come to see you." Steve said softly looking down at the ground. "Don't worry so much Steve." You gave Clint the look and he nodded and you rush over to your best friend and gave him a big 'I missed you too' hug. "I missed seeing my friends too you know, so, what were you all up to while I was gone? Tony cause any code greens yet?" You asked linking your arm with your two closest male friends walking in a happy discussion.
James "Bucky" Barnes

         You had never been for or against showing affection towards a partner because you had never been with someone like Bucky before. You had never been so willing to show affection towards anyone and with Bucky being from the forties and going through being brain-washed he was shy when it came to the topic. You had seen him change through the time of helping him to now where he'd willingly kiss you without hesitation. You had never asked because you knew he was still recovering and needed time to get used to things again. You were walking with Bucky towards the tower when you were startled by a car alarm and grabbed his arm, it was when you two first made it official you were together. You were nervous about how he'd react but he didn't seem to mind he looked as though he enjoyed the physical contact. He looked a lot more relaxed and it made you relax and forget completely about being startled. "Sorry about that, Bucky." You went to let go of his arm but he pulled you back into his side. "I like this, it's nice." He whispered and you stayed like that for most of the walk back to the newly designed tower. From a window, many floors up a super-soldier noticed his friend walking arm in arm with his girl and he had a smile on his face. "You know it's rude to stare," Natasha said coming up from behind him. "Not when you've been worried for your friend for so long and he's finally coming around." He said honestly and she looked out of the window. "I'm not sure how you can even see them from here, I mean everything looks so small from here." He shrugged. "I have a knack for picking out what's familiar to me, and it took so long to find him I certainly don't want to lose him again." It was quiet again.

Sam Wilson

         When it comes to P.D.A. Sam isn't shy but you are and he respects that. He would never ask you to do anything you weren't ready for or comfortable with. You were worried that it bothered him and that he found it annoying. "Hey, Sam?" You were enjoying some ice cream in the park, sitting on the bench across from a small pond. "Yeah?" He asked with a mouth full of the sugary treat. "Do you think it's annoying that I'm so shy about showing you affection in public?" You mumbled, the ice cream looking less and less appealing. "Nah, of course not." He smiled, it was such a kind smile that you felt your cheeks warm up. "I mean, if you're not comfortable with something why would I ever force you to do it? I love you and I respect that decision, I get all those things in private anyway so I don't see anything wrong. It's almost like a dirty little secret." He said and you laughed which made him laugh too. "Don't worry so much, alright?" You nodded managing to lean your head on his shoulder after tossing the rest of your treat. "Thank you, Sammy. I appreciate that you do so much for me."

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