A Private/Relaxing Moment

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Steve Rogers

    You were with the rescuers helping rush people onto ships and evacuate them safely so you didn't have any time to relax or even time to think of doing so. You were back and forth checking over people aiding those that needed it and keeping in contact with the Avengers through radio, you were sure Bruce had disappeared and now Natasha stopped communications so you were internally panicking. You tired hard to keep focused well aware of the danger you all were still in but you were clearly worried. Shooting a few over head robots you now took cover looking for Cap, you had to see if he was alright seeing as how most had stopped communicating for one reason or another. You found him and Thor moving Quicksilver's body away, you had never learned his name and now was not the time to worry about it. "Cap!" you called out to him after shooting over their heads at a few approaching robots effectively taking them down, you were like a nervous cat looking around on edge, for good reason. You hugged him tight, unable to hold back yourself "thank goodness! I-" you began to go on a long, drawn out, explanation before he silenced you with a short and quick kiss "now's not the time" "of course not, the carriers over this way!" you rushed off with them close behind. You sat with Cap in the Helicarrier leading you back to the new Avenger's headquarter, it was a quiet time but you were so happy he was alright and things worked out like always "thanks" "hm?" he asked looking over at you "thanks" "for what?" "being alright, shutting me up from rambling on about everything, for. . .everything" you whispered looking at your sore and bloody hands. He smiled placing his arm over your shoulder pulling you into his side, he didn't say anything he only held you close.

Tony Stark

    "Anthony Stark!" you called out to him as he landed in his suit at the new Avengers headquarters alone. You were incredibly furious that he had not told you a single thing, nothing. You had to find out from everyone else and so when the cocky bastard landed you were definitely there to confront him "why didn't you tell me anything!? I was worried sick, do you know how hard it was trying to even find out where you had gone! I swear. . .you are going to be the death of me!" you poked his chest hard "calm down, you know why I can't tell you everything. You know I have to keep that information secret. . .come on" he pulled you along with him while you fussed and complained the whole way giving him the lecture of a lifetime. You ended up in the only relaxing area in all of the complex, the pool. "Who puts a pool in a headquarters?" "me" he said casually and you shook your head, you should have known that. You watched as he told Jarvis to lock all of the doors and covered the three huge wall windows while you huffed with your arms crossed. You were about ready to lecture him again but he came up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist and it was then you realized how much arguing with him was useless and how much you really missed the man holding you. You smiled leaning back into him before you could say anything he chuckled and whispered "here we go" with you in his arms he jumped into the pool. As much as you wanted to be mad, yell at him for doing this to you all you managed was a laugh hugging onto him again after coming up for a breath. You ran your hands through your wet hair moving it out of your face so you could look at him properly, he smiled kissing you tenderly "still mad?" you shook your head "you're lucky" you kissed him again "I know" he whispered seriously, taking in your smiling face.

Bruce Banner

     You smiled leaning into the back of your chair, you were finally done for the day. You had finished and planned on taking a long, needed bath once you made it home. You were looking forward to the time, you would usually read or just enjoy the warmth it provided to your sore muscles. You heard your name calling you out of your trance "ready to leave?" you chuckled "you're coming this time?" you raised an eyebrow at the man shuffling his coat on his arms "y-yeah, is that alright?" you smiled taking his arm "of course." You both had engaged in some small talk about what happened throughout the day as you reached your apartment and walked in. "I'm going to take a long bath, wanna join me?" the poor man nearly choked on his own saliva at your question "if you're that uncomfortable you don't have-" with surprising confidence Bruce smiled before stuttering out "s-sure" this would be a first for you both but you both equally deserved some time to relax. You had prepared the bath, warm water with bubbles and some soft calming music paying. This was your ideal way to relieve that stress, you didn't change a thing this is what you would have done whether Bruce was here with you or not. You smiled though, the thought that he would be with you made special. You called out for him to know the bath was ready, you undressed with your back to him and you could feel his eyes on you as you sunk into the suds. After he joined you he was nervous and sitting as far away from you as possible so you decided to change that, moving close to him and resting your back against his shoulder and chest. "Relax" you whispered taking his hand under the water and closing your eyes as you felt his muscles relax. You smiled calmly enjoying the intimate but peaceful moment with Bruce.

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