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3 months later.

Everything's been running smoothly. It took Ramello and I a minute to adjust but we're doing good for some first time parents.

I just laid Renae down for her nap and now I was about to go make something to eat it was already 2:00pm. Ramello was back to trapping and Milani would open and close the shop for me when Nyah couldn't. So I was still making great money from the comfort of my home. After debating on what I wanted to eat I settled on making a blt with some home fries.

After making it I washed up everything I used and began to eat. Just as I was about to be finished somebody banged on the door making me jump and waking up Renae. I hurried up and walked to the door and looked out the peephole before opening it. It was a small box with a single rose on top I grabbed the box sitting it on the counter before grabbing renae and rocking her back to sleep and putting her in her crib.

I was skeptical about opening the box because I didn't order anything but the package was in my name. I called Ramello to see if he ordered something for me.

"Wassup babe? " he asked

" hey, you ordered something for me ?"

"Nah, why wassup?"

"Well somebody knocked on the door hard as hell and when I opened it there was a box on the ground with a rose on top, I thought it was from you. "

" don't open it, I'm on my way" he said hanging up

I did as told and went to go pump while waiting on him to come. After a while I heard the door opening up and Ramello and 3 other guys walked in.

"This is mike, dee & eddy and this is my wife mo"

"Hello" i said as friendly as possible

"Where's the box babe"

"On the counter " i said pointing to it.

The guys opened up the box carefully, I just assumed they thought it was a bomb or something. When they revealed what was inside Ramello looked at me

" what?" I asked

He didn't say anything except for going in our room and then renaes room. He came back out after a while and slapped two cameras down on the table.

" that nigga was in the house "

My heart dropped because I already knew who he was talking about. He brought the picture over to me And it was a Picture of me in my bra and panties and then another of me In Renae's room holding her.

"The flash drive is still attached " mike said holding the camera up.

Ramello pulled out his phone and sent a text to someone before putting his phone back away.

" I'm waiting for Nyah and nah to be pull up before I head out. This nigga is a dead man walking "

I just sighed walking back over to renaes portable crib that was now in the living room.

After Nyah and nah came Ramello and his guys left.

"Can I take a quick shower ?" I asked Nyah

"Yea bitch go ahead"

I grabbed my stuff and hopped in the shower. After finishing up I walked over to my room to get dressed
I threw on something real simple before heading back out.

" she's still sleep ?" I asked plopping down on the couch

" yea she's knocked, she's really the perfect mix of you and mello" Nyah said

"She's really perfect" i said m

"She sleeps at night ?" Nah asked

"Yea she wakes up maybe 3 times for the night to eat but that's about it "

"You cooking ? " nah asked rubbing his belly

"Nigga fuck I look like. You could go cook something your self"

"Aight remember that next time your stink ass want to hop in the shower "

"Shut up, what y'all in the mood for"

"Fried chicken and Mac and cheese "

"You serious bro?" I asked honestly not in the mood to make it


"Okay" i said going to the kitchen to start making food

2 hours later I was finally finished and Najee wasted no time digging in. Nyah was holding renae and refused to give her to me.

My phone started Ringing as I was washing up the dishes and cleaning the kitchen.

"Yea"i said putting it on speaker

"We found the niggas "

"Damn that was fast "

"I'm not fucking around. I was just letting you know, I'll call you back in a few " mello said

"Okay, we'll be safe. Love you"

"Love you too"

After hanging up I finished up what I was doing before going back into the living room. It was my long before we all knocked out waiting for Ramello to get back home.

I woke up to somebody tapping me. I looked up and it was just Ramello, najee and Nyah was knocked out and so was renae.

"Why you not in the bed ?"

"We fell asleep out here waiting on you. What time is it ?" I asked

"3:30" he said

"Okay" i said getting up and going to the room. Nyah is a light sleeper so if she needed me she'll just bring renae to me.

Once I laid down in the bed I fell right back asleep.

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