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A few months later.

Ramello and I flew back in early from our honeymoon because of the amount of pain I was in. If I didn't go into labor today it was definitely happening before the week was out.

We just got off the plane and was heading to my house  so I could get our hospital bags together just in case and then we were going to head out to his house. I even called my obgyn just to let him know what was going on with me, he said he didn't feel like it was necessary for me to come in yet but if I was still having pains to call back, go to the ER or simply wait until the morning.

After packing our hospital bags I took a shower. Once I was out and dried off I sat down on the bed. I was having pains in my back and I decided to just sleep it off since I was extremely tired. After throwing on a T-shirt I laid down and fell asleep.

I didn't get to sleep for long since the pain that was more intended now woke me up. I slowly sat up in the bed before looking over to Ramello side only to find that he wasn't there.  I checked the time on my phone and  it read 3:30 an.

Walking downstairs to where I knew for a fact that Ramello was playing his game was hard. I stopped on the bottom step and say down to really catch myself. These we're definitely contractions I was experiencing and I needed to go to the emergency room like now.

"Ramello!" I called out to him

"Yea" he said as I heard him pausing his game.

"Ramello" I called out for him once more

I heard his feet hitting the marble floor this time.

"You good baby?" He asked

"No im having contractions " i said

"What you want to do ? You heard what the doctor said"

"I rather go and be sent home then to not go and regret it" i said

"Aight I'll go out the bags in the car then, what you need from upstairs ?"

"Clothes, shoes, my phone and charger. "

"Aight I got you" he said going upstairs and retuning with everything I asked him for. I noticed that he also changed his clothes.

He went out and put the bags in the car before coming back inside to assist me. I needed a little help putting my clothes on.

He helped me into the car and he sped off to the hospital.

"Ramello hurry up" I groaned. My contractions were coming closer together.

He didn't even bother to reply back he just kept driving. They finally pulled up to the hospital 10 minutes later. She waddled her way to the sliding doors and into the elevator while ramello grabbed the bags like her doctor instructed.

They put her in a room so they could examine her cervix to see if she was even dilated and to see if she was really having contractions. She was 3 cm dilated and her contractions were inconsistent. They told her to walk around and then come back in two hours if her water didn't break she would just be induced.

"She could hardly walk though because she's in pain so why not just induce her now?" Ramello asked

"We get your concerns but please understand that there's an entire process to giving birth. The goal here is to get her water to break in order to speed up the dilation process. That's ultimately what being induced is doing. " she said

"It's okay I'll manage. Help me babe" i said to Ramello.

"Definitely getting a black doctor and doing a home birth next time around. " Ramello mumbled as we walked out of the room.

I didn't say anything back to him because he would've went back and forth with me like he would've done with the doctor had I not told him I'll manage.

We decided to walk around the hospital before going to the car.

"How you feeling?" He asked

"My back is on fire "

"Do you want to eat something in case ? I read once they register you and shit you can't eat shit but ice "

"Yes I'm starving" i said rubbing my stomach.

A few hours later.

ultimately they ended up going back to the house and falling asleep after walking around some more.
It was going on 7am and she was just getting up. She had a hour to break her water on her own or she'll be induced. She ate something else and walked up and down the stairs. The next thing she was willing to try was to get dick.

Feeling hopeless I walked over to Ramello waking him up.

"Wassup, you good? " he asked

"No, can we have sex?" I asked

"Aren't you in pain?"

"Yea but I need my water to break like now." I said to him

"Aight go upstairs" he said getting up.

I walked upstairs and took off the T-shirt I had on and waited for Ramello to come upstairs. Once he did he didn't waste anytime getting started.

I was on top riding him and he was sitting up hugging my back allowing me to move at my own pace. It was crazy to me how he knew all of my love languages and the little shit I liked especially when it came down to doing the do.

He sucked on my neck and worked his way down.

I pushed him off and stopped stopped moving " if you nut in me you think it's going to go on the baby as she's coming out ?" I asked

Ramello busted out laughing but In all honesty I really wanted to know. " I doubt it but we could stop if you want to" he said holding onto my waist still.

Without saying anything more I continued until we both got our nut off. I walked over to the bathroom so I could take a shower. Once I got out I noticed blood coming down my leg. I went back to the shower to wipe it off.

I put on my panties and a pad and got dressed. I told Ramello what happened and he took a quick shower so he could get dressed also. We drove straight to the hospital and they wasted know time admitting me.

We were currently waiting on the dr to check my cervix to see how dilated I was. When she finally came and checked I was about 6 cm. I ended up going back to sleep once she was all done because I was exhausted.

It didn't seem like I was sleep for that long because I was still tired when I woke up, but it was bright outside so I know I was sleep for a little minute

I had the urge to poop mixed with stomach cramps. I ended up calling the nurse because I read somewhere that when you have to poop it's usually time to push.

After checking me again I was 9cm. Just as she was about to walk out the room I felt a bunch of water in between my legs.

"My water just broke and I feel like I need to push"

" I'm going to check you again"

" no no you don't have to. I need to push " I said to her

The nurses around already started setting up the delivery station.

After prepping myself up and them directing my when to push and when not to , I delivered a healthy 6 pound 13 oz baby girl, Renae Giselle.

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