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Moani got up feeling better than she did two nights ago. It was time for her to go back home which she was dreading, she didn't want to have to face talking to everyone she was humiliated and embarrassed by the things that they had said. She was upset with Milani, Tj and anyone else who knew because she felt as though they could've told her what happened suppose she ran into that man she had to call her father and something had happened to her. She was drugged at the age of 6 so she could be molested by her own blood. She was definitely getting her attorney involved because the statue of limitations didn't run out yet. Both her mother and father were going to go to jail.

As she was checking out she seen them checking in. She made eye contact with her mother and she smiled before making her way over to Moani.

"Hey daughter" she said as if everything was cool with her black eye shining Moani smiled at the fact that she caused it.

Moani ignored her and continued to get her stuff.

"Moani Wait please I'm sorry. I know with everything that has happened to you I wasn't in the right frame of mind and-"

"Save it clearly you're still not in the right frame of mind because you're checking in a hotel with him the same monster that violated your daughters" Moani said leaving her mother speechless

She walked off without saying nothing else to her she got in her car and drove off to her house. When she got there cars were lined up in the driveway, Moani sighed and walked inside she went straight upstairs without saying anything to anyone. Her sister opened her door shortly after


Moani didn't say anything to her she didn't even acknowledge her sister being there.

"You can't ignore me forever, when you're ready to talk I'm here for it" Milani said closing her door.

Moani locked it, and for the first time in a long time she cried like she's never did before. Once she felt like she couldn't cry anymore she went to the bathroom to take a shower once she was out she threw on sweats and a t shirt. She laid down in her bed and pulled out her phone.

She texted Ramello to see if he could help ease some of her pain

Moani- Hey, you free?

🍆- I'm going out of town in a few hours but I'm free for now wassup?

Moani-  can you fuck me?

🍆- I don't think that's a good idea

Moani- why not because of what was said ? Nvm Ramello forget I asked

Moani locked her phone and tears began to fall again, she wasn't sure why she was so emotional when she's usually so nonchalant about everything.

Miami heard a knock on her door she went and unlocked it before laying back down in the bed.

"Look at me" the person said

She turned around and it was Ramello

She rolled her eyes "I know your ass is not crying over dick" he said

She didn't say anything because she felt as though he didn't want to have sex with her because of what had came out.

"Look Me not wanting to have sex with you right now has nothing to do with what your sick ass father did to you. Okay? "

"Then what's the problem Ramello? You found better pussy? Mine isn't good no more ?" She asked

"Nah it's not even that. So stop saying that shit bro. I can't keep fucking you because I'm catching feelings od and the feeling isn't mutual on your end. I'm going on a business trip for Tj which is also where my family lives so I'm going to clear my head. I'll wait for you to be ready to fuck with me. But I can't fuck you right now " he said

"Alright, well you could get out now" she said feeling extremely rejected

"Damn, Alright" He said getting upset himself he had told her how he was feeling yet again and she dismissed him like he was a hoe or something.

She Was about to close her eyes when her door opened up again she looked up and it was just Milani

"I changed my mind, we're going to talk about this now" she said taking a seat on the bed.

"Minali please just leave it alone I don't want to talk about it, I'm embarrassed enough" Moani said

"Embarrassed about what, you didn't do anything to be embarrassed about you were violated just like myself. They embarrassed themselves coming here" Milani said

"That's not the point Milani. Your boyfriend knew for years before I even knew him what the fuck happened. I kept asking you guys what the fuck happened I would've been able to prepare myself mentally Milani, everybody kept telling me when the timing is right. she pops up and then the truth is out in front of EVERYONE that's so embarrassing, what if I ran into him in the streets or something then what?" Moani asked

"I get that and I'm sorry I was trying to protect you from the truth. It fucked me up for a while Moani I had to deal with that plus way worse things I just didn't want you to feel the same pain that I'm feeling now"

"So you didn't think it would ever come out Milani ? How you think I'm feeling now? I feel fucking disgusting"

"Mini I'm sorry ok? I told you to stop seeing that women in that jail but you didn't listen to me Moani you kept giving her information. "

"I kept seeing her because she's our mother and you didn't tell me why she was there Milani. Had you said oh she's there for stabbing your dad because he molested and drugged you I would've never kept going there. If anybody that knew would've said something I would've never went up there okay" Moani said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Seeing her little sister cry made her sad because Moani didn't cry for nothing. Milani didn't stay anything else back she just hugged her sister. They stayed like that for a while until Milani stepped out of the room she was real emotional and beginning to feel like a bad sister.

Moani didn't feel as though her sister was a Bad person she loved her sister and felt as though her sister did a great job with her. she just wished something would've been said from before when she kept asking everyone.

Moani's thoughts took over and soon after she was out

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