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Jeongguk arrives home that night with his stone cold expression written across his face, yet his mind is anything but what he appears. Thoughts racing with Taehyung at the forefront of it all. His angelic moans still ring throughout Jeon's head. Forcing themselves to be heard. Jeongguk had thought his feelings had long died for Taehyung. Truly, he did hate the other male. From the snobby way he always thought he was better to the stupidly addictive sway of his hips. Yet, still he thinks about the shorter male's snappy responses and a smirk creeps onto his face. Walking up to his room, thoughts race about how Taehyung's tiny waist felt in his hands.

"Fuck that kid," Jeongguk growls to himself, throwing his keys toward the bed.


Evil eyes stare each other down past the hallways. The whole can feel it, and Jimin has to wonder if something truely terrible had happened after he left the bonfire. The boiling hatred for the two rivals had seemed to gave grown over night. While the previous rivalry had had an almost playful undertone with their insults, this is now poisonous. "Quit being an ass will you?" Jeon spits to the red head.

"When you learn to control your ego," Taehyung sickeningly sweetly says back, the big fake smile spread across his face looks unnatural. Even Jimin flinches having thought he got used to their pointless rivalry eons ago.

Hot anger tenses throughout the air as the two walk past each other, eyes glaring one another down. "Did something happen last night?" Jimin asks worried.

Taehyung looks at his friend, confused, "no, I've always hated that muscle pig head ass."

A soft hum sounds throughout the air, knowing damn well their rivalry was not this toxic beforehand. Being too caught up in how the two are almost trying to kill each other, no one noticed how Jeongguk's eyes lingered on Taehyung's slim waist. Memories of the previous night of grabbing the delectable meal, hearing his moans all throughout the cramped car. And nobody noted the way Taehyung's eyes raked over Jeongguk's stupidly clothed muscles. Wishing for nothing else but to tear through the thin fabric and get a taste of the salty caramel skin. "Just a reminder, Jeongguk is eating lunch with us today," Jimin helpfully adds.

"What? Since when?" Taehyung questions his heart dropping to his feet.

"Since you agreed to my proposal, remember? You have to hang out with Jeon until our trip, to become friends. I can't have my two besties hating each other!"

"First of all," Taehyung begins, "never say 'besties' to me ever again. Second of all, do I have to?"

Jimin rolls his eyes excessively, "yes, shawty bae."

"The next time we fuck, I'm literally pounding your ass," Taehyung growls playfully pinning his friend up against the wall.

Rolling his eyes again, Jimin challenges, "I'd like to see you try, you're the biggest bottom I've ever known. And I know Seokjin."

"What about Seokjin?" The man himself announces, arms tightly crossed in front of his chest, Lisa by his side.

"Ooo, are we fucking again?" Lisa snickers.

"Boys only, sorry," Taehyung says flatly letting go of Jimin. Lisa rolls her eyes gagging violently at the thought of men.

"No, no, what about Seokjin?" The tallest male says.

"Jimin said you were a bottom!" Taehyung tattles, pointing at the other male like a five-year-old.

Silence covers the two for a bit, before Jimin takes off running with Seokjin quickly on his heels. Lisa sighs to herself, "Seokjin is about to fuck him in the bathrooms, isn't he?"

"Oh yeah he is."






Two rivals look across at each other, both taking defensive positions, arms tightly crossed. Jimin suddenly has second thoughts about trying to make the two become friends. Silence is across the entire cafeteria as the whole school watches a certain sight to see. The toxicity radiating off their table almost suffocating. No one expected to see Jeongguk and Taehyung sitting at the same lunch table. Their two joining friend groups awkwardly trying to start dying conversations. 

"Come on, someone say something!" Lisa finally snaps, sick of the deafening silence.

"Fuck you!" Taehyung yells, slamming his fist on the table before pointing to the certain raven across from him.

"Fuck me? You're the little whore walking around here showing off your ass!" Jeongguk yells back, taking his turn to point at the red head.

"And you're the little RAT that stole my art room! You've stained those perfect floors with your stinky sweat!" Taehyung snaps.

The rest of the group groans in the pain of having to listen to their constant bickering, all secretly hating Jimin for making them do this. "At least I don't act like I'm better than everyone! Newsflash, you're the same as the rest of us!" Jeon spits back.

"Just because you're worse than everyone! At least I'm not a fuckboy running from girl to girl!"

"SHUT IT!" Jimin finally yells, standing up in his seat. Both males mouths zip shut, wide eyes like puppies in trouble look up to their friend. "Look, you guys gotta tolerate each other! We're all going on this get away trip! And I'm not hearing any fighting on it! I'm not asking you to be friends, I'm asking you to either fuck it out or stop arguing for just one month."

"How dare you suggest I'd fuck that!" Taehyung spits his heart pounding out of his chest at last night's steamy memories.

Jeongguk scoffs, rolling his eyes and sitting back. "Come on, just around us, we don't care if you two kill each other later," Lisa begs.

"I have gym, I'm going to go get ready," Taehyung announces standing up in his place. Without a second thought he struts out of the deadly silent lunch room. No one catches how Jeongguk's eyes linger on Taehyung's signature slip of golden fleshy meat peeking out from the slit in his jeans. Nor the way he quietly shifts in his chairs as the echos of Taehyung's angelic moans rattle off inside his brain.




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