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Deathly silence covers the small janitor's closet. Jeon Jeongguk glares daggers into Kim Taehyung's back, as the shorter continues jumping up and down, desperately trying to reach the cleaning supplies they came in for. Deciding since Jimin isn't replying to the blonde's messages anymore, he might as well grab they thing they came in for.

"Jesus Christ, can you stop jumping? You're obviously not going to get it," Jeongguk scoffs. Secretly trying to hide the fact that for the past five minutes, all he has been staring at was the older's bouncy ass. Every time Taehyung jumps up to reach for the dustpan and broom, all Jeongguk can think about how much Taehyung's ass would jiggle if he was fucking into him.

Taehyung's cold glare whips around to meet Jeongguk's eyes. "I don't see you trying to get the one thing we came in for, before your dumbass locked us in here," the older hisses. Purposefully trying to make a jab at the raven for his mistake. Without checking for a reaction, Taehyung goes back to his repetitive task of trying and failing to reach the small item right on the top shelf. So close every time, yet just out of reach.

A loud groan sounds throughout the small room before Taehyung feels an embarrassingly familiar warmth behind him. The muscle pig's defined arms come into view as he reaches out to clasp the blonde's deliciously small waist. Jeongguk feels like he has to physically restrain his thoughts as he holds the blonde down from jumping. As Taehyung's sinfully tiny waist would just be so good to hold down and bite into as he brutally fucks the older until he can't speak. "If you don't stop jumping, I'll make you," Jeongguk raspy voice whispers into Taehyung's ear.

Waves upon waves of chills run down Taehyung's back, a hot flush of heat sprints up to his cheeks and a boulder of pleasure drops in his stomach. "Get the fuck off me, Jeon," Taehyung growls, trying to keep up the feeble cover of hating the male. All that is dropped quickly when the dancer team leader flips the art club leader around.

Now looking each other eye to eye, each can see the cloudy mist of lust swimming around in each other's eyes. Jeongguk's grip on Taehyung's waist only grows stronger as he becomes lost in the shorter's brown orbs. Meanwhile, the blonde's eyes keep flicking down to the raven's lips, wondering just what they would taste like. How much he would like to try the forbidden fruit.

Subconsciously, Taehyung bites down on his own lip which only directs Jeongguk's attention to it. The rivals stand in their awkward position, both clearly feeling the rising tension between the two. Unsure if their little game of hating each other can be put on pause for just one short moment. Jeongguk is the first to clash their lips together, his strong hands gripping so tightly onto Taehyung's waist, he's sure it'll be bruised tomorrow. His supple skin was always prone to such things.

Taehyung almost freezes in shock, his body not fully realising what's happening. Until Jeongguk's slightly rough lips move across the blonde's soft, pillowy ones. Slowly, do the two melt into a rhythmic dance with their mouths. Their lips fitting together so perfectly, like they were made for each other. Taehyung's shy arms come to wrap themselves around Jeongguk's neck, only pulling them closer. The raven's taller body curves down to press itself closer to the blonde's delectable one, as his muscular arms come to wrap themselves around Taehyung's hourglass waist.

A quick swipe at Taehyung's bottom lip only proves just how much Jeongguk craves the older's sweet taste of strawberries and cream. The blonde grants the raven entrance without much thinking, as everything comes so naturally when they're connected. Bubbling confidence rising in Taehyung, as his hands come up to run through Jeongguk's hair. Gripping on tightly. Now the two rival's tongues dance about, fighting for dominance, although Jeongguk knows it's not much of a fight. Quickly displaying his dominance as he overpowers Taehyung's tongue, exploring the blonde's cave. Mapping out every corner while revelling in the sweet taste of Taehyung's mouth.

They only pull apart once their lungs start to ache, begging for a gasp of air. The dominate raven pulls away abruptly, moving instantly down to the blonde's neck, biting, licking and sucking the soft flesh. The blonde knocks his head back into the cleaning supplies, feeling more and more pleasure drop down into his stomach. Jeongguk is feasting on the junction in between Taehyung's neck and shoulders when he hears it.

A quiet, breathily moan—only just audible. Taehyung can feel the younger smirking at the discovery of his sweet spot. "I think you're enjoying this, Kim," Jeongguk smirks, a cheeky tongue poking out to lick back over that spot which makes Taehyung's knees go weak. Only confirming his suspicion when the grip in his raven locks tightens.

"S-shut up, Jeon," Taehyung tries to spit, although it comes out more like a whimper. Which sends waves of confidence and pleasure to Jeongguk's stomach. Only encouraging the raven to continue licking and sucking in that particular spot. This time, there's no doubt about it. Taehyung's high-pitched moan rings off the small room's walls. Jeongguk growls in pleasure, biting down on Taehyung's neck. "Jeon," Taehyung's honey-smooth moan tumbles out. Jeongguk's grip on Taehyung's waist becomes to tight; it almost hurts.

"What I would give to hear you scream my name," the raven growls in Taehyung's ear. Nipping the hot earlobe, sending yet another shiver down Taehyung's spine. Jeongguk slowly pulls away from the flustered Taehyung, a cocky smirk plastered on his face.

The usually arrogant art club leader bites his tongue for the first time in his life, as he takes the embarrassment of just moaning his rivals name in all its bittersweetness. The dance club leader takes a step back, resuming his spot back up against the wall. Then he sees it, his eyes going wide, "holy shit, your neck!" Jeongguk exclaims. Finally noticing the dark blue, purple and black bruises lining the blonde's neck.




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