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| this is a long ass chapter too, I hope y'all sinners enjoy ;)

| CHAPTER NINE| this is a long ass chapter too, I hope y'all sinners enjoy ;)

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"The art club is for all the snobs of the school!" Jeongguk quips, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh yeah, and the dance club is only for all the meatheads of the school," Taehyung snaps back, hands coming down to his tiny waist. Jeongguk only wishes he could be the one to grab that tiny waist as he rams into the smaller male.

Most of the party dispersed as soon as the two rivals were thrown into the vicinity together, unwilling to listening to their endless jabs at each other. Once the clock hit 1:30am, even Jimin was tired of the two's bottomless bickering and left the scene with Yoongi and the last of the party and the bonfire dies before their eyes. "My art room probably smells like sweat and pussy now!" Taehyung growls, enjoying the sight of anger become contorted on his face.

"You'd like that too, wouldn't you Mr Kim? Don't think I haven't noticed what you're wearing," Jeongguk challenges, only now becoming aware of their sudden aloneness. As the entire party has packed up, refusing to listen to any more bickering from the two. Jeongguk slowly walks forward, pushing Taehyung back up against the hood of Jeongguk's sleek black car. "Couldn't get enough of me? Even now?" The younger taunts, using the slight height difference to his advantage.

Taehyung scoffs, rolling his eyes, sinking deeper into Jeongguk's hoodie. "Not even, it was just cold and this was all I had," very clearly lying through his teeth. The red haired male averts his eyes from the younger encasing him against the car.

"In that case, why not ask Jimin for his hoodie, that way you wouldn't have to bare wearing something I've worn. Unless..." Jeongguk trails off, clearly hinting at the obvious tension between the two. Taehyung scoffs once again, still refusing to meet the dancer's eyes.

"I'd like to see you wear me," the red head male mumbles under his breath. Unaware of how Jeongguk's keen ears picked up on his little hissy fit.

"If you want me to fuck you, you could always just ask," Jeongguk chuckles, giving the smaller male a patronising stare. "I've been thinking about that little voice clip you sent me," Jeongguk continues on his little tangent, his lips just ghosting over the stop that makes Taehyung's knees go weak. "How I could make you scream my name," Jeongguk's teeth gingerly graze against Taehyung's supple skin, making the older's breath hitch in his throat. "I could bend you over this car right now and fuck your tight little hole right now," Jeongguk growls, his hands coming to dig into Taehyung's addicting waist. "Only if you'd let me," Jeongguk whispers now, pulling back to look the red head in the eye.

"I hate you, y'know," Taehyung blurts out, his cheeks almost as crimson as his hair. "I hate your stupid fucking muscles and your stupid fucking voice. The way you lean over me! You're just a dumb hunk of big muscles and I hate you!" Taehyung rants. "You took my club's room just so you could roll around on the floor and grind on it because you're just sad no one wants to fuck you." The red hair male jabs a hard finger into Jeongguk's chest.

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