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Taehyung's face drops as he scrambles to get his phone camera out. "JEON! Your absolute CUNT!" He spits, throwing a random cleaning product at his rival. Before continuing to look at the undeniable trail of love bites lining his neck. Especially at the junction of his neck. Where the hickeys become a deep rich purple and black. "What the fuck am I supposed to do now?" Taehyung groans, falling to the floor.

Jeongguk looks at the blonde in a heap on the ground, rolling his eyes and scoffing. Desperately trying to resume his facade of hating the older, not caring about him in the slightest. "People are going to think we fucked!" Taehyung exclaims his hands coming to his hair to tug at in stress.

"Stop pulling your hair," Jeongguk snaps, secretly worried that the older will pull off his scalp, "and what's so wrong with people thinking we fucked?"

Taehyung only wishes he could roll his eyes back further. "First of all, I hate you and your puny sized dick, second of all, I'd never hear the end of it from Jimin or anyone for that matter. Lastly, even if we did fuck, I bet your bite-sized dick wouldn't even last two minutes. This ass is exclusive, I'm not letting your manky joystick anywhere near it," Taehyung lists, huffing like a child at the end. Jeongguk only chuckles before slowly sliding his hoodie off, throwing it toward the blonde. "Hey!" Taehyung exclaims.

"Wear it kid, before I change my mind. Just say I threw something on you," Jeongguk growls, quickly establishing his dominance. Taehyung bites down his pride, carefully crawling into the warm hoodie. Not wanting to admit it, but the smell of Jeongguk always surrounding him makes butterflies start to flutter in his stomach. The blonde gingerly rises to his feet, crossing his arms and scoffing like a kid. "Oh, and Taehyung," Jeongguk begins, taking a step forward to enclose Taehyung against the cleaning supplies once again. "My dick isn't small," the gruff voice grows.

Another wave of pleasure drops to Taehyung's stomach, as sheer dominance radiating from him alone feels enough to back up his words. The usually loud-mouthed blonde is just about to come up with a quick insult when the sound of the door handle alerts the two. Jeongguk quickly stepping away from the shorter. Muffed talking comes from the outside before the blast of busy hallways. Jimin and Yoongi stand in the doorway. "Jimin! My saviour!" Taehyung exclaims, running to his best friend and jumping into the male's arms.

Jeongguk watches on in envy as Jimin can catch Taehyung, supporting the blonde by holding onto the clothed ass. Even giving it a quick squeeze, almost taunting the raven. Wishing he could be the one to grab that ass. "Why are you wearing Jeon's hoodie?" Yoongi asks, pointing out the obvious.

Sharp eyes meet Jeongguk's, "because that two brain-celled, muscle pig, head ass decided to pour cleaning supplies on me!" Taehyung snaps, pretending to be upset by snuggling his head into the crook of Jimin's neck.

"I told you they'd try and kill each other," Jimin sighs to Yoongi, dropping his friend to the floor. Taehyung groans as he lands on the ground. Jeongguk almost jumps into action, his hand twitching as every fibre of his being, screams at him to help the angelic blonde up. Yet he doesn't, reminding himself of the continuing feud between them—neither of the two noticing as Jimin's eyes wander down to look at Taehyung's neck.

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