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Four friends sit passed out underneath a bridge. Soft music dances through the late-night air, as Kim Taehyung presses a cancerous stick of tobacco up to his lips. Lalisa Manoban lays next to the boy, her hand outstretched and ready to take a follow-up drag of the shared cigarette. Jimin lays on his back, listening to the sound of busy cars crossing on the bridge above the boys. "I think Jeongguk and his gang are having a party nearby," Seokjin mentions, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Let him," Taehyung scoffs rolling his eyes whilst accepting the cigarette. Choosing to ignore the fact that Jeon's soft hoodie is currently draped over his prominent collar bones at this very moment. Taehyung will defend himself by saying that Jeon's hoodie is all he had and it is cold, yet they all know that Kim can't get enough of Jeongguk's scent.

Lisa chuckles to herself, raising herself up from laying on the floor and perching herself atop of Taehyung's pelvis. "When will you stop pretending you don't like him?" Lisa whispers to her friend. Long dark hair is draped down into Kim's face, her breath smelling of fresh nicotine and tobacco.

"Now why would I like him when I have you?" Taehyung jokes blowing smoke up into his friend's face.

Lisa knocks her head back, letting out an insane laugh. "Honey, I think we both know we're way too gay to even be remotely interested in each other," the girl giggles.

"You're literally sitting on my dick."

"I'm allowed to do this because I have a thing for Jennie, which I will admit, and you have a thing for Jeon, which you won't admit," Lisa smirks. A wicked smile painted across her face.

Taehyung only laughs, "I'll die before I even think about liking that muscle pig."

Suddenly, Jimin shoots up, "I have a proposal!" He announces, a playful smirk plastered onto his face. Taehyung too sits up, pushing Lisa off his lap. "Hear me out, you know how we have that getaway planned in two months?" Jimin explains, earning nods from everyone. "You and Jeon have to hang out leading up to and on the trip. If you still hate each other after, then we'll drop it forever."

"First of all, when was Jeon invited on our trip?" Taehyung asks.

"He's always been invited, I'm planning and paying for most of this trip. He's still my friend, so I invited him. I wasn't gonna tell you until on the day," Jimin explains with a dismissive shrug of his shoulders.

Taehyung stops to think about Jimin's plan for a few moments before replying, "no deal," the male smiles, crossing his fingers together, head tilted to the left. "What incentive do I have to participate in this stupid plan anyway?" Taehyung chuckles, laying back down. Lisa only rolls her eyes.

"And I'll pay you 42000 won," Jimin throws in causally. Taehyung's head suddenly perks at the added bonus to the proposition.

"What's in it for the muscle pig?" Kim asks sceptically.

Lisa snickers to herself, "finally being able to grab your ass probably, have you seen the way he eyes you at school? Plus he likes you enough to give you his hoodie," she points out.

Taehyung's face suddenly goes bright red, "fine, let's go see what Jeon is doing," the boy mumbles trying to change the subject. Seokjin smiles wickedly as the small group rises to their feet.


A soft chuckle rings throughout the air. Namjoon takes a quick glance over to Yoongi's shoulder to see the male texting Jimin, "what are you doing?" the male asks, an eyebrow raised.

Yoongi quickly whips around to his friend, "oh you'll see in about two minutes. Is Jeon done with Jia yet?" The shorter male asks.

"Heard Jeongguk couldn't stand her, walked off halfway through. He's probably smoking somewhere nearby."

Yoongi gives an affirmative nod before slowly slinking off through the junk car yard, the heat from the bonfire fading into the background. Sure enough, the dance club leader is perched atop the hood of one of the many trashed cars around—a lit cigarette hanging from between his lips. The smell of burning tobacco increases as Jeongguk takes another long drag from the cancerous stick. "Oi," Yoongi calls out, kicking a piece of scrap metal to grab the sad-looking male's attention. "Stop being depressed that Jia isn't as thick as Taehyung and come back already."

An overly exaggerated eye roll is given, and Jeongguk takes another long drag from the stick. "Not even, her voice was just so annoying. To fucking loud and annoying to focus on fucking her when she kept screeching my name every second," Jeongguk rants, spitting at the thought of his previous encounter.

"One man pity party, come on, we're going back now," Yoongi beckons, clearly not putting up with any of Jeongguk's antics. The younger male rolls his eyes, jumping off the hood of the trashed car and follows his friend quietly back to the party.

Standing in all his glory, with the fire illuminating his blazing hair. Ripped jeans sculpt his ass and thighs so perfectly Jeon Jeongguk is already salivating for a taste. As his eyes trail up to find the red-haired male still sporting his black hoodie. "Kim Fucktard Taehyung," the dance club leader sneers, a teasing smile playing at his lips.


Sorry for not updating,,,

If I write smut in the next chapter will you forgive me?




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Ripped Jeans // k.t.h + j.j.kWhere stories live. Discover now