Locker Room

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"Stupid pig with his stupid ripped muscles thinks he can take my stupid art room. No, it's my bloody room, now we've had hardly any storage for our new experiments. Stupid bloody asshat thinks he's so cool because he can stand on his hands, like we have feet for a reason!" Taehyung mutters to himself back and forth trying to rid the anger from his body. "Fuck head thinks he can even come on this trip, no Jimin is my friend, motherfucker think he can just-"

"Jimin's my friend too," a sudden deep voice from behind the red head speaks. A shrill screech bounces off the empty locker room walls. "Calm down," Jeongguk sighs rolling his eyes dramatically.

The shirtless red head suddenly feels self-conscious, covering himself, "get out, I'm changing."

"Like I haven't been in your cute little ass before," Jeongguk points out, walking to his conveniently placed locker. Right next to Taehyung. Sometimes the artist thinks the school is trying to make them friends.

"I don't want the school to know I dropped my standards for a fucker like you. It was a one time thing," Taehyung spits, turning back to his own clothes. Until strong arms grab him by the waist, bringing back memories of the past night. Said strong hands then quickly turn the smart mouth around.

"Didn't realise how romantic you were," Jeongguk sarcastically says with a smug smile tugging at his lips. Watching as the anger boils up in Taehyung, Jeongguk can almost see the gears turn in his head as the red head thinks of a rebuttal.

"I was drunk last night, nothing I said or did counts," Taehyung tries to lie. Jeongguk's hands tighten around Taehyung's hips.

Jeongguk's lips turn into a sly smirk, "oh please, we both know that's not true." His grip loosens on Taehyung's hips, "but don't worry, it can be our little secret." The red head clicks his tongue, turning back to his locker.

"What reason do you have to keep it a secret? I thought you would've already been screaming it from the rooftops by now," Taehyung mutters under his breath.

"As much as it would make me so incredibly happy to see you have to swallow your pride..." Jeongguk leans over the red head's shoulder pausing for a moment, "I'd much rather you swallow something else." The hairs on the back of Taehyung's neck stand tall, his breath hitching in the back of his throat.

Slamming his locker door, Taehyung turns to meet his rival eye to eye, "still doesn't answer my question. You don't even have a good reason to hate me!" A slender finger jams into Jeongguk's chest, his eyes narrowing down to it. "At least I have a good reason! You don't even use the stupid room half the time, and yet my club isn't allowed anywhere near it!"

Jeongguk places his hand over Taehyung's, "perhaps I just like riling you up... Or maybe it's because when you found out you couldn't have every fucking room in the entire school for your stupid art club you SLASHED MY TIRES!"

"Please, you're so rich when I did that you replaced the entire car! It was less than a year old, you totally didn't need to do that!"

"Then you filled my entire locker with glue and glitter. If that wasn't bad enough you planted stink bombs into all the dance rooms right before rehearsal," Taehyung snorts to himself, "TWICE! Not to mention you've made every single minute of my life absolute hell ever since that goddamn day!" Jeongguk towers over Taehyung, the two not realising how close their argument became.

Tutting to himself Taehyung averts his gaze. A strong hand grabs Taehyung's chin, forcing their eyes to meet again. "So, to answer your question, I don't want people to know that because my dance club would never respect me again, alright Doll?" Jeongguk smirks, letting his hand fall away. Feeling the closeness between them Taehyung helplessly attempts to take a step back, pressing himself up against the lockers behind him. The sly smirk returns across Jeongguk's lips as he further traps Taehyung.

"Well, I'm glad we're in agreement."

"Never thought I'd see the day you would agree with me," dangerous hands find themselves gripping into Taehyung's tiny waist once more.

An over exaggerated eye roll is all the brunette receives, "I have no idea what possessed me to let your mangey dick anywhere near me." Taehyung stands taller their chests bumping into each other, "but trust me that was one poor mistake, and I will not let it happen again." A hard shoulder barge forces Jeongguk to take a step back as Taehyung saunters off. He narrows his eyes down to the sway of Taehyung's hips and the way his gym shorts hang just short of the delicious curve of his ass. "Stop staring at my ass Jeon!"


does anyone remember this?




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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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