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"Oh wow look, everyone, the meathead can mix two things together, who would've thought?" Taehyung hisses to his enemy for the nth time in the past twenty minutes. The new substitute who put the two together wants to run her head into a wall at this moment. Jimin and Yoongi watch their ultimate demise from the front of the classroom as the rest of the class has opted to tune out their endless arguments.

"Shut up, Kim. Even untrained monkeys could do better than you!" Jeon spits, roughly throwing the vile of dangerous liquids back into the holder.

Taehyung scoffs, "at least I know not to throw things like a three-year-old having a temper tantrum!"

Jimin turns back to his newfound friend, "we really need to warn the new teachers more," he whispers to Yoongi. To which the bored-looking male chuckles, nodding his head in agreement.

"That or, Jeon and Kim need to cut the crap and just hate fuck each other. At least then Jeongguk might learn to can his shit," Yoongi sighs shaking his head. Remembering back to a time before he had taken the art room from Taehyung. When, still, all Jeongguk could talk about was Taehyung. Although in the context, it was because the dancer leader thought the art club leader was the most beautiful male he has ever seen. Every little detail about the blonde is memorised in the raven's eyes.

"If only," Jimin mutters, carefully stirring their elements together. Although it doesn't last long, as the whole class' attention is drawn to the back at the sound of glass shattering on the floor.Taehyung looks like he's about to blow a fuse. 

"Don't throw things! You're not a little kid; you should know how to control your short temper! At least your one brain cell threw an empty beaker!"

"Me! Maybe if your stupid ugly face wasn't in the way, I would be able to get some work done!" Jeongguk snaps back. Clearly, the poor substitute has learnt her lesson.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" The teacher yells, slamming her hands on her desk, rising aggressively to her feet. "You two need to set aside your issues for lunch, and that's final. Now both of you are going to go get the dustpan and broom. When you come back, I expect you both to have set aside this petty argument. For the rest of the lesson, you'll be working in silence. Do I make myself clear?" The two rivalling parties nod their head solemnly, bowing in shame. "Good, now go."

Taehyung and Jeongguk walk off out the classroom, for the first time, in silence. Stunning the whole class. Jimin, with eyes the size of saucers, turns to Yoongi. "They're going to kill each other before they even get back," the older sighs, shaking his head before continuing with their experiment.

Ripped Jeans // k.t.h + j.j.kWhere stories live. Discover now