Way Home

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"Do you have any way home?" Jeongguk asks between a silent beat of their never ending arguments. The two are still stuck at on the hood of Jeongguk's car carefully making their way through the twenty-five pack of cigarettes, the coals of the bonfire glowing in the foreground as their only source of light aside from the twinkling sky.

Taehyung scoffs at the question, "why? Wanna find out where I live so you can steal that too? I'm not letting you grind on the floor in my house." Jeongguk rolls his eyes for the nth time that night.

"First of all, dance is a lot more than grinding on the floor-."

"Like I believe that, half of you are massive virgins and the other half have wrinkly ass dicks from fucking too much," Taehyung insults. "At least the art club has standards, not just fucking anyone they can get their hands on."

Jeongguk uses all his self control to teach the red head another lesson, "from the way you were moaning, I don't think you really cared."

"I'll walk home," Taehyung mumbles embarrassed by the truth dripping off Jeongguk's tongue. The dancer tusks taking the last drag of his final cigarette before stomping out the dying butt on the ground below.

"Don't be stupid, I'll drive you," the dancer declares turning to look the red head in the eye. Taehyung scoffs at the suggestion, the dancer trains his eyes on the cancerous stick before Taehyung's eyes, watching as the paper and tobacco become a soft orange light as it burns away. "Only if you manage to keep all that snoby-ness contained."

Dangerous eyes look back and forth at each other, "well fuck you, I'm still going to walk," the older snaps. Cigarette long forgotten and almost burning a hole into his favourite jeans. Jeongguk sighs as he fits himself in between Taehyung's legs, his forceful hands coming down to grip Taehyung's. addictively small waist. "Muscle pig head-ass, get off me we're not a couple!" Taehyung attempts to push the clearly stronger male away. Jeongguk continues to stand in front of Taehyung, an unamused expression written across his face. "Couldn't you at least pretend to effected?" Taehyung sighs inspecting his weak noodle arms as Jeongguk's grip on his waist grows stronger.

"Mmm, that's less fun. Besides, I love watching you squirm," Jeongguk teases smugly with a click of his tongue.

"We'll see how much you squirm when I castrate your one inch warrior, now get the fuck off me head ass! I'm walking home!" Taehyung proclaims attempting to push away the raven for a second time. Still to no avail.

Something primal radiates off the dancer, as Jeongguk takes a stronger stance in front of the red head. Something which makes the artist wish nothing more than to fall to his needs and bend to every his every wish and desire. Something... dangerous, so dangerous it has the smaller shrinking back into the raven's hoodie. "I'd like to see you walk," Jeongguk growls every word passing his lips dripping with a poisonous dominance.

Taehyung takes this convenient beat of silence to admit defeat by refusing to get off the hood of the car, both males already knowing the answer. The red head unwilling to test their unanimous conclusion. Jeongguk smirks in the artist's defeat, easily lifting the male off his car at the previously lit cigarette falls to the dirt below. Jeongguk almost breathes out a sigh of relief by being able to latch onto the artist's impeccably small waist. His fingers perfectly moulding into the soft, malleable caramel skin covered by the dancer's own hoodie. "Fuck you, I wanted to finish that cigarette," Taehyung huffs in his over dramatised reaction.

"Maybe you should be the drama club leader, it seems to suit your character better,"Jeongguk chuckles to himself already feeling Taehyung's weak attempt to inflicting any kind of pain on the younger.

"I'd rather die then join Seokjin in the drama club, all the younger years smell like wet cheese," Taehyung almost pukes at the thought. "So I guess your dance club would fit right in, maybe you all should audition."

Without warning, Taehyung is aggressively thrown into the passenger seat of the car. Jeongguk's hand coming down to wrap it's strong fingers around the smart mouth's neck. The usual loud mouth suddenly doesn't have a lot to say. A light dusting of pink shines across the older's cheeks, silently giving away to the younger just how much he enjoys being man handled. "I would say your bark is worse than your bite, but that little mouth of yours..." Jeongguk trails off to shove two fingers into the red head's mouth. The older already swirling his tongue around the digits, "well it can definitely do something," Jeongguk smirks forcing Taehyung's mouth open so he can watch as his index and middle finger swirl around the wet muscle. Before then pulling away from the older's addicting cavern, a string of saliva connecting the digits to Taehyung's mouth. Almost as if the artist just can't let go.

"Hmm," Jeongguk hums inspecting the thin coating of Taehyung's spit covering his fingers, "maybe you should join the photography club. You'd be good at it."

Taehyung's face is bright red, bowing his head in embarrassment. Jeongguk slams the passenger door closed on Taehyung's pitiful situation. Once entering the divers seat, the dancer clasps his death grip around the red head's neck for second time. "Oh, and no one hears about what happened here tonight," his words pierce the air as a warning.

"Believe me," Taehyung snaps pulling away from the dancer's grasp. "I don't know what possessed me to have sex with you," the artist's eyes have a dangerous gleam to them, punctuating his words with a promise.


"Nice limp," Taehyung's sister smirks, watching a sleek black car race away, knowing damn well neither of Taehyung's friends own that. "You and Jimin have sex in a public bathroom again?"

Taehyung snarls at his sister, "shut up Haewon, Jimin's wimp dick obviously couldn't do this, I fell over." Both siblings look at each other Haewon not having to ask if her younger brother is being serious or not.

"Like your hoe ass just 'fell over' c'mon I'm in uni, who am I telling?" She eventually pleads, curiosity taking over.

"Jeon..." Taehyung mumbles refusing to make eye contact. Noise escapes the two for a beat before Haewon bursts into a fit of laughter.

Taehyung can only roll his eyes as his sister collapses on the front door step, "Jeon Jeongguk? The man you hate?" She gasps for hair, fat tears of laughter rolling down her cheeks. Taehyung rolls his eyes once more, trying to push past his sister. "I can't believe you'd fuck a dancer!"

"Shut up Haewon! Didn't you fuck Mr Lee in your last year for an A?" Taehyung accusingly questions, his hands coming down to fit his tiny waist.

Haewon only nods through her hysterical laughter, "fucking a teacher is better standers than a dancer."

"Hey, his ego matches his dick."

"As an art major, I'm disappointed, now get your ass inside."




hey y'all, remember this?


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