Caramel Thighs

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Deliciously thick honey caramel thighs sway down the hallway pulling boys and girls alike out their conversations to stare

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Deliciously thick honey caramel thighs sway down the hallway pulling boys and girls alike out their conversations to stare. Hoping to catch even a glimpse of the sliver of meaty flesh poking out the back of Taehyung's ripped jeans. The rip placed so perfectly, right underneath the curve of his ass, teasing everyone who dares to look with just the tiniest slip of supple golden flesh. Leaving all too much to the imagination. Today, the slit has stretched ever so slightly from the slight size increase. Which Jeongguk will hate to admit, but it was the first thing he noticed when his rival waltz into school.

Despite their deep-rooted hatred, the two are precisely each other's types. Taehyung's soft, smooth honey skin just begs to be marked up, have hickeys displayed proudly all over his easily bruised skin. His waist curves in so delicately, just to the right angle to either hold with gentle care or to be grabbed roughly, so that fingerprints make themselves known. At the perfect angle to grab and squeeze at will, so soft and delectable. The blonde's waist manages to melt down into his perky ass. The kind that has people doing double-takes on the street, the kind that leaves boys and girls alike left drooling all over themselves. The type that would be a blessing just to even brush up against. Only Jimin can vouch when he says Taehyung's ass truly is heaven's blessing to this earth. So easily malleable. Jeongguk won't admit it on his death bed, but his eyes are always glued to those globes of golden flesh every HPE class.

Taehyung's whole body is all Jeongguk could want and more.

Completely contrasting Taehyung's sinful body, Jeongguk's is made up of hard edges and ripping muscles, which are made for pinning someone down roughly. His whole demeanour just screams dominance at all hours of the day. Endless hours of training the stolen dance room have carved Jeongguk's body to resemble that of a god's. With very prominent V-cut abs, which point down to what everyone wishes they could get a taste of. Boys look at the cocky fuckboy with pure envy when Jeongguk walks down the hall. Girls swoon over the male, wishing that they could have the honour of running even a finger up his washboard abs. Taehyung will never let the arrogant airhead know but, whenever he comes to pick Jimin up from dance practice, all eyes are glued onto Jeongguk's shirtless body.

Jeongguk's top energy has Taehyung's knees weak.

"Got a staring problem, Jeon?" Taehyung questions sassily, his hands immediately going down to his small waist, only accentuating how tiny it really is. Had Jeon not been prepared for the older to say something witty and mean-spirited, a harsh red tint would've covered his face.

The dance leader hums, "I'm just wondering how you managed to get uglier overnight," Jeongguk replies, smugly crossing his arms over his chest. Taehyung opens his mouth to retaliate before Jimin roughly pulls the two away from the ensuing string of insults. "I'll see you at dance practice today, Jimin," Jeongguk calls out, only getting a flashed thumbs up in return.

"You going after Mr Park now, lover boy?" A familiar voice from behind Jeongguk questions, as both Namjoon and Hoseok come up to greet their friend.

Ripped Jeans // k.t.h + j.j.kWhere stories live. Discover now