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Jeon Jeongguk arrives late to the scheduled bonfire plans, already looking blissed out nicotine or some other form of narcotic. Kim Namjoon gives his friend a disapproving look, to which his friend just shrugs off. Not wanting to admit the real reason he is late is because of a particular red head's audio message. Nor how many times he left that message on repeat just to get off. It's one thing to be turned on by the voice of your rival. Another to then beat one out to the sound of it.

"Jia has been waiting for you," Hoseok informs, forgetting all formalities. Jeongguk rolls his eyes, looking at the female sitting atop an abandoned hood of a beaten-down car. With only the light of the bonfire illuminating her face. Sure Jia's pretty, with large brown eyes, long cascading black hair which is ideally suited to her small face. She's conventionally attractive, sure.

But Jeon Jeongguk will need to have a few more drinks before thinking of fucking her. Just the painful scratchy way Jia calls Jeon's name to beckon him to come sit next to her sounds like nails on a chalkboard. He can't imagine the way she'd moan his name. With lipstick-stained teeth, would sound any better. Especially not after just listening to the angelic moans of a certain Kim Taehyung. Merely remember the way Jeongguk's name rolled of the red head's tongue makes him want to groan.

"Jeon~," Jia screeches again, waving her hand in a flirtatious manner. Jeongguk rolls his eyes, reluctantly trudging his way over to the girl.

Namjoon strolls up to Hoseok, "why'd you invite Jia? Jeongguk barely showed any interest in her, he's mentioned her like once. He clearly has a thing for Kim. Even if he won't admit it."

Hoseok turns to his friend, a wicked smile scribbled across his face, "that's the point!" He whispers. "I'm going to keep asking all these random girls that little Ggukie has mentioned, even if it was only once in passing. Maybe then he'll be able to cut the crap and just get with Taehyung. Then we can put this dumb feud in the past."

"One issue, Jeongguk used to like Taehyung. All knowledge we have of Taehyung is that he despises Jeon with every bone in his body," Namjoon points out. Hoseok's face quickly drops, as Namjoon gives him two comforting pats on the back before walking off.

Jia manages to talk of Jeon Jeongguk's ear before he's even sat down. Already picking up a beer for the night, preparing for the long conversation of girl drama he will have to sit through. Jeongguk almost wishes he could just fuck her now to get it over and down with.

Looks like this bonfire meet up will be incredibly dull.

liked by mochi_cheeks and 1,386 others

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liked by mochi_cheeks and 1,386 others

taebear @mochi_cheeks gave me a stick and poke 🤪🤪🤪

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mochi_cheeks and i'll do it again

worldwidejin i do not condone this behaviour

mochi_cheeks @worldwidejin bullshit you were there

worldwidejin @mochi_cheeks shhhh

mintmin lmao @jeonslunch will cream himself

hahalisa THAT'S MY BOY!

taebear @hahalisa omg yes cum over 😍

hahalisa @taebear omw

jeonslunch @mintmin not even my type smh

taebear then stop commenting on all my shit @jeonslunch

Jeongguk won't admit it, but as he's drilling into Jia while her scratchy moans rattle off the inside of the beaten down car, while his fingers dig into her ridged, boney hips, he's thinking how much better it would be if he was with Taehyung.

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