Red Head

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No, Yoongi wasn't lying when he said that Jeongguk loves red hair. So, when the once blonde boy waltzes into school, staying true to Seokjin's offer of a colour change, the whole school seems to stop. Either taking a long gander at his ass, his hair or the very defined line of hickeys trailing down his neck. Making no effort to hide them. Today, Jeon is stuck with his eyes flicking between everything, wondering how his once crush manages to look so stunning. Before having to remind himself of their feud, and how the hickeys on display will cause an issue. Taehyung takes note of his enemy's staring problem, winking to Jeon before walking off. The sway of his hips captivating all.

The dance club leader can feel his blood start to boil, as just the mere thought of Taehyung quietly managing to get one-up over him makes the raven want to throw a fit. Though, he contains himself to maintain his image. Jeongguk's mind already brewing with all the possible ways to make a separate little jab at Taehyung. Only one, the art club leader, would be able to pick up on. "I said you had a thing for red hair," Yoongi sighs approaching his best friend.

"Shut up, Min. At least I don't have a thing for short people," Jeongguk rebuttals, desperately trying to grab at something to hold over the older's head. The mint haired male only glares at the younger, striking fear through his bones.

"You're gonna watch your tongue before I cut it off. Then you'll never be able to eat Kim's ass out," the older snaps. Jeongguk opens his mouth to protest before Namjoon and Hoseok enter the conversation. To save face, the youngest decides not to make another dig at Yoongi.

Namjoon gives a knowing look to Jeongguk, a wicked smirk written across his lips. "I heard Seokjin dyed his pubes red too, you'll probably be able to vouch for that, Jeon."

"For the last fucking time, why on earth would I want to hook up with Taehyung? He's just a prudish art student that has his head so far up his own ass he could eat his own shit. He's not even my type," Jeongguk snaps, crossing his muscular arms across his broad chest.

Hoseok rolls his eyes dramatically. "So I guess it's just coincidence that the day after he's stuck in a tight cleaning closet with you, there are hickeys all down his neck?"

"One day, I will kill you. And I won't feel bad," Jeongguk growls, his eyes dark with something primal as he glares deep into Hoseok' soul.

"Sure you will," Hoseok brushes off, grabbing Yoongi to walk off to class. "See you later, Jeon!" Yoongi and Hoseok bid in sync.

Namjoon sighs, dragging Jeongguk off to class. Before the younger tries to chase after his friends to possibly castrate them. "Come on, man, you'll be fine. Let's go out to the bonfire tonight, I bet you Jia will be there," Namjoon plans, trying to keep the younger's mind off the heating rivalry between him and the art club leader. It probably would've worked, if the two didn't share the same homeroom together.

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