Chapter 23; Last one <3

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"You supposed to be dead"Pamela said


I looked at Pamela, she looked more angry than pleased to see her.

"YOU FUCKING LEFT US, YOU UNGRATEFUL WOMEN"she said, I kind of understand where's shes coming from, I'm angry too, but I'm not at that stage to be shouting at her, but I should be.

"Can you keep your voice down, come in" Mum said

"So I could come in and you would talk how rubbish of a mother you were" Pamela said

"It's not the place to be arguing Pamela, come in and I'll tell you what happened" She replied.

*10 mins later*

"Do you want a cup of tea or coffee?" She asked

"No, just tell us and we will leave" Pamela said, I couldn't open my mouth to answer. It just wouldn't open.

"How can I start this, I got a new family, I left you and I know now its not the right thing I did" She said, she looked at the floor. She was about to cry, I could tell. Pamela wasn't pleased with that starter.

"I left you to be living with my best friend but you called her your auntie, I never heard from you guys, So I thought you were okay, I was a careless person and very selfish. But when I heard Lexia was in hospital I hurried to see if you were okay but you weren't there anymore" She said

"Because dad took me" I said

"No, that man isn't your dad, that man is your step dad, he's crazy. You might not remember this but when you were little, we lived in Norway with him."

"What? He said you wouldn't let him see me when he was little, he told me a different story why should I trust you" I said

"Because the story I'm about to tell, is a bit too much to handle. I left you because I wanted a new life, new family. I knew if i was with you, he would find us, so I left you to be living with my best friend"She said

"You told us this"I said

"But she was helping him to find us, that's why every time we would move,he would find us, but I had no idea she was behind it"She said

"But why would she help him?"I asked

"Because she was sleeping behind my back with him,when me and him were together, she was my best friend and when I wanted to run away she helped me and came with me but it was all a game and lies, but what happened is that,I accidentally found pictures of little girls in his draw, I got you guys and I ran for my life away from him' She said

"Why would she come with you tho?"I asked

" Why didn't you go to the police with the pictures?He may be a pedophile or rapist?" Pamela said

"To answer both of your questions Lexia, he loved you too much, he wanted to take you away from me. Pamela you think they would believe me, non Norwegian women over a Norwegian men?It's not the same as it is today, they were only random pictures, they weren't naked but I just had a bad feeling about. The police probably would laugh in my face. I could of tried but I was stupid and I wanted to get away" She replied, as she was about to open her mouth little girl ran in.

"Hello, mummy" she gave mum a kiss on the cheek, looked at us

"Hello" she waved and greeted us politely with a big smile

"Hi" Both of us replied

"This is Monica, my daughter, this is Lexia and Pamela" Mum introduced us

"Nice to meet you" she said, I nodded my head.

"Off you go Monica, I'll talk to you later about your day because mummy has to speak to Lexia and Pamela first, okay,sweetie?" She said, Monica nodded her head and happily walked out of the room.

"So, you pick this life over us"Pamela said

"No i didn't pick anyone, I wanted a new start, I would of got you guys but Diana(Best friend) was telling me you were fine with her, so I didn't want to disturb you guys, this might be a lame excuse but I would of showed up one day to take you back"She said

"So, our dead mother would show up out of nowhere"Pamela said

"I wasn't meant to be dead, she meant to take you till I get my life sorted and she was telling you lies about me, I did call in few times but she wouldn't let me speak with you, just said you were doing great, So  I didn't want to bother you guys" She said

"I am deeply sorry for everything you had to go through, both of you. Hopefully one day you'll forgive me, I'll make it up to you, I love you both of you so much"She said, I could see tears trying to escape from her eyes. So i couldn't hold in anymore and cried my eyes out. Can't believe she left us and all this mess she thinks we will forgive her. I had to go through so much shit without a mother or anyone to be caring about me.

*9 months later*

"So what do you think about this one" I asked Pamela and span around in a stunning evening dress

"That will do" she replied with a big smile on her face

Life has changed so much since the day at mum's place and you might call us fools but I honestly dont care. We haven't forgiven our mum for leaving us, but shes doing great so far. Taking us to dinner, helping us with money and getting a lot of support from her. Currently I'm living with my sister, Pamela, Yep the one I hated, I guess feelings can change, at the end of the day shes my sister for life. The road life is no longer my life and I'm finally free and happy. A guess your point of view can also change everything in life. I don't need a boyfriend to depend on life, I'm doing my own thing, studying business and getting my life together. I learned to love my mum's new family, they're great. Step by step, I'm going to create a career and aim for the amazing family myself.


Hope you guys like my story, but this is the ending I planned in the beginning, I know it's confusing and weird. Don't judge me if I made any errors because I'm writing at 1:28 AM.

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