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My spoon dug around aimlessly in my cornflakes as Scott came down the stairs and into the Kitchen, I couldn't get the thought of Human Sacrifices out of my mind - the idea was horrifying.

"You're up early" He nodded at me and packed his Lacrosse pads into his bag for School.

"I am indeed" I wasn't the typical early-riser, but Stiles texted me last night to come and watch the Lacrosse practise and well, I just couldn't say no. "Stiles is picking me up, I'm sure you're free to come too if you want?"

"Nah" He smiled. "I got to get there before the rest of the team and set things up"

Winking at him, I grinned widely. "Ah, captain duties" I sometimes forgot that we had normal teenage things to do, it was nice. "I still have no clue how you manage to juggle everything, some days it seems there's not enough hours to get everything done"

"It felt like that at first...when I was turned by Peter everything was so new and scary, and then Jackson happened, it was a lot. But, somehow I've been able to keep on top of things since this summer, it's been good"

"Since you stopped seeing Allison?" My eyebrows raised.

"Kind of" He nodded. "It was the best thing to do, we're still friends"

"That's good" A raspy peep from outside made us both look up. "My chariot awaits"

Chuckling to himself, he threw me an apple. "Have fun"

Catching it and walking over to the door, I turned back to him. "Be careful please - we don't know what we're dealing with with all these sacrifices and it would be a big inconvenience if you were one of them"

"No promises, I might get bored during third period and offer myself up" His shoulders shrugged and I scoffed and shook my head at him as I left the house.

Tearing down the stone steps and towards the car, a gorgeous grin stared back at my own.

"Good morning" He shouted at me through his open window and I skipped over and leant in, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. He let out a surprised gasp and then pulled me deeper, wrapping his hand around my face.

"What was that for?" I pulled away and his eyebrows rose at me. "I mean - not that i'm complaining or anything"

"Just been thinking" I smiled at him and walked around the jeep, climbing inside the passengers seat and closing the door.

"About anything in particular or?..."

"Just things" My hand pulled the seatbelt across me and fastened it as I spoke. "I mean, we live in a world where werewolves and human sacrifices exist"

Starting the engine and driving off, he nodded at me. "Well, that's one way to put it"

"Everything happens so fast - people die, people leave, things change"

His hand took my own. "But not everything changes for the worst - changes can be good too"

A few moments of silence passed and my hand squeezed his. "I don't want us to change"

"Aw baby"

"I mean it Stiles, you're about the realist thing I've had in my life and even though we're taking it slow, i'm glad we're here - together"

"Me too" He turned to me for a moment and smiled. "And for the record, i'm perfectly fine with taking things fast - I mean really fast, like extra, super, extreme-"

"-Stiles" He stopped. "Slow, remember"

"Got it, sorry" Sometimes I wondered if his hormones were always on overdrive or if it was just around me, it was insane. "Slow.." His mouth sounded out the words. "Super slow...the slowest of slows...S L O-"



"Thankyou" I slumped back into the chair. "I appreciate you, you know that?"

"More than you know" He pulled my hand towards his mouth and gently kissed it.

The silence was comforting for a few minutes after that, we were close to the school now and even though I still wished I was sleeping, I was glad I was here.

The jeep slowed down slightly and I pulled my eyes into the line of sight. "Oh god, another one?" Police tape was draped from wall to wall behind the back of the Animal Clinic where Scott worked - he was only there last night too, he would've said if he saw anything surely.

"Looks like it - I'll see if my dad knows anything" He nodded to me as we scanned the scene - it didn't look gruesome, there was no body either. "I don't see a body"

"Me neither" The car returned to its normal speed and I took a deep breath. "Maybe that's a good thing - maybe, it's just a normal disappearance, or there was an accident"

"Maybe" He bit his lip anxiously. "Or maybe another virgin was taken"

"Maybe" My head cocked to the side.

"I gotta ask" He suddenly blurted out and I quickly turned to him. "Are you...never mind" His head shook and he kept his eyes on the road.

"Am I?" I squinted my eyes at him as we pulled into the parking lot. "Am I what?"

Pulling the handbrake, he turned to me with glowing red cheeks. "Well, the sacrifices have got me thinking...And I don't want you to disappear, ever"

Realisation flooded over me and I let out a giggle, covering my mouth before straightening back up. "Go on"

"And all the sacrifices have been on..." He fumbled about trying to find the right words but failed to do so.

"Virgins" I finished.

"Yes" He glowed. "So, I just want to know if you'll be safe or not, but that's a really invasive question and you don't need to answer it"

"You're right" I winked at him. "I don't need to answer it"

"Okay" Panic flushed over him and he fumbled about nervously with his eyes.

"Yes" My head nodded.

"Oh" He stopped. "Cool"

"And you? Are you a virgin?" He was taken aback by my forwardness but all the less nodded his head sheepishly.



"But not because there's not been many opportunities to, because there has"

"Sure" I grinned at him and took his hand in my own. "It's a normal thing to talk about, you don't need to be afraid to ask me anything"

His hands melted into mine and his heartbeat calmed back down. "Okay...Is there a reason?"

"I want it to be with someone special - as cheesy as that sounds"

"I get that" He nodded. "Wait - so, what am I then?"

Letting out a laugh, I leant in and placed a soft kiss on his ear. "Someone special"

UP IN FLAMES ➳ S. STILINSKI [02]Where stories live. Discover now