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Maeve Blanchard. A girl who took my breath away. A girl you could look at and get so completely lost in her eyes.

A girl who didn't know I exist.

We could've met plenty of times but it doesn't help that I shut my friends down every time they mention she's tagging along too. maybe it's the way sweat drips from my face as soon as they mention it, maybe it's the nerves. maybe it's the constant need to figure out why I always need to be near her.

When I'm not with her it's like some sort of withdrawal. Some people may use the term
"I can't live without her"
But in my case, This feels completely true.
Ever since sophomore year me and Maeve have had all the same classes.
I swear the universe does it on purpose.

"Yo john you coming to the game today?" Luke asks

"Nah definitely not," I say as I grab my phone out of my bag

"You know your little girlfriends gonna be there right?" he smirks

"Yes and that's exactly why I'm not going," I reply

"John you gotta learn to face her somehow. sooner or later she's gonna get a boyfriend mate" luke shakes his head

"Boyfriend? not letting that happen." I roll my eyes

Across from the room, I can hear her beautiful laugh. god, I would die just for that laugh to be caused by me.

There was something about her. Something that drew me to her. Something that made me completely and utterly obsessed with her.

Her scent. The way she walked. The way she spoke so carelessly without any worries. Her smile that fucking angelic smile.

Was it the way she laughed that made me so addicted to her? She was like a drug. and I just couldn't get enough of her.

"Johnny? dude are you paying any attention man" Luke says snapping his fingers in front of me

"Oh um yeah what's up" I reply back while scribbling the answers onto my paper

"She's looking right at you mate. Maybe if you weren't so drawn into your thoughts about her you'd notice that she's totally into you," luke says laughing at me

"Into me? Your crazy man. look at her. she is absolutely gorg-" I say getting cut off

"Mr Orlando and Mr Underville how many times do I have to tell you two to stop disrupting the class. separate right now. Mr Underville you can go sit by Hayden over there. Mr Orlando go sit by Maeve." Our teacher replies

He's a dick. how on earth does he think I'm going to pay any more attention seating me next to her? She drives me insane. I could smell her perfume as I walked up to the seat next to her.

"Such a rebel aren't you? Always getting in trouble in the easiest class" The girl next to me says with a laugh

Holy shit. She just spoke to me.

"Hello? It's kind of rude to ignore people Orlando. Especially staring. Learn your manners man." She says while tapping her pencil onto the desk

"Oh. Um sorry. didn't mean to stare" I reply with an awkward tone

"I was only kidding Orlando. You know you hang out with half the people my friends hang out with. Wonder how we've never officially met." She says making direct eye contact with me.

Well. That's where she was wrong. We would've met if I wouldn't have turned down every invitation that involved her in it.

The bell starts to ring and she grabs her bag. I continue to grab all my stuff, as I begin to walk off, and out of my luck, I run straight into her.

"Want my attention that bad Orlando? All you had to do was ask" She says

The way my last name rolls off her tongue so carelessly drives me crazy.

"Oh sorry" I mumble

"No big deal, by the way, I have a name too you know? Its Maeve. But I'm not a big fan of first names so if we're gonna be friends better come up with some type of nickname for me Orlando" She says looking straight at me

"Oh um. I'm not all that good with nicknames" I say with a nervous laugh

"You sure about that? Luke always says you call me an angel. I like that a lot. let's go with that."

Goddamn it luke.

"I'll see you around Orlando." She says walking off

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