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I look around and realize Maeve has just entered the classroom too.

"Mr. Orlando, Miss Blanchard, I have an offer for the both of you," Mrs miller says looking at the both of us

"Not to be rude, but what is it? I gotta get to Hunch's shes gonna murder me," Maeve says eating a brownie?

"I'll write you a pass. Anyways I have an opportunity for both of you to earn some extra credit for this class, I know you both are doing pretty good so if you want, you can use it to skip the big test next week," She says as she grabs a piece of paper

Extra credit? I mean I guess it's not all bad. I haven't been paying any attention to anything in the class for the past week

"Ok, what is it?" I say curiously

"Well as you both know I'm putting on a show of Romeo and Juliet. What I need is for you two to be my Romeo and Juliet. All of the students recommended it. Even the teachers here think your guy's chemistry is strong" Miller says as she writes Maeve her pass

"Sorry Mrs miller but me and Johnny have just met not even 2 weeks ago," Maeve says as she taps her foot impatiently

"So is that a no? Maeve I know you'd be the perfect Juliet" The teacher replies to her

"It's not a no, but it's gonna take some extra time for us to form this chemistry you're so obsessed with" She replies back

Well, that felt real nice.

"What about you Mr Orlando?" She asks me

"Oh yeah sure. The extra credit would be nice. Plus it can't be that bad can it?" I smile

Finally, she lets us go and Maeve rushes to the stairs

"Angel! Wait up" I say running over to the stairs

"Yes my dear Romeo?" She says with a laugh

"Eat lunch with me today?" I say with a smirk

"Orlando, haven't we already been? don't play stupid" She walks up the stairs

I walk up the stairs only to run into someone

"Hey! Johnny your name is right?" The random guy I ran into asks

"Yeah - why," I ask out of curiosity

"Do me a favor and stay the fuck away from Maeve. You're pathetic to even think you have a chance with her" He says with a look of disgust

"And you think you do? You're quite funny thinking you can come around me and tell me who I can and can not be around" I laugh

"If I see you with her again we're gonna have some problems," He says clenching his fists

"If I see you in general again. we're gonna have some problems" I say as I walk-off

"Asshole" I mutter under my breath

"Who?" Luke says out of nowhere startling me

"Jesus Luke next time I will actually punch you" I mumble

"Glad to know John. Who was that dude anyway?" Luke asks

"Some guy telling me to stay away from Maeve not like I'm gonna listen though" I sigh

"I mean do you ever? plus you've been in love with that girl for god knows how long. at least you finally have somewhat of a chance" Luke replies

"There's just something about her Luke. I don't what is it but I'm dying to find out" I say back

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