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"So, what we're gonna do some sort of audition?" I say looking at Valerie

"I doubt she's making you and Johnny do one since she begged you two to be Romeo and Juliet." Valerie huffs

"You plan on auditioning?" I ask her

"Probably for the nurse. I'm still deciding" She says back

"Maeve, hey" Oliver smirks at me

"Oliver does she have to file some sort of restraining order she asked you to stay away from her several times." Valerie rolls her eyes

"All of a sudden tough Maeve can't speak for herself? Whatever just wanted to tell you pretty boy won't be around much anymore" He scoffs

"Pretty boy? who exactly?" I mumble

"Your new little side piece. Johnny" He laughs

"Interesting, then tell me why he's at the door right now?" I reply

"Fuck" Oliver says softly

"Hey angel, tough guy" Johnny laughs looking at Oliver

"Did you not get the fucking message?" Oliver says to Johnny

"I did. I just really don't give a fuck" Orlando says back

"I like this guy," Valerie says

"Johnny I advise you to leave right now. Maeve has no interest in you whatsoever." Oliver says with a smug look on his face

"Really? Didn't seem to notice she found some liking to you all of a sudden. Oh, right she hasn't so how about you wipe that smug look off your face? Because last I checked you were too dumb to know what the hell Romeo and Juliet is anyways. I forget you probably got lost gyms that way" Johnny says pointing towards the gym

"You complete asshol-" Oliver replies as he tries to punch Johnny in the face

I run in front of Johnny out of instinct. Which is not weird at all right? I mean he's my friend anyone would do that for a friend right? Oh, who am I kidding who the hell cares?

Oh shit, that really hurt.

"Um Maeve your nose is bleeding let's take you to the nurse," Valerie says grabbing my hand

"You are so fucking lucky she got in the way" I hear Oliver say as Valerie walks me to the nurse

"Does it hurt?" Valerie questions as we arrive at the nurse's office

"Not much. I'll be just fine" I reply back

"No broken bones. looks like you'll be alright" The nurse says

"Yep thanks," I say walking out of the room going straight back towards the auditorium

"Where are you going?" Valerie says

"Oliver is an asshole. Who also gets special treatment from the principal. Gonna try and make sure Orlando doesn't get himself into trouble over his pathetic self" I sigh

"Clearly you don't know Mr. Orlando as much as you think you do, That man has got suspended many times over fighting Oliver's little group members" Valerie rolls her eyes

"I don't blame him for it," I say walking into the auditorium

"Hey Maeve! how's your nose?" Mrs miller asks me

"It's alright, where's johnny?" I ask

"Principals office" Miller responds

This is gonna be a long year.

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