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I woke up to the smell of sizzling bacon.
definitely couldn't be my parents cooking.

I run downstairs to check and make sure my nose wasn't playing tricks on me.

And there I saw. Orlando.

No, no, no I'm seeing things. I close my eyes, Rub them and take another look. Nope, he's still there.

"Morning sunshine," He says with his classic grin

"What are you doing in my house! Better yet how'd you get in my house! You stalker. How do you even know where I live?!" I say confused as hell

"Look in your living room" He points to the couch

I walk into the living room as I snatch a piece of bacon. To find Lauren asleep on my couch.

"And what exactly are you two doing here?" I say crossing my arms

"Lauren said she always gives you a ride to school" He shrugs his shoulders

"Sorry for the questions but, Why would you be here. you guys don't even live together," I ask

"Complicated family stuff. plus, Lauren wouldn't give me a ride unless I came here" He replies as he opens my fridge and grabs the orange juice out.

"And this gives you permission to raid my fridge? I smile

"Be happy I'm making you breakfast sleepy head you're special" He laughs

Okay, But I do have to admit he makes some fire-ass bacon.

"Mm, Orlando the chef. when you'd become so good at cooking?" I say as I grab a cup from the cupboard

"Had to. My dad got in a depressed state after the divorce so it was mostly me taking care of myself" He replies as he pours the orange juice into two glasses

"That sucks. I understand though. Mom's a gold-digger to be completely honest" I say with an awkward laugh

"To unstable families" He laughs handing me a glass of orange juice

"John. Get yourself your own friends, We get it you're obsessed with her but I told you to wait outside" Lauren says walking into the room

"I see your awake, Took you long enough. Made some food. And to my memory, you specifically said to come in with you that you didn't want to go in by yourself" He rolls his eyes

"Oh did it not cross your mind that maybe I have a reputation to keep up! Unlike you john I actually have friends! And people expect things of me. So no nobody's supposed to know we're siblings but thanks for blowing our cover!" Lauren shouts from the other side of the kitchen

"Lauren if you weren't so fucking oblivious all the time you'd know your best friend already knows we're siblings and practically the whole school does!" He shouts back

"Guys chill. First of all your gonna wake up my parents. Second its not that big of a deal. Laur if you really want it a secret I won't tell anyone, promise." I say trying to diffuse the tension

"Whatever we're all gonna be late for school. Get in the car" Lauren slams the front door as she walks outside.

"How do you put up with her?" Orlando says as he holds the door open for me.

"We've been best friends for years. I'm used to it. And thank you what a gentleman" I walk out the door

The whole ride to school had to be one of the most awkward positions I've ever been in.

"Why'd you stop here? the schools a whole block away" Orlando says looking out the window

"Get out." Lauren says

"Laur cmon it's freezing don't make him walk out there," I say trying to stop another argument from starting

"Since when did you care so much about how he feels? Ya know you two have been getting awfully close. Maeve you can get out too go" She looks straight at me

"Are you serious?" I ask

"GET OUT" She yells at the both of us

I get out of the car and close the door behind me. Johnny flips his sister off as he runs straight by me

"How is it that we always end up together" He questions

"What exactly do you mean by that?" I laugh

"Mm, You didn't hear about the play? Somehow everyone keeps pulling us together. Guess it's finally time to figure out why" He says

"I guess so"

About 10 minutes later we get to the school. And to no surprise we're late

"Sorry Laurens being a bitch guess it's my fault," He says as he enters the school doors

"Not your fault at all, She usually has this temper but just not toward me," I say as I walk behind him

"I'll see you later" He smiles

"Yeah, later" I smile back

"Donkey breathe" Luke yells as he runs to me

"Who?" I ask

"You, of course, Miller said she wants to see you," Luke says handing me a cosmic brownie

"Underville, you are my favorite person today," I say opening the wrapper of the brownie

"Ooo, I'm liked by the popular girl" He mimics

"I take that back I hate you."

I walk to millers classroom and guess who just so happens to be there too.


a/n: i have learned i suck at writing romance oml 😐 i need to start watching more romance movies. also is it just me who writes my endings way before i'm even done with the story? just so that way i know how to plot the rest of the story haha

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