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Constant arguing.

That's all you could hear inside my house. Dad yelling at mom for spending most of his money. Her yelling because she should be able to because they're married.

I needed an escape from this somehow. So I did the first thing that came to my mind. Called Luke.

"Hey Luke, do you have Orlando's number by any chance?" I ask curiously

"I do, but what would you need it for?" Luke asks back

"Need it for the play, that's all," I respond with

"I'll text it to you," He says hanging up

About two minutes later I get a text with his number and I call it

It rings about three times before he finally picks up

"Hello? who's this?" He says groggily through the phone

"Uhh it's maeve, Luke gave me your number, And I was wondering if you wanted to get coffee and talk about the play? Since your suspended and all, ya know" I mumble

"You sure this isn't your way of trying to ask me on a date angel" I could imagine his smirk on his face as he said that

"Don't flatter yourself Orlando, I'm not the one who got suspended now am I?" I say back

"Guess you're right, But don't you have school today?" He questions

"Parents won't notice anyway, their too busy arguing. meet me in 10?" I reply

"Give me your address and I can pick you up?" Orlando says

"Okay stalker, I'll see you when you get here" I hang up and text him my address

About fifteen minutes later, I hear a honk from outside. I quickly grab my bag and run downstairs to at least make it look like I'm attending school.

"I'll be back," I say to my parents who are paying zero attention

"ORLANDO ah I'm so excited to see you" I laugh

"Are you now?" he smirks

"I need an escape from the craziness and surely you'll help with that," I say back

"First place, the coffee shop!" He says as he starts driving

"Isn't it nuts how we had no communication not even a month ago? And now we're doing a whole play together" I mumble

"Quite crazy, But I'm glad we get to do it together" He smiles

"It's honestly great to finally get to know somehow who's family life is shit as well," I say with a laugh

"Yeah, sometimes I feel like I'm the odd one out. I never really knew you had so much going on you know? I guess I assumed because you were highly liked that there wasn't really anything going on with you" He replies

"Yeah everyone assumes that, But you're pretty much the only person who knows about it," I say bluntly

"We've only known each other for a bit but I feel like I can trust you so much already," He says as we pull into the parking lot

"Ew don't be all mushy Orlando," I say unbuckling my seatbelt

"Don't you ladies love the cliche men?" He says with his classic smirk

"Definitely not me" I laugh getting out of the car

Johnny then grabs my hand as we enter the coffee shop

"So angel, what would you like?" He says looking at me

"A cappuccino as usual," I say as I look around the place.

Something was oddly different about it. And believe me, I would know, I've been going to the same coffee place for about 3 years.

"Hey, Orlando?" He looks directly at me

"Yes?" He quickly looks to my hand and immediately let's go the second he realizes he's still holding it

"Doesn't this seem a little different to you?" I question continuing to look around

"Yeah I guess, they probably just fixed the place up a little," He says ordering our drinks

I mean I was never all that good with change but finding that the one place I came for in need of comfort has changed felt just off to me.

"No, that's a whole new worker Orlando," I mumble.

"What's the big deal? Somebody probably bought the place. It was down in the dumps anyways" He replies with a harsh tone

"Nevermind it doesn't matter, Um I gotta get to class," I say as I go to walk out the door

"Maeve? You're not seriously gonna leave after we just ordered?" He had the most confused look on his face

"My mom just texted me i don't need her killing me anytime soon!"

I walk out the shop and start heading towards well wherever I could to get away from there. I mean yeah, I did feel bad for lying to him of course but it was the only thing I could think of to get out of there.

"HEY!" I hear from behind me

I turn around and there Johnny is looking straight at me.

"I'm not sure whats up with you and why you left but i'm sorry if I said anything wrong" He stops directly in front of me

"I think I just realized your sisters probably right, I shouldn't be hanging out with you. I mean we just met and you're already holding my hand, Distracting me from things i need to focus on! I don't need all of this right now" I walk off

"Where is all this coming from? You were just fine not even five minutes ago. And if i'm correct here you held my hand long before I even thought to touch yours! Didn't know you followed all of my sister's orders. Hm, Bet she put you up to this too. I'm not sure why you asked to come here with me in the first place, Or why you're being so dramatic about a damn coffee shop" He stops right in front of me again

"You're so full of yourself," I say walking off again

"I'm full of myself?! All I did was come out to ask if you were okay and apologize! Makes me wonder why the hell I got suspended for you in the first place" I hear him say as I continue walking

That coffee shop was the only place I had actual memories of my family together. Now I know that may seem dramatic but growing up without receiving the love you were taught to deserve isn't the easiest. I also know Johnny didn't grow up with the best family either. Damn it.

You really screwed it up this time didn't you Maeve?.

a/n: this chapter may make maeve seem a little dramatic but trust me it will make more sense when you hear more to the story! i almost forgot to publish this chapter tonight so sorry it's kinda late! hope you enjoy!

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