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Lunch. The worst period of the day. Full of people rushing around to get a seat by their boyfriends, girlfriends, best friends.

A waste of my time if you ask me.

"ORLANDO hey wanna sit with us," Maeve says walking with her friends.

Did I ever forget to mention that one of her friends just so happens to be my sister?
I doubt she knows considering the fact that my sister doesn't even live with me and my dad. she kinda acts like I don't exist to be honest.

"Him? sit with us? Maeve he's always drooling over you." Lauren says while casually rolling her eyes.

Didn't know I suddenly turned into a stranger.

"Laur be nice. And you know what i noticed! You two have the same last name. Maybe long-lost cousins?" She laughs

"Come on orlando, oh and bring Luke" Maeve adds

Luke? I don't know if its just me but every encounter we've had shes mentioned luke. I beg the whole world that she doesn't like him.
I may as well just drown myself right then and there.

"Hello, Orlandooo. Haven't I told you it was rude to ignore people? When will you learn man." She says grabbing my hand and dragging me to her table

Jesus. She touched my hand.

"Luke! Hey come join us" She says with her contagious smile.

"Damn mate. i see you scored." Luke whispers as he sits next to me

"She invited me. If it wasn't for my constant need to be nice i'd be leaving right here, right now" I whisper back

"Ooo gossip fill me in." Maeve slides over next to me

"Nothing uh we're just talking about mr millers test next period." I chuckle

"Funny. There is no test next period. You know you're very mysterious Orlando. And you know what? I really like mysterious people. Looks like you'll need to get used to having me around" She glares at me

Get used to having her around? How will that ever happen? She amazes me every second of every day. And now i'm supposed to play best friends with her? Not quite sure how this is going to work.

"Alright, mate. I gotta get to my next class. See y'all in math?" Luke says as he gets up

"For sure. Bye lukeee" She says grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the lunchroom

"Your hands are very soft orlando. you wear lotion?" She says with a loud laugh

"Oh. Uh, thanks. And um Maeve? Next time warn me when your gonna grab my hand and drag me another place" I say with a laugh

"Got it will do. Here's your next warning. I'm dragging you to millers class. Also, must I repeat myself? I hate first names. too boring. I know your not shy orlando stop acting like it" She says bluntly as usual

"How are you so comfortable around me? We've never even met before" I say looking at her

"We have loads of classes together. Aways have. It's like the universe wants us to be friends or something. Plus it's quite obvious you and Lauren are siblings. Don't know why she continues to act like you mean nothing to her" She grabs my hand

"How'd you know?" I ask curiously

"You guys look identical, Plus every time one of you gets called out of class the other does too." She continues to drag me to class

"Makes sense. Well, thanks for accompanying me in lunch. Considering the fact we don't sit anywhere near each other means, We probably won't speak for the rest of the day. So, See you around angel?" I reply carelessly

"Definitely. Also, I have now claimed angel. Nobody else gets it, got it? And we have a project for millers. We're doing it together no if ands or buts about it" She walks to her seat

God she drives me crazy.

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