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Something I was taught to never believe in. I guess you could blame it on my parents. Moms only still with dad because of the money. Sometimes I feel that I'm not even the child in the situation.

Maybe that's why I force myself to interact with Johnny. Because his family life is just as shit as mine. I never really knew the guy. Only heard of him from Lauren and Luke. But the fact he's always staring at me gave me the reason to get to know him.

I've only talked to him a couple of times and for some odd reason, I'm already so comfortable around him. I guess that's how I know we're gonna be great friends.

I ran out the door as I hear Lauren honking her obnoxious horn.


"Move faster Maeve we're gonna be late for hunch's class you know she's no joke," Lauren says

"Yeah, I know. sorry, I was up late, you know the project" I lied

it wasn't the project. I was only with johnny for an hour. it was my parents screaming back and forth all night.

"Johnny keep you up all night? I'm telling you girl he's obsessed with you. watch out" She says starting to drive

"He's not obsessed with me Laur. we just met. He's just an awkward guy there's nothing wrong with that" I reply

"I was friends with the guy last year and all he did was talk about you. He's obsessed." She says back

Friends? god, This girl sucks at lying. Imagine trying to hide the fact that you have a brother. Those two were the closest in sophomore year. You could hardly tell the two apart.

"He probably had a little crush it's no big deal laur just drop it" I laugh

We finally arrive at the school and Lauren walks me to my first period

"Okay you're all set, good luck with that project" She rolls her eyes

Not sure why she hates her brother so much. He's honestly one of the most bearable people at this school, Well and Luke of course. Me and Luke met last year when he gave me a bloody nose with a dodgeball. But that's a story for later.

"Maeve! sit by me right now!!" Valerie says with a smile

"Oh my god! Stop you haven't been at school in two weeks I was starting to think you died in New York or something!" I laugh

" I missed you so much! catch me up, Have we figured out anything about the mysterious boy who likes to stare at you?!" She curiously asks

"As a matter of fact yes. We're working on a project together for English. And he's not mysterious We already knew his name was Johnny. Still not sure why he always stares at me though. But we had coffee yesterday and he seems like a really interesting guy!" I explain to her

"Hm well, how about you invite him to the lunch table today?" She says stealing one of the pencils I had set on my desk

"Good idea. I had already invited him yesterday but he seemed a little nervous. Maybe if it's just us, him, and Luke he'll be more open. I'd love to be his friend!" I say back

"Love, I'm not so sure he wants to be just friends" She laughs

"Will everyone stop saying that! He's a nice guy and I'm sure if he liked me he would've told me already!" I practically yell

"Okay, okay but when something happens I will be the one, in the end, to say I told you so" She huffs

After a couple of hours, it was finally lunchtime and by the noises, my stomach was making I knew I was starving.

"Mrs. Orlando! hey you!" Luke says tapping on my shoulder

"Luke when I said nicknames that is not what I meant. I am not responding to that, goodbye" I walk off

"wait, wait okay Blanchard cmon I gotta tell you something" He catches up to me

"Last names are my thing Underville get your own. anyways what's up?" I say as I walk into the cafeteria

"Well, you know how you and Johnny are working on the Romeo and Juliet piece? Well I heard that Miller is setting up a play for the theater and our class is meant to be apart of it" He says

"Your point here? I'll probably pick an easy part" I say grabbing some lunch

"He's making you and Johnny be Romeo and Juliet!" He laughs

"And where did you hear this news?" I say irritated

"He was talking about it with Hunch. something about the chemistry you two have" He describes.

"Chemistry?! We've barely just met!" I walk to the lunch table.

"What are you two on about?" Johnny says turning around to face me.

"Nothing." Luke answers almost immediately

I zone out for most of lunch trying to sort everything out in my head. So, My friends think Johnny likes me? And now apparently we're meant to play Romeo and Juliet! Why does the universe want us to be friends so badly?

Finally, after 3 more horrid hours school has come to an end

"Hey! Angel! Wait up! You still walking home with me? We gotta finish that project ya know" Johnny says running up to me

"Oh yeah, the project I almost forgot. yeah of course lets go" I smile and start walking with him

The whole walk to his house Johnny goes on about how stupid Romeo and Juliet is and if I'm being honest, I wasn't listening to half of what he was saying

"Well here's my lovely home" he sighs

"Looks amazing" I mumble

"I forgot the keys come on," He says while grabbing a ladder and placing it in front of the window

"How do I know you're not making me help you break into some place?" I state

"Well as soon as we get in there's a bunch of polaroids of me and friends so there's my proof" He responds

"You could've planted them" I laugh

"Sure, sure I'm that dedicated now cmon I gotcha" He grabs onto my waist lifting me gently onto the ladder in front of us

As soon as he grabbed my waist my whole body tingled was that normal?

I climb up the ladder and into the window

"Nice room you got here Orlando," I say observing the room I just entered

"The rest of the house isn't all that nice so let's try to stay in here. I can order us some food if you'd like?" he says sitting on his bed

"All up to you. and seriously are you that embarrassed of your house that I can't get a house tour?" I laugh

"Yes," he says with a small laugh

"You know you're not as bad as everyone makes you seem Orlando"

a/n: i've had this written for a while and i keep forgetting to post the chapter so you get one on a saturday! this chapter is honestly corny but you'll understand everything eventually. hope you enjoy!

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