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Romeo and Juliet.

A play I never had interest in. Well that was until I knew she'd be a part of it

"Hey angel, tough guy" I say walking into the theater

"Did you not get the fucking message?" Oliver looks directly at me

"I did. I just really don't give a fuck" I say back

"I like this guy," Maeve's friend says

"Johnny I advise you to leave right now. Maeve has no interest in you whatsoever." Oliver says with a smug look on his face

"Really? didn't seem to notice she found some liking to you all of a sudden. Oh, right she hasn't, So how about you wipe that smug look off your face? Because last I checked you were too dumb to know what the hell Romeo and Juliet is anyways. I forget, you probably got lost gyms that way" I point towards the gymnasium

"you complete asshol-" Oliver mumbles as his fist comes straight towards my face

I blink for a second only to realize that he hadn't hit me.

Maeve had ran right in front of the way

"Um, Maeve your nose is bleeding let's take you to the nurse," Her friend says

"You are so fucking lucky she got in the way," Oliver says

"Oh yeah because you're really scary" I laugh

As soon as those words come out of my mouth his fist comes in contact with my face.

I think you just about know the next thing that happened. Yeah. I punched him back. Probably not the best idea. But he deserved it well enough for even laying a finger on Maeve

"Boys! BOYS! Break it up right now!" Mrs. Miller says as she stands in the middle

"I swear to fucking god you better watch your back pretty boy," He says walking away

"Mmm, I just think you're mad I actually have some form of contact with her. Don't worry I'll tell you all about it!" I yell as he walks away

"Mr Orlando. you know the drill principles office now." Miller says

"Miller cmon you know he's only gonna suspend me again," I say grabbing my backpack.

"Yeah maybe you'll learn something this time around," She says

About ten minutes later I arrive at the principal's office

"Another fight again Mr Orlando? when will you ever learn?" Mr. Thomson huffs

"Same story, as usual, he threw the first punch, and yet I'm the one who ends up here, Ironic isn't it?" I reply

"What are you trying to imply Mr. Orlando?" He says

"That you're not exactly the greatest at your job. You never suspend the rich kids because their parents suck up to you every single time they meet you. But in reality, they couldn't give two shits about you they just care that their kids are graduating which newsflash! they're not." I say as I grab my bookbag

"Get out. you're suspended. I'll see you in a week" Mr. Thomson says

"Uh-huh" I say walking off

Honestly, at this moment, I felt a little shitty that I left Maeve to practice the play herself.

Somehow some way, I'll find a way to practice with her, this school truly underestimates me.

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