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After the argument with Maeve, I decided to get in my car and leave.

I'm not sure at all what got her so mad? Maybe she found out about everything. Maybe Luke told her? But then again, Why would he? He's been my best friend for years.

Finally, I decide to be smart and call Lauren. She must have something to do with this.

"What" I hear through the phone

"Maeve left? Happy now? Got what you wanted?" I say in a harsh tone

"Took her long enough. You're overly obsessed. But I didn't have anything to do with it. You must've revealed yourself" She laughs

"First of all, I'm not obsessed. And unlike you, I've paid way more attention to her without even knowing her!"

Then the line flatlines. She hung up on me. Absolutely great.

Now, what the hell am I supposed to do?

I get home and immediately run upstairs to my bedroom. Might as well catch up on some homework. Is this what this suspension has really brought me to?

A couple of minutes later my phone buzzes. I pick it up to see that I've gotten a message


"Sorry about Today. I know I screwed things up. Can't really explain what happened today but I hope somehow you'll find a way to forgive me. Forget what I said because I lied. I really enjoy spending time with you Orlando."

There was no way I could possibly not forgive her. I had just met the girl and even before that, I was madly attracted to her. And no matter what anyone said I really wanted to get to know her.

I end up responding telling her to meet me at my house. I grab my coat and go downstairs and wait for her.

"Where are you going?" My dad says turning to face me.

"Since when did you care where I go? Don't act so interested in my life suddenly." I respond checking my phone to hopefully find a text, which I had not got.

"I'm your father, I expect some respect." He says chugging his drink

"That's really funny, Hysterical actually because where were you when you and mom got divorced? Who cooked, Who cleaned the house, Who gave a single fuck about me because it sure as hell wasn't you!" I walk out the door slamming it behind me.

"Yikes, Bad timing?" Maeve says as she gets out of her car

"Every time is a bad time," I mumble

"Well, Today is just not our day huh Orlando? How about let's forget about everything and get some Dinner? I'll pay?" She says as I begin to walk to her car.

"No, Don't worry about paying I can handle that. But yes, I'd love to have dinner with you." I smile

"You're a huge flirt Orlando" She shakes her head.

"The ladies love it" I smirk

She unlocks her car and I get into the passengers seat. The ride there was awkwardly silent. I didn't know what to say and I don't think she did either.

"So, We're here my favorite place of all!" She says with a big smile on her face.

"Norma's? That's your favorite place to eat?" I ask curiously

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