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Maeve had left.

I guess you could blame it on me but she's been staring at that guy with googly eyes for the past hour!

Now according to Luke their on some type of date. Like what the fuck?. You just met the guy Maeve. He could be a complete pervert.

Was I jealous? Yes. Was I gonna admit it to anyone? Hell no. But all I know is this dumbass Wess kid is not getting the girl I've been after for over a year.

And I'm gonna be the one to prevent that.

"DUDE Johnny? HELLO PAY ATTENTION" Luke screams in my ear

"What man" I huff

"Dude I get you're mad that man got your girl or whatever but you're the one who's too wimp to ask her out" he laughs

"She just met me I can't!" I respond

"She also just met Wess and well you see where that's going," Luke says with a smirk

"That's different" I mumble

"How exactly?" He laughs

"They don't have to do some dumb play together."

"I guess you're forgetting you'll be kissing her?" He adds

"Well I guess that's one of the positives, anyway I'm getting outta here" I huff

"Just stop being a dick and apologize to her or something" He shrugs

Apologize to her for what? She's the one who went on a date with the Shawn Mendes wannabe.

I left the shop and started heading home. Sometimes I think it was better when I didn't know Maeve at all. That way I didn't have to deal with her being mad at me, talking about guys with me. That type of shit you know? We've only known each other for a short amount of time but I really thought we clicked. Guess it was just me.

I decide to stop at the gas station before I get home to get myself something to drink. And unfortunately, guess who I see there? Oliver. Now if I were in the right mind I'd probably walk out and forget this ever happened. But at this moment I didn't really give a shit. I go to grab a lemonade when Oliver spots me.

"Look who's here without his little girlfriend to protect him," He says coming towards me

"Still jealous that I have contact with her I see? But sorry to break it to you, I don't really need protecting" I laugh.

"When are you ever gonna learn that she's not into you? You're way out of her league man."

I laugh in response.

"I'm out of her league? Have you seen yourself, man? The only reason you can actually get a girl is because you're on the football team. Nice try though" As soon as those words leave my mouth his face completely changes.

I go to pay for my stuff and realize he's still standing in that same spot. That must've hit him hard. As soon as I pay I walk out of the store and you know how you get that feeling that somebody's following you? Well, that's what I felt.

"What the fuck do you want man?" I asked

"You to finally leave this fucking town" He chuckled.

"Yeah if only, Now if you're problem here is that you think me and Maeve have something going on. Listen I'm not the one you should be worrying about, Go find that little Wess dude and leave me the hell alone".

I continue walking and finally make it home. The first thing I do when I enter the house is go straight into the kitchen.

"Where the hell have you been?" I hear from the other room.

"Out." I retorted.

This probably had to be one of the worse suspensions I've had. Maeve had now had a date that wasn't me. Millers probably mad at me because now we have to cram in practices. And I don't even have my sister to complain to about this anymore.

A couple of my friends had asked me why me and Lauren hadn't talked nor saw each other and to be honest, I hardly know myself. The divorce happened so out of the blue and Lauren automatically ran with Mom. Now of course if I had the option I'd probably choose wherever Lauren had. But I just got stuck with my dad. That girl will never know how lucky she is. She gets everything she ever wanted. And now I'm stuck taking care of myself.

May as well just move out. I have thought about it several times. I have enough money laying around somewhere. But I guess it's the thought of being alone that scares me, but if I think about it. I already am alone. Most of the kids my age don't have to worry about shit like this. Making sure their Dad takes his pills, Doesn't overdrink, Etc. They get to go out and feel independent. But in reality, I'd rather feel independent than be fully on my own. Now if people heard me say shit like this they'd probably think I'd need a therapist or some shit.

Let me stop you from that thought. Johnny with a therapist? That shit will never work. Opening up to people has never been my specialty. And besides, I already had one shitty therapist in my life. I will thankfully never go through that shit again. Countless amount of pills they'd try to put me on, Appointments. Let me just tell you. The shits draining. I'd much rather be fifteen-year-old me worrying about if I look nice enough for school. The only time I ever see Lauren is at school. Whenever I go to my mom's she locks herself in her room or just leaves. I can't be that horrible, can I?

Well, I guess I did just shut Maeve out for no reason. But if I let her into my life it's just gonna get messy. She's not gonna want that. I'd rather just keep her away from that. The girl knows too much already as it is. I don't mean for that to sound rude. Because fuck, I like her so much. But I could never do that to her. And that's why someone like Wess is so good for her. But I don't want to admit that. Nor believe it. Plus Lauren would never want me with her best friend. Completly understandable. Johnny Orlando the fuck up. The only thing I can do right is school and now I'm falling behind on that. See now this is why I hate being alone.

Gives you too many fucking negative thoughts.

Why is it that when your around ten all you want to do is grow up? But when your seventeen all you want to do is go back? What type of sense does that shit make? None. But you know what? Im gonna grow the fuck up for once and if Wess is who she wants to be with, I'll be happy for her.

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