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Well, at least a pathetic excuse for one. Ever since my parents separated my dad turned to alcohol to "Make him happy" Not the best decision if you ask me.

"I got a girl coming over tonight," I say picking up the empty beer bottles

"A girl? what's her name?" As he spoke I could smell the horrible smell of alcohol

"Maeve, We have a project together. So can you help me clean up this mess? She'll be here any minute" I say throwing the bottles in the recycle

"Why don't you go to her place or something? I don't want any visitors," he says taking another chug of his drink

"Because I already told her to meet me here. Just because you can't get your fucking life together doesn't mean to jeopardize mine." I say walking up the stairs.

About 10 minutes later I hear a knock on the door. I run downstairs and open the door slightly

"Hey uh. we might have to cancel tonight" I say walking outside

"You embarrassed of your house Orlando?" Maeve says with a smirk

"No, not at all. How about we go to the coffee shop or something?" I say with a smile

"I'm cool with that. Cmon Orlando lets go" She says grabbing my hand for the 3rd time today. But this time she interlocks her fingers with mine.

The second that happens my hand tingles I swear at this moment I knew what sparks felt like.

We walk over to the coffee shop and enter the building.

"I'll go order. anything you prefer?" she says with her award-winning smile

"Surprise me" I reply smiling back.

"Mm I can already tell we're gonna be great friends," She says as she orders

Friends? I do not want to be friends. god, I swear she's doing this on purpose. Her damn perfume. god, I just wanna wrap my arms around her and inhale it.

"It's rude to stare Orlando." She says handing me my coffee

"Right uh I apologize," I say looking down at the table

"It's alright, I don't mind. though I do wonder what makes me so interesting." She says with a curious tone

"What makes you think I find you interesting angel?" I say with a smirk

"Hm let me think... The way you stare at me for hours in chemistry class, The way you ask Luke about me 24/7. Either you find me interesting or you're madly in love with me. But I highly doubt that so, therefore, you find me interesting" She states sipping her coffee

"Good point. but I do not stare" I say clearly lying

"Ok yeah, Yeah sure now let's do this dumb assignment. You write Juliets I write Romeos?" She says grabbing her notebook out of her bag

"You mean you write Juliet?" I say confused

"No. The whole point of this assignment is to write from a different perspective. So you write Juliet's point of view." She says while writing something onto her paper

"So write how madly in love with Romeo she was that she had to get married at thirteen and killed herself for him? got it" I huff

"Hey! He was in love with her too you know gosh don't ruin their amazing love story" She rolls her eyes

"More like tragic love story. Plus they practically just met and she's already in love with him!" I argue back

"Ever heard of love at first sight Orlando? And maybe they had a connection! you dont know how Juliet felt when they met now do you?!" She says nudging my arm

"Exactly! So how do you expect me to write from her point of view hmm" I laugh

"Just write what comes to your heart orlando it can't be that impossible," She says handing me a piece of paper and pencil

We spend about 30 minutes and the store gets ready to close

"This was really fun orlando. We have to something like this more often but instead not for school" she says as she grabs her bag

"Do you need a ride home? We can walk to my house and get my car" I say

"Well I was just gonna call my mom but you know what why not?" She says walking outside

I look at her and she's shivering. I don't blame her I mean it is freezing. but god does she look beautiful. Okay, Johnny shut up. Hoodie give her your damn hoodie Johnny.

I take off my hoodie "Here put this on" I say handing it to her

"No I'm fine, really" she smiles

"You're shivering. put it on it's no big deal" I reply

"Thanks, Orlando," she says putting it on

It's a little big on her but she makes it look perfect. How does she do it?.

"Well let's get going," She says interlocking her fingers with mine

Sparks again. I don't think ill ever get used to that feeling.

We arrive at my house and I run inside to grab the car keys

"Nice car," She says looking at it

"Thanks," I say unlocking the door and running to open the door for her to get in

"Such a gentleman" She laughs

"Mother taught me well" I laugh back

"So got any hobbies Orlando?" She asks

"Not really I guess I'm quite boring" I reply

"I highly doubt that" She adds

a/n: I AM SO SORRY for the extremely late update!! I'm supposed to update weekly or at least every 2 weeks but I completely forgot! but I've got a few chapters written ahead of time so I'll try to keep the schedule! so I'm gonna try updating on Wednesdays and hopefully, that works. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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