Chapter 1 - Return to the falls

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-Dipper's p.o.v-

Beep beep beep be-

I groaned as I turned off my alarm clock, already annoyed with the day. I sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes as I checked the time on my phone. 6 am sharp.
I debated holding off moving out for another day, just so that I could sleep longer, but I decided against it because the moving vehicles had already been paid in advance.
And so, I swung my legs over the side of my bed and stretched, walking to my closet to get out my clothes so that I could get dressed.

"DIPPER!! Breakfast is ready!" Mable sang as she burst into my room, making me jump out of my skin.
"It is 6 AM, Mable. Relax, it's too early to be happy and annoying without a mug of coffee in my hands." I huffed, thankful she had burst in after I had put on my pants.
She laughed, rolling her eyes as she looked around my nearly bare room. 

"It's going to be quiet here, without you," she whispered, running her hand over my hardwood desk.
Now it was my turn to laugh, shaking my head.
"Quiet? In the same house as Mable Pines? Please, if this house was quiet, tell me why I have to wear earplugs whenever you're in the house?" I teased, Mable only crossing her arms as I did so. "Hardy-har-har. You're so funny, Dipper."

"I know! I should be a stand-up comedian, just like you." I chuckled, putting on my signature blue and white pine tree hat.
I paused for a moment, staring at the hat in the mirror that was attached to my wall. I blinked, turning away from it in favour of packing a few final things into my boxes.

Mable frowned, sighing softly. "Are you sure you want to move there, Dip-Dop?" She asked, concern lacing her voice as she spoke. I nodded, determined. " Course I am. It's the best place to kick off my career, the place is stuffed with oddities and mysteries and-" "Trauma?" Mable finished for me, stopping me from finishing my sentence.
"-and creatures to study." I finished, ignoring Mable's comment. "Mable, we've already had this conversation. A few nightmares and a little bit of trauma aren't going to keep me away from gravity falls." I said, turning to look at her.

"You mean severe trauma that you refuse to get counselling for and nightmares almost every other night that terrify you to the point of sobbing and screaming as though you were only just going through it?" She corrected, voice stern and full of worry, hands placed on her hips.
I ran a hand down my face, letting out a long sigh.

"Mable, I-" 

"You're addicted to it, Dipper. You're addicted to the unknown, addicted to the high you get when you find something new." She sighed, shaking her head.
"Face it, Dipper. The only reason you're going back is that you want, no, need to be in gravity falls." She shook her head, "I'll meet you at the breakfast table." She said, walking out of my room.

I sighed, rolling my eyes.
"Whatever you say, Mable," I muttered to no one in particular. I was tired of having the same fight over and over with Mable. It was annoying and always left me tired, not what I needed today.
I looked out my bedroom window to the front lawn, noticing that the movers were already there. I glanced at my alarm clock. 6:30. Damn.
I hurriedly packed the final things away into boxes, rushing downstairs and grabbing a few pieces of bacon. The movers soon knocked, and I let them in, showing them what would be going with them and what would be coming with me, in my car.

After only a few hours of moving, almost everything was in the moving truck.
I turned to Mable, smiling.
"Well... this is it, huh?" I chuckled, earning a small smile from my twin.
"Yeah... this is it. You're moving out..." She said, her voice sad.
"Awkward sibling hug?" I asked. 

"Awkward sibling hug." She confirmed. We hugged each other for a moment, patting each other's back before pulling away.
"See ya around, shooting star. " I winked as I walked away, "See ya around, Pine tree." She said, but I didn't hear it in her voice... there was someone else's mixed in with it, and if you've paid enough attention you'll know exactly who's voice accompanied hers.
I shoved down a shiver as I walked to my car, ignoring the sense of dread and unease brewing in my stomach. I cast the feeling aside as nerves about moving out.

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