Chapter 11 - Stress

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-Bill's p.o.v-

It was about 8 am when I woke up to sunlight filtering in through my window, practically blinding me as I opened my eyes. I yawned, sitting up in bed as I stretched, looking at my mural. I smiled a little, knowing that Dipper had spent hours on painting it, just for me, despite the fact that I had only arrived here 9 days ago. I glanced over at my desk, staring at the nightlight that was sitting on it. Dipper thought he was slick, but I had almost immediately noticed the two nightlights. However, I did like them, so now I was debating if I should thank him. I cringed, shaking my head. This was stupid, I shouldn't be thanking him so much. I rolled my eyes, throwing off my covers and getting out of bed, getting some clothes and a towel so I could shower. I walked into the bathroom, sighing as I looked at myself in the mirror. I suppose I wasn't quite comfortable in my, supposedly permanent, former body. I looked at my freckles, poking them a little. I looked at my skin, cringing slightly. I was so used to it being bright yellow, but now it was a tan colour. Of course, if I had seen any other person who looked like this I would have thought they were extremely attractive, yet as I stared at myself in the mirror I had a hard time realizing that this was what I would look like If I was an actual human... sure, I guess you could say I was now in my 'original' body and that I should feel at home, yet due to the demonic time difference I had forgotten how hard being a human was. I was no longer used to not having powers, or having to walk, sleep, eat and bathe... I ran my fingers through my fluffy blond hair, remembering when Will used to fawn over it and braid it.

I sighed once more, taking off my shirt, but I froze when I did so. I kept forgetting how obvious the scars were in my human form, and I stared at the lighter parts of my skin that showed where all my scars would have been if I had been human during my torture. Of course, at first, I was a human, which is why I remembered exactly how I got each scar, though others were healed once I was in demon form, meaning they did not leave any physical marks. I could feel the annoying tears welling in my eyes as I thought about it all, making my chest ache. I took a shaky breath, calming myself down as I continued to strip, getting into the shower and starting the water. I yelped as the initial spurt of water hit my skin since it was incredibly cold, but sighed in content when it finally warmed up. I let the warm water flow through my hair and down my face, letting the water wash away my sorrow. I hummed as the water flowed over my shoulders and down my chest, back and legs. I couldn't lie, I had missed certain aspects of being human. Hot showers, food, and not to mention the amazing pleasures you could achieve through certain stimuli. With a demon body... well, let's say demonic bodies/entities are very different than human bodies, so please excuse my horny-ness, but triangles don't usually have a dick, which is something I had been quite upset about. Though, I thoroughly remember what I do and do not, ahem, enjoy... but I suppose that's not really relevant. I shook my head at my own stupidity as I washed my hair and body before getting out, drying off, and putting on my clothes. I had chosen a pair of black skinny jeans and a yellow t-shirt and some alien socks. I exited the bathroom, going into my room to throw my clothes into my laundry hamper.

I made my way downstairs to make some breakfast, the time being around 9 am at this point. Dipper was sitting at the table, playing with Freud as he sipped on his coffee. "Morning, pine tree!" I cheered as I walked in, Dipper flinching slightly at the sound of my voice. He sighed, nodding in acknowledgement. "Hey, Bill..." He murmured, keeping his head down as he sipped his coffee. I paused, raising an eyebrow, "You okay, Dipper?" I question as I got eggs and bacon from the fridge. "yeah, uh... I just have a lot of work to do. Don't bother making any food for me, I'm not hungry. See ya, Bill." Dipper said hurriedly as he rushed back upstairs with Freud, something that was quickly becoming a habit. I sighed, shaking my head. He hadn't even looked at me. I wondered if I did something wrong, or if he actually just had work to do... I cooked and then sat down alone to eat my food, deciding to go relax in my room. I glanced at the sink, noticing that Dipper hadn't yet done the dishes as he had promised. I decided I would remind him later. For now, I went to my room and made my bed before flopping down on it. I started scrolling through my fanfic list, trying to find something entertaining to read, but after only 10 minutes of searching, I found myself bored and at a loss. Since I didn't have a job or any hobbies, I didn't have much to do, and so I started wandering around the giant house. It was the first time I really noticed how many rooms were empty... Dipper and I mostly stuck to the kitchen, living room, bathrooms and our bedrooms, and I became aware that places like the gift shop were completely empty. I heard shuffling upstairs, judging by the direction of the footsteps I would say Dipper was probably relocating to his corkboard room. I shook my head, continuing on to find the rooms I hadn't explored. The museum was empty, serving for more boredom. I debated on calling Pacifica or Mable since Dipper had already put their contacts in his phone, but I didn't really want to be smothered by either of them... finally, the last thing I thought of was to go see Dipper. It was already noon by now, but he was most likely still working.

I shrugged, going upstairs and knocking on Dipper's bedroom door. After receiving no response, I opened the door and walked over to his bed, flopping down on it. I sighed in content, cuddling into his pillows."Seriously, Bill? You have your own bed." Dipper huffed as he walked back into his room. "I know, but I'm booooooored!" I whined. Dipper just rolled his eyes, heading up to his loft. I pouted, rushing up there as well. "Pine tree, can we go out and do something? Please?" I pleaded. "Bill, no. I have too much work to do." Dip said dully, not even looking at me. I tugged on his sleeve gently, pouting as he typed away on his computer and wrote things down. "Bill, I'm busy," Dipper growled. "Please, Dipper?" I begged. He didn't respond, not really paying attention to me. I tugged extra hard on his sleeve, trying to get his attention... and I got it, but it wasn't the attention I wanted. "Goddamnit, Bill! Go sit the fuck down, I don't have time for you right now!" He snapped, ripping my hand off his arm before going back to work. I flinched as he yelled at me, and I won't lie, it did kinda hurt when he tore my hand away from him. I guess I deserve it for annoying him, though. I sulked as I left Dipper's room to get Shreddy, coming back to lay down in Dipper's bed. I cuddled up against his pillows, letting my eyes close as I waited for Dipper to be done with his work, even though I wanted to slap him for being an asshole.

Hours passed, yet Dipper continued to work on whatever he was doing whilst I simply lay in his bed. Despite the fact that he had yelled at me, at some point the tension seemed to fade, and we were left in comfortable silence. Of course, since we were there for hours I eventually found things to do; I was either playing with Freud, reading fanfic, or sleeping. Though, at around 10 pm, once the sky was dark, our peace was interrupted by a bright white light. I opened my eyes to see the moon demon floating in front of Dipper, the younger seemingly staring in awe at the androgynous figure. "Dipper, no!" I yelled as he extended his hand towards Periculosis, seemingly forgetting in his overtired and stressed state that this demon was dangerous. I jumped out of bed and rushed over to Dipper, but just as he was at the tip of my fingers, Periculosis gripped his hand, and they disappeared in a flash of white light. I shielded my eyes as the blast occurred, but re-opened my eyes once the light was gone, staring at the spot where Dipper had been only moments before. I felt my breathing grow quick as I went to his chair, sitting in it as I let my head fall into my hands. "Not again... Don't take him too." I whimpered, knowing that there was nothing I could do without my powers, even if I tried using the journal's spells. I took a breath, trying to stop myself from shaking. The only things I could do were sit, wait, and hope to whatever gods there might be that Dipper would come back alive and well.

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