Chapter 7 - Tension between the twins

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I screeched as I handed Freud to Perseus and ran after her, fuming.
"You CANNOT just invite a ton of people and then take over my house!" Mabel laughed at me as she ran, making my blood boil even more.
"For god sake, MABEL!" I yelled, jumping down multiple stairs as Mabel slid down the railing. "Sorry, Dip-dop! But I can do whatever I want here!" She giggled, running into the living room. I ran after her, but I wasn't expecting to be attacked by everyone and covered with makeup. Grenda held me down while I was poked in the eyes with brushes and ended up getting makeup like foundation and lipstick in my mouth.

"Stop! Let me go!" I screeched, kicking my legs and shaking my head since my arms were confined by Grenda and I was unable to move them. I started to panic, tears collecting in my eyes as the feeling of not being able to move my arms.
"Girls! Girls, hold on!" Pacifica yelled, Grenda finally letting go of me. I scrambled away from them, hyperventilating as I sniffled.
"Oh- Dipper, I'm so sorry. I didn't think-"
"No duh, Mabel! You never do! You never just stop and think before you do something!" I cried. Mabel looked offended.

"Excuse me? Are you calling me stupid?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips.
"No! I'm calling you selfish and inconsiderate! Since you've gotten here all you've done is make life harder for me! You keep telling me what to do, and then you take over my fucking house!" I said, whipping tears from my cheeks as I stood up.
"Have your slumber party, but tomorrow, you can get the fuck out," I said through my sniffles, Mabel looking at me with a shocked expression.
"What?" She asked as if she couldn't believe what I had just said.
"You heard me, and I'm not repeating myself," I said, turning on my heels and going up to my room.

As I entered, Bill and Perseus looked at me from where they were sitting on the bed.
"Holy- Pine tree, are you okay?" Bill asked.
"Do I fucking look okay, Mr.Brick wall?" I asked.
"No, I'm not okay! My own sister-"
"Dipper! You can't just throw me out!" Mabel said as she entered my room.
"Mabel, I'm not repeating myself." I sighed as I turned around.
"Too bad! I'm not just going to up and leave!" She huffed, stomping her foot.
"No! This was my home during the summer for years, Dipper! You can't just kick me out!"

"No! You're just a selfish, paranoid, stubborn prick, Mason!" She yelled, and I just stared at her. "Oh, I'm sorry I-" She shut her mouth as I walked towards her, shoved her out of my room, and slammed the door. I took a shaky breath as I looked back at the other two, being met with their shocked expressions.
"Dipper, if it's that big of a deal, I'll sleep on the floor." Bill offered, and I shook my head.
"No, it's fine, it's not the fact that we have to share a bed that pisses me off so much but rather the fact that she thinks she can just walk in here and tell me what I can and can't do." I sighed, walking over and sitting on the bed.

Perseus offered me some makeup wipes, and I gladly took them, cleaning off the makeup. "Okay, but why is the kid taking my cot?" Bill asked huffily.
"I like to sleep with my shirt off, but I can't keep my binder on at night so sharing a bed makes me uncomfortable," Pers explained, Bill, nodding along.
"Yeah, what he said," I answered.
 "Alright, not a problem, kid." He hummed, tousling Perseus's hair playfully as the boy giggled. "You're cool, I think I can get used to having a dork like you around." Perseus laughed, earning a scoff from Bill.

"Gee, I'm flattered, but I am not a dork. The only dork here is Dipper. He's the one who named a- what is it? A hedgett? Yeah, a hedgett after a psychologist just because he tried ag-"
"Shut your trap, or I swear I will eat your arms like a chicken wing." I huffed, Bill, laughing along with Perseus.
"Okay, I get it, you're both dorks," Perseus stated with a firm nod of the head.

Bill and I laughed lightly, and the three of us got along for a while, just talking and joking around. Freud started squeaking after a while, and Perseus grinned when the little animal started walking around.
"Do you wanna help me feed him?" I asked the already grinning boy. He went wide-eyed, nodding rapidly.
"Alright, hold on." I went up into the loft, mixing the two kinds of milk and grabbing the dropper. I went back down and sat on the bed in front of Perseus, letting him hold Freud while I fed him. "He's so tiny... and his quills are prickly!" He exclaimed excitedly.
"Yup! He's also the first of his kind to be discovered." I laughed, that getting me a punch in the shoulder.

"What was that for?" I asked, glaring at Bill as he laughed at me.
"First of his kind discovered and you didn't think to call me? Rude." The boy huffed, making me chuckle and roll my eyes.
"Okay, okay, sorry, little dude."
"I'm not little! I'm 7 years old!" He huffed.
"Yeah, but you're little to me and Bill." I said, the kid huffing once more and shoving me playfully. I brought my attention back to Freud, feeding him until he stopped eating. The little hedgett jumped around and played for a while before calming down and falling back to sleep. A light knock on the door could be heard behind the sound of our quiet conversation, and so I got up and opened the door.

"Hey, Dipper. I brought you guys a pizza, and I came to tell you that Mabel will be staying with me for a while since you, uh, kicked her out..." Pacifica said.
"Whatever, as long as she's not here. Thank you for the pizza, Pacifica." I thanked her, taking the box from her. She smiled before going back downstairs, letting me close the door and bring the pizza over to Bill and Perseus.
"Dig in, boys!" I cheered as I opened the box, the two of them immediately tucking into the food.

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