Chapter 21 - Playing god (parent)

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Warnings: Blood and vomit

I woke up at the crack of dawn, ignoring how my stomach growled as I made my way back into the gift shop. I ignored William's snores as I scrubbed the floor clean then re-drew the circle. I replaced the candles and started saying the summoning spell again, once again watching as it illuminated, the candles lighting themselves, but no demon made his appearance. I continued to repeat the spell for nearly ten minutes before a knock could be heard on my door. I sighed, blowing out the candles before getting up to answer the door. I opened up, being met with Mabel and Persephone.

"Erm... hi?" I greeted, raising a brow. "Hey! How are you holding up?" Mabel asked, shifting the car seat to her other hand. "Fine. What are you doing here, Mable?" I asked, frowning as I looked at the baby. "Well, I just thought that maybe a day with the baby would calm you down and get your mind off of Bill?" She said, giving me an uncertain smile. "Don't lie to me, Mable." I deadpanned, my twin, giving another sigh. "Fine. Pacifica and Perseus are having a hard time right now, so I want to be there for them, but I can't do that with a baby on my hip." She said, giving me a guilty look. I rolled my eyes and took Persephone's car seat as well as her diaper bag. 

"Thanks, Dipper. You're awesome." She said, smiling at me as she turned and walked away. I looked down at my god-daughter, being reminded of the time Bill had rocked her in an attempt to let me sleep. I took a breath as I brought her to the gift shop, setting her and the diaper bag down on the ground near me as I started again with the encantation. I continued until the baby got fussy which, admittedly, wasn't very long. I looked at her, sighing as I took her out of the seat and gently rocked her. 

"Shh~ It's okay, I know. You're probably hungry, hm?" I said, gently bouncing her as I headed to the kitchen to make her a bottle. Once made, I went upstairs and went into the nursery, sitting in the rocking chair as I fed her. I looked around, frowning as I was once again reminded of who I went shopping to get all this stuff with. I looked down at the child in my arms, pausing with my rocking. "God- I'm holding a fucking baby while grieving for Bill," I muttered to Persephone. "I am such a hopeless, lovesick idiot." I sighed, letting my head fall back against the back of the rocking chair as I resumed rocking the baby. I let her eat a bit more before lifting her up and beginning to burp her. I transitioned between feeding and burping the child until she was done eating, getting up to change her diaper before putting her down for a nap.

I made my way back downstairs, checking the time. It was only 9 am, but that was late enough to start waking people up. "William! Get up. Make yourself useful. You're not going to freeload in my house as long as your brother is missing." I said, taking his pillow and hitting him in the stomach with it. Will shot up and looked around, glaring at me. "Just call your uncles and let me sleep!" He snapped, laying back down and turning away from me. "Fine. Maybe I will." I snapped back, walking back upstairs to get my phone. I was about to dial uncle Ford's number when I paused, shaking my head. He would be outraged if he found out about Bill and I; so I put the phone in my pocket and decided to head down to Ford's office to find some sort of clue- something that might help me get him back. Though, as I looked through everything, nothing seemed like it would help at all.

After nearly an hour of searching through Ford's studies, Persephone began to cry, so I made my way upstairs to get her. Though, when I entered the room, Perseus was sitting on his bed, reading one of his books. "Persy? What are you doing here? I thought you and Pacifica were having a rough day?" I asked, the boy immediately looking up. "We were, but then she yelled at me so I came here." He said, starting to tear up. I frowned, going to pick up the baby before sitting beside the boy. "Do you know why she yelled?" I asked gently as I bounced Persephone in my arms, trying to calm her down. "I was rambling again to try and get my mind off of mom and dad, and I guessed I rambled too much because I only made her cry harder and then she told me to stop-" The boy took a shaky breath, sniffling as he leaned against me. I wrapped an arm around his shoulders as he started to cry, obviously upset about his older sister yelling at him.

"Hey, I know. I know it's upsetting, but you're both upset right now. She's having a hard time with your mom and dad too, so maybe just stay here for tonight? Let her have some space?" I suggested, ruffling the kid's hair. Perseus sniffled and gave me a small smile, nodding. "Okay... but can I go see Bill?" He asked, looking up at me hopefully. I bit my lip, willing away tears as I shook my head. "Sorry, buddy, but Bill is gone. He was taken by some demons yesterday." I said, making Perseus frown. "Well, when will he be back?" He questioned, smiling. "I don't know if he ever will be back, Persy. That's why I've got to figure out how exactly to get him back." I said honestly, giving the boy a small smile as I continued to try and calm Perseus down. 

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