Chapter 23 - Aftermath and Revelations

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Notes: Early update :)

-No one's p.o.v-

Bill watched as Dipper closed his eyes, a final breath leaving him as he went limp in his arms. Bill's eyes widened and his breath hitched as he pulled the man closer, cradling his head against his chest. "Pine tree?" he said softly, tears welling in the former dream demon's eyes as he looked up at his love's family, feeling and looking like a deer in headlights. He looked back at Dipper, biting back a sob. 

Idiot... "You absolute idiot! Why would you do this?" He screamed, rocking a little. He threw his head back and let out an anguished sob/scream, holding onto Dipper tightly. "You idiot! You made me love you, I thought you had poisoned me! You daft, unintelligent, empty-brained slug!" He cried, leaning down to press his forehead against Dipper's. Bill couldn't even look up as Dipper's family walked towards him and hugged the two, letting Bill cry as he held the man he loved, Dipper's body slowly going cold. Wendy checked for a pulse, her eyes widening in terror as she did so. "He's dead... he's actually dead." She said, looking at Mable.

Bill looked at the shooting star, her stunned expression turning into despair as she too broke down, falling into a heap on the floor as Wendy moved to hold her. Bill was still shaking and crying and he barely registered it when Robbie sat in front of Dipper and him, glaring at the demon in a loathsome way. "You did this. You killed him. The only thing you're good for is making us miserable." He hissed.  As much as Bill wanted to argue, he had to agree. He was the one who had started weirdmaggedon, and it was his fault that Dipper was now nothing but a cadaver, a vacant body with no life. So Bill let himself cry and break down. 

The group sat there for what seemed like hours, but in reality, was only a few minutes. The atmosphere hung heavy among them, the pain shared by each person in the room debilitating and full of absolute anguish. It was a torturous pain, the pain of losing a lover, a friend and a brother. So bitter was it that you could taste the salt of blood upon your tongue without it actually being there; The demon held the corpse of his dead house-mate, best friend and partial lover which he had grown so attached to in the past few weeks. The thought of him being really, truly gone was too much to handle. None of them were ready to let go.

Finally, Robbie opened his mouth again to speak, the former demon wincing as he prepared himself to be yelled at, but it was in vain for the sudden white light that appeared beside them. Periculosis was suddenly hovering over the circle, a small smile on their face. "Go the fuck away! Why couldn't you just leave us alone?" Bill yelled as tears continued to roll down his cheeks, the moon demon coming to kneel near him and Dipper's body. Bill glanced at Mabel once more, at how she clung to Wendy, anguished sobs muffled by her chest. He turned his gaze back to the, seemingly, more powerful demon, drawing Dipper closer to his own chest in response to the threat. "Back the fuck up!" He snapped, scooting away from the ethereal being.

"I am so terribly sorry, but you needed to see how you affected all of them. You needed to learn what it was like to lose everything you loved. First, it was William when you two were children. Now, it's Dipper." They said lightly, making Bill's eyes widen. "What do you mean? You took William before weirdmaggedon even started!" Bill said, confused. "Yes. You forget that I am a demon, but I am also a god, or goddess, whatever you prefer. I was tasked with helping you through life and directing you on which path you were supposed to go, however, your original path was nothing but sorrow. So, I set it all up. I already knew your story before you did, and I re-wrote certain chapters so that you could have a happy ending. This was the only way. Your task was never a punishment, I was aiding you, dear. I've done many wrong things for the right reasons, writing the first parts of your story to ensure a happy ending... the rest of your life is purely in your hands, as I am stepping down and allowing you to live out your happiest days." Periculosis explained.

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