Chapter 5 - Trust, who's she?

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I awoke to the sound of birds and the gentle whisper of the wind. I sat up in bed and stretched, yawning as my joints popped. I swung my legs over the side of my bed and looked down at myself. I was still in the clothes I had worn yesterday, which was definitely not sanitary. I made my bed and grabbed some new clothes, heading to the bathroom to take a shower.

I took a mental note to buy a new shower curtain since this one was gross and tattered near the bottom. I quickly showered and got dressed, heading downstairs for a coffee. What I saw as I made my coffee was exactly what I expected.
My clean and organized kitchen, the now clean window and the trees outside. I went through the same routine as yesterday.
Favourite mug, start the coffee machine, voilà. All perfectly expected and normal. What I did not expect, however, was Bill walking in naked. I shrieked, covering my eyes with my hands.

"Bill! Where are your clothes?" I asked, outraged.
"They're in the wash, Pines. You didn't exactly give me more!" He said huffily, pushing past me and grabbing my cup of coffee.
"Hey! That's mine!" I said, uncovering my eyes in favour of trying to get my coffee back.
"Yeah, so? I don't care!" Bill said, taking a sip.
"Stop! That's my favourite mug!" I yelled, pulling his arm down and trying to get my cup back. "Fuck off!" He yelled back, pushing me away. He was slightly taller than me, much to my disadvantage.

"Give it back!" I yelled, practically tackling him. The coffee spilled on the floor, yet Bill still refused to give it back. He threw me off of him, causing my face to come into hard contact with my dear friend, hardwood floor, whilst he stood back up. I immediately stood up as well, my nose now bleeding from hitting it against the floor.
"You know what? Fuck you!" Bill yelled, looking me in the eyes.

And with that, he smashed my mug over the counter, glass shards flying everywhere as I covered my face to avoid being blinded. Once the mug was shattered, there was silence. Bill was panting, looking pissed.
I, however, must have looked just about ready to cry. That was my favourite mug because it was my father's, and he gifted it to me for my 13th birthday.
My father died last year due to cancer. I clenched my fists, tears rolling down my cheeks as I punched Bill square in the nose, the crack of his cartilage resounding in the silence of the kitchen. He held his nose in shock as it bled, tears welling in his eyes.

"You're playing a dangerous game, Pine tree." He growled, right before he pounced at me. The next few minutes were a blur of punches, kicks and insults, at least until a bright white light appeared once more through the windows of the house.
When we blinked, the light was gone, and we were both at different sides of the room. I was fine, but Bill was clutching his chest and yelling in pain.
"Holy shit-" I whispered, rushing over to him.
"What the fuck is happening?" I asked, and he looked at me, his face twisted in pain, any anger from earlier gone. After a few more moments he gasped, breathing heavily as he coughed. 

"What the fuck was that? What happened? Are you okay?" I asked almost all at once, not giving Bill a chance to answer.
"Pine tree... calm down! It was just the moon demon. They're here to keep me in check." He coughed out, groaning as he clutched his chest once more. My eyes widened in realization.
"So they're a demon!" I cried, glad one of the pieces of the puzzle had been discovered. Bill nodded, laying his head back against the cabinet door. I turned my attention back to Bill, my voice evidently hesitant as I spoke.
 "Are you... are you okay?" I asked, earning a cough and a small nod from the demon.

"Yeah... I'm fine but could you... could you help me to stand up?" He asked, looking at me pleadingly.
"Uh... yeah, yeah sure..." I muttered, snaking my arm under his and behind his shoulders, his arm hanging around my neck. I hoisted him up, and he did his best to help, and he eventually found himself leaning against the counter.
"I'm... I'm sorry for breaking your mug..." Bill apologized, and my attention was brought back to the shards of glass on the ground. I was silent as I began mopping up the coffee and sweeping up the glass, Bill watching quietly from where he stood at the counter.
Once I was done cleaning, I was faced with what to do with the naked demon-human boy leaning against my counter.

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