Chapter 24 - denouement

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Warnings: Sickness, ending

I don't remember very much what happened after I fell asleep in Bill's arms. I vaguely remember a bright light, then feeling cold, then suddenly feeling warm and comfortable. 

Now, I could feel someone's hand gripping my own, as well as how the bed dipped beside me, my head being cradled by something soft and fluffy... my pillow, I believe. I could also feel the way my entire body was currently aching, worst of all my side was throbbing again. I winced and groaned, slowly opening my eyes as the dip in the side of my bed shifted. I blinked, groaning and squinting in the sudden light as I registered that I was in my bed, an IV in my arm and a heart monitor attached to me. "Bill..?" I muttered, tilting my head slightly to look at the person beside me. Bill stared back at me with wide eyes, unshed tears filling them as he looked at me, his honey-coloured irises glittering behind them. "Hey there, Pine tree." He breathed, his mouth curving into that grin of his that I had grown to love.

I smiled back, squeezing his hand lightly as I suddenly began to cough, moving my free hand up instinctively to cover my mouth. When I finally stopped coughing, my hand was dripping with blood. I frowned, giving Bill a thankful nod as he handed me a tissue. I whipped my hand and mouth, tossing the tissue into the bin beside my bed. "Mind explaining how you got medical equipment into my room? and why I'm not dead yet?" I croaked. "Uh, about that... you... you were dead for a few minutes. Your heart stopped and-" Bill bit his lower lip, closing his eyes. "You went limp in my arms, then I screamed. I screamed and Periculosis decided that it wasn't your time yet, so they healed you just enough to keep you alive and thought me how to use the medical equipment that you're attached to." Bill said with a watery smile. I frowned, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and pulling him closer.

My former demon started to cry, gripping onto my clothes as though it was the last time he would ever be able to. I ran a hand through his golden hair, allowing him to break down and cry out his distress. I lay my head on top of his, my hand still playing with his hair as the door creaked open. I looked up as William entered. "Holy shit." He breathed, eyes wide and surprised as he nearly dropped the plate of food he was holding. Next was my uncle Ford, who was also surprised when he walked in. "Dipper?" My uncle asked, smiling as he walked over. He checked the monitors, then looked at me again. "Welcome back to consciousness." He joked, making me smile as he ruffled my hair. Willam walked over, smiling. "Hello. How do you feel?" He asked. "It hurts like hell... but I'll be fine," I confirmed, smiling.

Will nodded, breathing a sigh of relief. "Alright. I'll let you guys have a few hours before I call your sister and such. The excitement maybe a little too much for you right now." Will said, placing the food on one of my bedside tables and leaving the room. "Now, let's get that feeding tube out of your throat." He said, and I nodded, letting him take it out. My throat was a little sore, but otherwise, it was fine.

Bill clambered up into bed with me and his face in the crook of my neck, his arms wrapping around my middle.

"So, how long was I asleep?" I asked lightly, though, at these words Bill let out another sob, holding me tighter and making me wince. The other people in the room shuffled awkwardly, glancing at each other with uncertainty. My frown deepened as I looked at Bill. "Bill Cipher, tell me how long I was asleep. Now." I demanded, my voice steely as the former demon gulped. "Well, erm, first my last name is actually Collymore, and you've been asleep for... two weeks," Bill muttered the last part, before letting out another sob, moving closer to me. I sighed, shaking my head and pressing a kiss to Bill's forehead.

"So, what did you guys do the entire time I was passed out?" I asked, gently rubbing a hand up and down Bill's back to soothe him. "Actually- a lot. Bill and I visited our old house, turns out we're actually from here." William answered, chuckling. "Yes, they are. There's a house further in the woods, Collymore house? You may have heard of it at some point? Anyways, their parents passed away after they... well, never mind that for now, but no one ever saw these two very much, that's why everyone was so shocked when we found the house completely abandoned. There were rumours about them being gods or ghosts and just disappearing into thin air." Ford chuckled.

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