Chapter 19 - Calm before the storm

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Warnings: discussions of wounds.

I awoke at around 6 am to hear Persephone crying. I groaned and got off of Bill, kissing his forehead as I rubbed the drowsiness of sleep from my eyes. I headed to the kitchen to make a bottle and headed upstairs, opening the door and walking over to the crib. I picked the little girl up and gently rocked her, but she kept screaming until I started feeding her. I yawned, looking down at my god-daughter. I looked over as Periculosis sat up in his bed. "Dipper?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. "It's okay, kiddo, go back to sleep," I said gently, the boy yawning and laid back down, passing back out only moments after his head hit the pillow. I finished feeding Persephone, burped her, changed her and got her dressed before leaving the room and making my way back downstairs. I made myself some coffee and chugged it down, not bothering to add milk and sugar. I flinched as someone dramatically draped themselves over me. "Morning, Bill," I said, laughing as he grumbled and let go, grabbing some coffee for himself. 

I made my way to the living room and sat down, Bill walking over and draping himself across my lap after putting his coffee on the coffee table. I chuckled as I poked his hair, the strands of golden hair poking up in all different directions, the former demon seeming exhausted. "You good there, freckles?" I questioned, raising a brow as he just huffed. "I don't know if I like kids anymore... they're very loud." He said. "Well, she's quiet now." I offered, the man turning to glare up at me, "Only because you fed the little gremlin. All she does is cry." He huffed. "You're not much better," I muttered, laughing at the shocked, offended look Bill gave me. "Whatever, she's not even that cute." He mumbled. "Okay, demon-boy. Jealous, much?" I asked, the former demon only pouting in response. "Relax, amicus, you'll have my attention back to yourself by this afternoon. I'm pretty sure Pacifica or Mable will be coming to pick the kids up." I said as I picked up the remote and turned on the television to the news, placing my hand in Bill's hair as he fought to stay awake. 

I frowned as they discussed the party, making us re-watch how we had fled from the scene and jumped out onto that ledge. They showed my interview on television, taking a lot of what I had said out of context even though there wasn't much of it TO take out of context. They showed whatever I had in my bag that night, but strangely enough barely showed anything about Bill's interview, only showing his answer to the polygraph questions; "Are you the actual Bill Cipher?" and "What is your relationship towards Mason Pines?" To which he replied; "Yes, I am." and "He's my best friend." To which he got both correct. We both snickered as the investigator's eyes widened, scrambling away as he realized that he was, in fact, the real Bill Cipher. "Guards!" He had yelled, two people rushing to come to get him. That's when Bill started to panic and fight against them, once again asking where I was as they dragged him out. I had already been taken to questioning at that point. One of the guards had to threaten to tazze him before he calmed him down enough to be able to tell him that I was just being questioned and that he would be let go soon. Bill watched this nonchalantly, whilst I nearly started crying. It was like watching a before and after the video.

The memories of Bill being this violent while laughing and setting oddities throughout gravity falls was still vivid in my mind, but once again I was brought proof that he had changed; I knew this because he was being just as violent, but this time it was to make sure that I was okay, that I wasn't getting hurt. "Pine tree? Are you okay? You're holding your breath." Bill said, turning his head to look up at me. I let out the breath I was holding. "Yeah, I- ow-" I winced as the baby started whining, kicking her foot out and kicking my side. I bit my lip. The wound hurt more that I wasn't in shock, but I tried to soothe the baby nonetheless. She kicked again, once again hitting my wound and making me wince. "Bill, I'm sorry, but I need you to move," I said, my friend immediately doing as asked and moving off of me. "Why, what's wrong?" He asked. "I just have to go change her," I said, getting up and heading to the room. I winced as I walked, the wound feeling tight, most likely due to the skin around it. I knocked before I entered the room, making sure I didn't walk in on Perseus in a compromising moment. Thankfully, due to it only being around 7 am, he was still passed out. I quickly changed the baby before taking her back downstairs, sitting on the couch again.

Eventually, Perseus got up at around 9 am and Bill got him some breakfast made as I took care of the baby. It was only around an hour later when Mable arrived to pick up the children. "How did Perseus behave?" She questioned. "He was good. He ran out of the house while we weren't looking, but he was just curious and I've already dealt with it appropriately." I said, smiling a little. She smiled and nodded. "Well, I'm glad no one got hurt." She said, smiling. I chuckled, "Yeah, no one-" "Actually," Bill interrupted me. "Dipper did get hurt, but Perseus has already apologized." Mable looked at me, frowning. "How did you get hurt?" She asked, crossing her arms. "Some sort of shadow demons in the woods. They like to impersonate the seven princes of hell." I muttered. "Where's the wound? I'm guessing you didn't go to a hospital?" She asked. "No, of course, I didn't go to the hospital. If I did that every time I did that then I'd be there at least once a week." I huffed as he walked over to the car seat, gently placing the baby in it and buckling her up. Mable sighed, "Then at least let me see the wound?" She asked, concerned. I glanced at Bill, who gave me an encouraging nod.

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