Chapter 12 - The Ciphers

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-Dipper's p.o.v-

After the bright flash and Bill yelling for me, I passed out from exhaustion. I groaned, my entire body aching as I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a concrete cell with metal bars keeping me in. I was quick to notice the chains around my neck, wrists and ankles. I shivered and I looked down at myself, noticing that I did not have my usual clothes on, instead, I had a gold belt around my waist, keeping long, dark blue cloths where they were supposed to be. The belt seemed to be covered in Egyptian runes of some sort... the only other things I was wearing besides the cloth and belt was a gold and blue gem necklace that fit snuggly around the base of my neck, and some gold armbands. I looked around, taking note of the cameras in each corner of the room, as well as the dried blood and foreign fluids on the walls. I was starting to panic, my eyes wide as I deduced that I was obviously in some sort of jail or basement, and I knew exactly what would eventually happen to me. Bill had warned me, but my logic had obviously been impaired due to my lack of sleep. My breath quickened, and I started pulling at my chains to see if I could slip out of them. I couldn't get my hands or ankles free, however, the clinking of my chains soon alerted someone.  A young man stood in front of my cell, smiling softly. The man looked relatively identical to Bill, the only difference being the man's gentle blue eyes and hair.  

"Hello, Mason Pines. I'm glad that I'm finally meeting you. Mother told me a lot about you and my brother." The man said, but it wasn't difficult to piece together who he was. "Hello, William." I hissed, looking at him. I tried to keep somewhat calm despite the fact that I was already panicking. Will sighed, shaking his head as he unlocked and opened the cell door. He walked in, smiling as he knelt in front of me, gently placing his hand on my cheek and tilting my head up. I flinched away, moving towards the back wall of the cell. "You know, Dipper... I can see why my brother is so fond of you. I'm really sorry we had to meet this way..." He trailed off, his voice going quiet. He looked around before walking over and undoing the chains around my ankles, holding tight to the chain attached to my metal collar and the ones around my wrists as he detached them from the wall. "Come along, now, they are waiting for us," he said, pushing me forward and out of the cell. I glanced around, demons and people staring and whispering as we passed. I didn't quite know where we were, but my best guess is that we were in a city of some sort. I glanced behind me, seeing that the cell I had been in having disappeared, thoroughly confusing me as I looked back towards the front. From the cell, it had looked like I was in a building, but I guess not.

Many demons stopped in their tracks upon seeing me, muttered things like "That's Bill's boy..." and "I hope they're being careful with him... one wrong move and Bill will destroy us, too." A few demons seemed to have children hiding behind them, watching me with wide, curious eyes. One even got curious and ran over to me, but after one glance from Will took off running back to his parent. I stared at the many horrifying demons, monsters and oddities. I could feel the familiar fear and dread building in my gut but did my best to ignore it as William chuckled. "You're quite popular in this dimension, you know... after weirdmaggedon Bill made quite a name for himself... Let's just say no one would dare hurt you, let alone go near you." He hummed as we walked up to a large door. He snapped his fingers, the doors slowly creaking open for us, and then slamming shut after we had walked in. We were greeted with a large room akin to a throne room, demons aligning the sides of a red carpet leading up to, you guessed it, the moon demon. Sitting on a throne. We walked down the carpet, people bowing as we passed in front of them, though I didn't know if they were bowing to me or William... I supposed it didn't matter. Once we were standing directly before the moon demon, William kneeled as well. "Hello, little one. Welcome."  Periculosis said, their booming voice echoing in my ears. "Take me home," I demanded angrily. The higher demon laughed, smiling at me. 

"No... I don't think so... not yet, at least. This is a test. We must see how far our dear Bill is willing to go to take you back..." They laughed, opening their hand and creating a sort of bubble screen to show what Bill was doing. He was pacing my room, clearly ranting to himself. He looked panicked and scared, but it seemed like he was moving in slow motion to me. I could see the fear in his eyes when he faced the 'camera'. I frowned, trying to reach for the bubble, only to remember my hands were bound. "For him, it's only been a few minutes since you've arrived... you've been here for at least a day already. You've just been passed out for most of it." Periculosis said. "So far, all he's done is panic and beg me to bring you back." They said, sighing. "Now, I am not going to harm you... I simply need to know if he is really as fond of you as he says. You see the entire dimension of demons and monsters is forbidden from even showing themselves to you, however, rules are meant to be broken. Though, I doubt Bill will let any of us live once he finally gets back..." They sighed. I laughed, shaking my head. "No. You must be lying. I doubt Bill even has that sort of power." I laughed. 

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